Which of the following best characterizes the muckrakers of the early twentieth century?

20. Most Progressives sought all of the following EXCEPT the(A) democratization of the political structure(B) reformation of children's labor laws(C) expansion of women's rights(D) legislative creation of a socialist commonwealth(E) application of "scientific methods" to solve social problems

21.American writers of the 1920's have often been called the "lost generation" because they

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22. Charles Lindbergh became a national hero for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

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23. Which of the following best characterizes the muckrakers of the early twentieth century?

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24. During the presidencies of Harding and Coolidge, which of the following was true about most of the federalregulatory agencies created during the Progressive Era?(A) They kept business divided into small, fiercely competitive units.(B) They were declared unconstitutional.(C) They were abolished.(D) They served mainly to aid business.(E) They were placed in the hands of the states.

25. The American Federation of Labor (AFL) split apart at its national convention in 1935 because

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26. Despite its isolationist position in the 1920's, the United States government actively intervened throughout thedecade in which of the following areas of European affairs?

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27. Which of the following was true of the settlement-house workers of the late nineteenth and early twentiethcenturies?

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28. In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover disagreed most strongly about the desirability of(A) a balanced federal budget(B) farm price supports(C) federal aid to corporations(D) a program of public works(E) federal relief to individuals

Review 9 Answers1. C11. C12. E13. C14. E15. D16. D17. C18. C19. B20. D21. B22. C23. C24. D25. D26. A27. A28. EDDAEABACB

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Terms in this set (47)

2. Which of the following emerged during the progressive era as the most influential advocate of full political ,economic and social equality for black americans?

Web. Dubois

4. Jacob Rii's oHow the other half lives is a study of ,

immigrant urban poverty and despair in the 1890's

5. From the 1880s to the beginning of thte new deal, the dominant American idnian policy


6. Progressive reformers rejected social Darwinism because they believed that

Conflict and competition

7. Whicch of the following statements about American cities between 1890 and 1930 is correct?

A. area of resident increasingly

8. Which of the following led immediately and directly to TR's issuance of the Roosevelt corollary to the Monroe doctrine?

E. American frear financial instability

9. D.W. Griffit;s epic film, the birh of a nation (1915) became controversial because of its

Depiction of KKK

10. Which of the following statement sabout women suffrage is true?

D. the only states with compete womean suffrage before 1900 were west of he missisiipii

11. Constitutional amendment encatec during the progressive era concerned all of the following EXCEPT

B. imposition of poll taxes

12. Joseph pulitzzer achieved fame and wealth as a

News paper publisher

13. Which of the following best accounts for thte fact that Slavic immigrants in the late nietentht and early twentiet h centuries settled pricinpally ni mdwestern citites like pittsburg, Detroit, and Chicago?

C Midwestern steel, meat packing

14. During Woodrow wilson's administration, the federal government attempted to counteract the economic influence of big business by

E. establish FTC

15. Which of the following was true of the America nlabor movement in the late nineteenth century?

E. it was involved ina number of vilent strikes

16. As a result of the Spanish American war

E. The Phillipnes

17. Most progressives soguht all of the following except the

D. Legislative creation of the social commonwealth

18. Which of the following best characterizes the muckrakers of the early twentieth century?

C. they were leading critics of urban boss politics

19. TR's mediation in the Russo-Japanese war freflected his belief that US interests were best served by

D balance of power between japan and russia

20. In the late nineteen century, all of the following encouraged marican jingoism EXCEPT

D flooding of American markets by foreign producers

21. The creation of the federal reserve system in 1913 did which of the following?

Made currency and credit more elastic

22. Which of the following was true of the settlement-house workers of the late nineteenth and earlier twentieth century?

A they included large numbers of middle class educated women

23. The US Open door policy in Asia did which of the following?

C Bolstered American commericla iners in China

24. The public-s response to Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle helped bring aboutB Pure food and drug act


25. ".. the policy of the government"

B. Open door notes

26. In the early twentieth century the largest American ccities were characterized by all of the following eexcpept

B neighborhoods that were increasingly mixed in their economic composition

27. The dieals and ideas for progressive reformers were not represented in which of the following

D National origins act

28. The open door policy in china called for which of the following?

E. equal commerical

29. One reason early twentieth century mucrackers wera ble to have a significant impact on society because

A sales and ciruclatinoo of newspaper and magazine increased

30. Jacob Riis is beest known for his work in the 1890s as a

E. journalist and photrographer

31. Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to

E. arbitrate a labor dispute

32. During the presidency of William Taft, United States policy in Latin America was driven primarily by

E concern for us economic and strategic interests in the regio

33. When the war broek out in Europe in 1914, president woodwor Wilson established a policy that called for

B acknowledgement of American netural rights on the high seas

34. Which of th e following is an example of progressive era legislation

A pure food and drug act

35. The "real heart" of the progressive movement was the effort by reformers to

B. Use the government a an gency of human welfare

36. The political roots of the progressive movent law is the

Green back labor parry and populists

37. The progressive movement was instrumental ni getting the seventeenth amendment added to the Constitution, which provided for

B. Direct election of senators:

38. In Muller V. Oregon, the supreme court upheld the principle promoted by progressives like Florence Kelley and Louis brandeis that

E. Female workers required special rules and protection on the job

39. While president, Theodore Roosevelt chose to labe l his reform proposals as the

E. Square deal

40. The sixteenth amendment provided for

A personal income taxt

41. The federal reserve act gave the federal reserve board the authority to

A issure paper money and icnrease

42. Woodrow Wilson showe the limits of his progressivism by

E accelarting the segration of blacks in the fuderal burecracy

43. With the outbreak of world war I in 1914, the great majority of americans

Stay out of war



44. In 1899, guerilla warfare broke out in the phillipines because

B the us refused to give Filipino people their independcy

45. The phillipine insurrection was finally b roken in 1901 when

Emilio aguinaldo

47. China's boxer rebellion was an attempt to

Kll foreigners

48. Teddy RRoosevelts role in the Panamanian revolution involved

A. using American naval forces to block Columbian troops from corssin gth eisthmus

49. The rooseelt corollary added a new provisoon to the Monroe doctrine that was specifically designed to

E. justify us interfention in the affairs of latin American countries

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What was the goal of muckrakers?

Muckrakers were journalists and novelists of the Progressive Era who sought to expose corruption in big business and government. The work of muckrakers influenced the passage of key legislation that strengthened protections for workers and consumers.

What were three goals of the progressives?

Together their efforts built the progressive movement. The progressive movement had four major goals: (1) to protect social welfare, (2) to promote moral improvement, (3) to create economic reform, and (4) to foster efficiency. Reformers tried to promote social welfare by easing the problems of city life.

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