Who is authorized to overturn a decision by an IACUC to suspend an activity involving animals quizlet?

PHS Policy requires the following IACUC members:
1. Veterinarian, chair, nonscientist, nonaffiliated
2. Veterinarian, chair, nonaffiliated, scientist
3. Veterinarian, nonaffiliated, scientist, nonscientist
4. Veterinarian, nonaffiliated, nonscientist, statistician

Which of the following lists the required members of an IACUC constituted to comply with both Animal Welfare Regulations and PHS Policy?
a) 4 members- Chair, veterinarian, scientist, and non-scientific member
b) 5 members- Chair, veterinarian, scientist, non-scientific member, and recorder (or secretary)
c) 4 members- Chair, veterinarian, and two scientists
d) 5 members- Chair, veterinarian, scientist, non-scientific member, and non-affiliated member

Which of the following lists the required members of an IACUC constituted to comply with both USDA Animal Welfare Act Regulations and PHS Policy?
A. 4 members-chair, veterinarian, and two scientists.
B. 5 members-chair, veterinarian, scientist, non-scientific member, and recorder (or secretary).
C. 4 members-chair, veterinarian, scientist, and non-scientific member.
D. 5 members-chair, veterinarian, scientist, non-scientific member, and non-affiliated member.

Which of the following sets of IACUC members are required by the AWA and/or PHS?
A. A practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, person who is not affiliated with the organization, and public relations specialist.
B. A public relations specialist, veterinarian, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization.
C. A public relations specialist, veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, and person who is not a scientist.
D. A veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization.


Category E of the USDA report form applies to " animals upon which teaching, experiments, research, surgery or tests were conducted involving accompanying pain or distress to the animals and for which the use of appropriate anesthetic, analgesic, or tranquilizing drugs would have adversely affected the procedures, results, or interpretation of the teaching, research, experiments, surgery, or tests."

Who is authorized to overturn a decision by an IACUC to suspend an activity involving animals?

8: Suspend an activity involving animals. If an IACUC suspends an activity or denies approval of an animal activity, the decision cannot be reversed by an institutional authority. However, institutional leadership may say no to an animal activity that was approved by an IACUC.

Which of the following is true regarding the Iacuc's authority and responsibilities regarding research animal misuse?

A change in personnel. Which of the following is true regarding the IACUC's authority and responsibilities regarding research animal misuse, mistreatment, or noncompliance? The IACUC has regulatory authority to stop any animal activities to protect either animals or people.

Who is given institutional responsibility for ensuring that personnel are properly trained to perform animal procedures as required by law?

Per PHS Policy and USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, the IACUC is given responsibility for ensuring that research personnel are properly trained to perform animal procedures.

Who is given the authority to decide if a deficiency identified during a semiannual IACUC evaluation is significant or minor?

Terms in this set (26) Who is given the authority to decide if a deficiency identified during a semiannual IACUC evaluation is significant or minor? The IACUC and Institutional Official (IO) together.