Windows 10 taskbar on top of rdp session

This is an unknown Windows issue that occurs when working with a remote desktop application in fullscreen mode, and is not caused by FixMe.IT or any other remote desktop tool.

Here’s how to fix it:

Fix 1:

While it might seem a bit too straightforward, a simple reboot is known to fix the issue in most cases. If that doesn’t work, try one of the other options below.

Fix 2:

  1. Press CTRL+Shift+Esc to access Task Manager.
  2. Navigate to Startup tab and close all apps that you don’t need to be running in background.

Fix 3 [for FixMe.IT users]:

Select another remote desktop scaling option from the Scaling settings menu.

Fix 4 [for FixMe.IT users]:

Resize the remote desktop window from fullscreen to windowed mode and then back to fullscreen mode.

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Some users have been reporting not being able to see the taskbar when connecting to a computer via RDP. The Remote Desktop Connection feature makes the use of RDP [or Remote Desktop Protocol] for the user to access a remote computer. This is different from the taskbar being auto-hidden until the mouse pointer hovers on it. In this case, the taskbar is entirely inaccessible, making the usage of the remote computer very hard.

Here are some suggestions you can try to fix the issue. They should be carried on the remote computer.

  1. Restart Windows Explorer process.
  2. Clear cache for multiple processes.
  3. Reinstall the Shell Experience components.
  4. Update, Uninstall, or Rollback, the Display driver.

Show local taskbar in the Remote desktop

1] Restart Windows Explorer process

In order to restart the File Explorer, open the Task Manager.

Under the tab of Processes, look for Windows Explorer.

Right-click on it and select Restart.

2] Clear cache for multiple processes

Open Notepad.

Paste the following in the text area:

@echo off taskkill /f /im explorer.exe taskkill /f /im shellexperiencehost.exe timeout /t 3 /NOBREAK > nul del %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\TempState* /q timeout /t 2 /NOBREAK > nul start explorer @echo on

Hit CTRL + S.

From the Save dialog box, select the save as type as All files and name the file as CacheClearTWC.bat

Navigate to the location where you saved that file using the File Explorer and just run it normally.

It will run a couple of batch scripts, and it should fix your issue.

3] Reinstall the Shell Experience components

Open Windows PowerShell with Administrator rights.

Execute the following command inside the command line:

Get-appxpackage -all shellexperience -packagetype bundle |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode [$_.installlocation + “\appxmetadata\appxbundlemanifest.xml”]}

Once the execution is completed, it should fix any issues with regard to the Shell experience that you are encountering.

Related: Taskbar has disappeared from the Desktop

4] Update, Uninstall or Rollback the Display driver

A flawed installation might have caused the issue. Else, an outdated and incompatible driver might also trigger the same issue. Lastly, a corrupted or improper installation would do the same.

The Display driver is responsible for scaling and arranging components on Windows 10. You can either update the Graphics Driver or rollback or reinstall it. These actions can be performed from the Device Manager under the section of Display adapters.

I hope this guide helped you.

Ayush has been a Windows enthusiast since the day he got his first PC with Windows 98SE. He is an active Windows Insider since Day 1 and has been a Windows Insider MVP.

I open RDP to another machine - virtual / remote, focus it [it is full screen over all monitors], the host Taskbar on middle monitor goes behind the RDP session - ok.

When I do ALT-TAB to focus app from host system, the main TaskBar goes on top - ok.

And finaly, when i ALT-TAB or click into RDP, the main taskbar stays on top hiding the remote raskbar. I have to go out from fullscreen rdp and back, the main taskbar goes behind the RDP. I expect the same behavior using ALT-TAB or click to RDP client.

When DisplayFusion is turned of, the taskbar acts normally.

I tried the same scenario on Windows 10 - with or without Anniversary update and also there is the same problem.

I am using RDP for most of time i work with PC, can you please fix this ?

thanks Kubiix


6 discussion posts

Yes, it is the standard Windows Taskbar doing this. But it happens, only when DF Taskbars are running on other monitors. I believe, that DF somehow affects Windows Taskbar, which is staying in front of RDP fullscreen session, until I minimize/restore RDP and maximize it back, then it disappears.


6 discussion posts

Hi, file is attached

Let me know if you need more info from me

• Attachment [protected]: DF Info.txt [80,566 bytes]


6 discussion posts

I made a short video and uploaded it to YouTube - better play at 0,5x speed


Also you can notice one more thing, in first part, when is DF running, when RDP is minimized the icon of RDP is not in taskbar of the primary monitor - the one recorded, but is is in taskbar on laptop LCD. This does not happen when DF not running and using Win taskbar on all moniotors with only icons of programs on that monitor. When RDP is minimized icon goes to main monitor taskbar, when restored not full screen, id goes to taskbar on monitor, where bigger part of RDP is.

Nov 12, 2016 [modified Nov 12, 2016] •


6 discussion posts

Hi, here is the log file, the time when I have focus on application from main OS and click into RDP window and the taskbar from main OS stays in front of the one from RDP is exactly 9:11:00

• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.7z [44,592 bytes]

Hi Keith,

I just ran into this problem as well [using the version released on 12/23/16]. My workaround for now is to just quit DF while my RDP session is active. Any progress on fixing this? In case it is helpful, debug info is attached. The log file spans about 4 minutes. I started my RDP session about 15 seconds into the session.

• Attachment [protected]: [75,835 bytes]

Evan Greene

1 discussion post

I have had this issue for a long time. The start menu on the non-default display is pushed to the background behind all open windows when remote desktop is opened on the primary window.

Also, I noticed when you click the start menu on the non-primary very quickly it pushes the start menu over to the primary display.

I've disabled triggers to ensure no faulty configuration as well.

• Attachment [protected]: start menu 3.avi [1,920,512 bytes]

• Attachment [protected]: start menu goes to background when returning from rdp.avi [4,110,848 bytes]


6 discussion posts

Now I am working mainly from Win 10 so I switched DP taskbar off - the only reason was clock on all taskbars and this feature is now in Win 10. I have noticed also problem, when remote desktop is only on primary monitor and I click on the start menu on non primary monitor, the taskbar on primary monitor goes on top, hiding the one in RD. In Win 10 I noticed also another issue, when using DP Alt-Tab window, there are many icons of Windows Explorer with black preview and switching on them leads nowhere. For example 4 of 10 icons in the Alt-Tab window are these fake running apps.


2 discussion posts

I also have this issue for a few months now and never related it to DisplayFusion until now.

Same as the other, if I'm closing it or even just disabling multi-monitor taskbar, everything goes back to normal and just work. As soon as I re-enable DF, the issue is back.

Something must be wrong with the focus management...


1 discussion post

I'm having a similar issue.

I have a Windows 10 desktop with 3 monitors. My main monitor is in the middle. I turned off the additional taskbars in windows. I have display fusion providing a taskbar on the other monitors. I use Microsoft's Remote Desktop software to remote into other computers. My computer is the client in this RDP scenario.

When I remote into another computer I have the display configuration slider all the way set to "Full Screen" and the "Use all my monitors for the remote session" box unchecked, I have no problems with the client's taskbar showing over my RDP session. It works correctly on any of my 3 monitors.

However, if I decide I want my RDP session to be full screened across all 3 monitors, I have issues with only the main Microsoft taskbar showing over my RDP session. In the RDP display settings I have the "Use all my monitors for the remote session" box checked for the session to span across all 3 monitors.

I found that if I disable Display fusion and try the full screen RDP session across all monitors, the Microsoft taskbar disappears like it should.

How do I show the taskbar in a full screen RDP session?

You can achieve what you want manually by specifying the resolution of the RDP session on the Display tab. Set it very close to your monitor's resolution minus the height of your taskbar and the width of your window borders.

How do I show the taskbar in Windows 10 Remote Desktop?

Set the local taskbar to "Always on top": You can configure your local taskbar to always be on top, even when using Remote Desktop in fullscreen mode. To do this, right-click an empty space on the taskbar, click "Taskbar settings," and turn on the "Always on top" option [if available in your Windows version].

How do I get the top bar on Remote Desktop?

You can add the items you use the most to the Remote Desktop toolbar. In Remote Desktop , choose View > Customize Toolbar. You can also Control-click either the Remote Desktop toolbar or the toolbar of a computer being observed or controlled, and then choose Customize Toolbar.

How do I hide the taskbar when connected to Remote Desktop?

Click on "Personalization". Step 3. On the left pane, click on “Taskbar”. And then select “Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode”.

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