An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

If you’ve worked with Azure for a while, you would know that one of the most efficient methods of deployment is ARM templates and one of the most powerful services is Azure Policy. What you might not know, is that you can combine the two for efficient, iterative and defined deployments.

A great point I saw recently on Twitter was that a lot of technical posts highlight features and how to use them but rarely go into why you should use them. Conscious of that, here are a couple of points on why I think you should make use of Policy via Template (PvT):

  • Quick deployment time – hilariously quick.
  • Repeatable defined structures – the exact policy definition, applied to the exact scope, with no possibility of user error.
  • Confident flexibility – Templates are idempotent; need to update the definition? Update the template, deploy the update, job done.

So if the “why” makes sense to you, let’s move onto the “how”. If it doesn’t, let me know! I’d love to hear your horror stories/use cases…

Templates can be deployed in several ways, for the sake of simplicity, I’m going to use two tools here. Visual Studio Code and Powershell. Currently you can only deploy subscription scope resources via Powershell or CLI.

There are some other differences to note. The schema for the template must be:

When deploying the template, it must be deployed to a location and given a name (the name of the template will be used if none is specified), that combination is then immutable for that location. So if you need to change location, you need to use a new name etc.

Now, let’s create our template. For this post, I am going to use an existing Template Definition and scope it to my Subscription. While you can pass the Template Parameters via Powershell Variable, for this post I am going to define them as a Template Variable. This is tricky piece of logic as they must be defined as a nested, object array. I also define the policyID via Variable. For existing definitions, you can get this via the Portal, or Powershell command

Get-AzPolicyDefinition | select PolicyDefinitionId -ExpandProperty properties | where displayName -Match "allowed locations"
    "$schema": "",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {},
    "variables": {
      "policyName":"Allowed Locations",
    "resources": [
            "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments",
            "name": "[variables('policyName')]",
            "apiVersion": "2018-03-01",
            "properties": {
                "scope": "[subscription().id]",
                "policyDefinitionId": "[variables('policyDefinitionID')]",
                "parameters": "[variables('policyParameters')]"

Now are Policy deployment is defined and ready for use, we deploy using Powershell:

New-AzDeployment -Name "pvtDeployment" -Location northeurope -TemplateFile 'C:\Users\username\Documents\WDA\PvT.json'

You should receive a succeeded message within your shell and you can verify via the Portal. As it was a subscription level deployment, head to your Subscription blade and check the Deployments tab. You should see the Template listed as the same name as you ran for the deployment.

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

You can then confirm your settings via heading to Azure Policy and the Assignments blade. You will see your Policy Definition assigned at the scope you set, using the Parameters you set.

Just to go back to an early point on why you’d use this option. Look at the duration of the deployment in the above screengrab – 1 second. You simply cannot beat that!

This can obviously be used for much more complex deployments, for example, defining your own policy inline and deploying via template. The possibilities are endless with one current exception; Subscription is highest scope you can currently use, hopefully Management Groups are on the roadmap and therefore the scaling capability is excellent.

As always, if there are any questions or suggestions, please get in touch!

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

One of the positives of Azure is that it can offer you so many possibilities when it comes to deployment options. However, if you don’t implement the correct governance, this can very quickly become a negative. Historically, Cloud has had difficulties when it comes to sprawl; Azure Policy is a service that will help prevent that.

Azure Policy isn’t only a tool for prevention either. With the right policies, you can audit and enhance your environment in terms of efficiency, security and compliance. This gives you greater insight into your Azure deployment and confidence in your requirements.

Governance in Azure is addressed in many ways; a good place to start for overall strategy is the Azure Architecture Center. It has specific sections on Governance as well as overall design guidelines.

So how does Azure Policy work? At its core, it is an assessment service. You create policies with specific rules and scopes. Once the policies are active, they audit all resources in the included scope for compliance. Policies can range in complexity; you can use the default templates or create a custom one to meet your needs.

There are two core areas when dealing with Azure Policy:

Policy Definition

Every policy must have a definition. The definition contains all the details of the conditions under which it’s enforced. It also has the defined effect that occurs if the conditions are met. Definitions are created using JSON and the full structure is defined here. You will need familiarity with this if you are going to write your own custom policies.

Allowed Locations Policy Example:

    "properties": {
        "mode": "all",
        "parameters": {
            "allowedLocations": {
                "type": "array",
                "metadata": {
                    "description": "The list of locations that can be specified when deploying resources",
                    "strongType": "location",
                    "displayName": "Allowed locations"
                "defaultValue": [ "westus2" ]
        "displayName": "Allowed locations",
        "description": "This policy enables you to restrict the locations your organization can specify when deploying resources.",
        "policyRule": {
            "if": {
                "not": {
                    "field": "location",
                    "in": "[parameters('allowedLocations')]"
            "then": {
                "effect": "deny"

Policy Assignment

A policy assignment is a policy definition that has been assigned to take place within a specific scope. Assignments range from Management Groups to a single Resource Group. The scope of the assignment refers to all the Resource Groups, Subscriptions, or Management Groups that the Definition is assigned to. Inheritance is enabled for all assignments. Therefore, a policy applied to a resource group is also applied to all resources in that resource group. However, you can include exclusions as a sub-scope of the assignment. For example, a Definition is assigned to a Subscription; all Resource Groups inherit the Definition but you need a single Resource Group excluded. Rather than redo the Assignment for each Resource Group, you can simply exclude it from the Subscription assignment.

Your First Policy

Now that you understand what Azure Policy is, let’s get started with our first policy. For this example, I’m going to prevent Public IP addresses being deployed within a Subscription. This is something I commonly add to IaaS projects that are connected to a local LAN.

Once you’ve logged in to the Azure Portal, make your way to the Azure Policy service, I normally use the search bar as below as it’s quick!

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

Once you’re on the Overview blade, a handy option for your first time is to click the Getting Started option. This details the steps to take and we’re going to start by browsing default Definitions so click that View Definitions option as below:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

This will bring you to the Definitions blade. You will see a lot of built-in policies. To simplify things, click the search bar and enter “not allowed”, this will bring up the Definition we will use, then go ahead and click on the Policy name “Not allowed resource types” as below:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

You’re now in the Definition page, where you can see the exact structure in JSON format. We’re going to jump straight to Assignment from here by clicking “Assign” as below:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

This will bring you the assignment blade. Our first step is to set a scope. I’m going to go ahead and choose my Subscription and a Resource Group, then click “Select” as below:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

We’re going to leave most of the settings as they are, but you can where you can set Exclusions below. We’re going to click the drop down arrow as highlighted:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

This opens a huge list of resource providers and types. Thankfully, there is a search bar, so type in “public” to narrow the list and tick the checkbox for Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses, then click away from the list as below:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

We’re almost there! You can see that publicIPAddresses are now defined as a parameter. So click the blue “Assign” button as below:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

Now your policy is assigned, we need to give it a couple of minutes to propagate. Now, when I try to create a Public IP resource in my scoped Resource Group (I’ve used POSH in Cloudshell, but deployment method doesn’t matter) I’m told I cannot as it’s disallowed by policy:

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

You’ve now successfully applied your first Azure Policy! As you can see, even though this is a single Definition it is still very powerful. Your options to layer Definitions and apply custom ones allow for full control of your environment with very little effort. Azure Policy should be high on your list of priorities for your Azure deployments.

As always, if there are any questions, please get in touch!

I’m sure most of you have seen recent announcements relative to Blueprints as well as multiple Microsoft posts about the service and what it can do to improve your environments. However, what if you’re not sure about what they are and if they are usable for your environment? Hopefully, that’s where this post comes in. I’m going to explain exactly what they are and why you might use an Azure Blueprint. This should allow you to make a decision on whether you need them or not.

Following on from that, I think that’s the first basic point about Azure Blueprints. Similar to several other new services in Azure, the functionality is great and could help progress a lot of environments, but that doesn’t mean they help, or are even useful in a lot of other environments. Never feel guilt-ed into using a new service because there is a “buzz” about it at launch. Assess the service, understand it, assess it’s usability versus your requirements then TEST TEST TEST! Don’t forget, Blueprints are still in preview so no production workloads yet.

So, what is an Azure Blueprint? To try explain it plainly, it is a collection of governance and resource services, defined in such a way to allow you to repeat deployments to a set standard.

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription
Azure Blueprints overview

The collection of governance and resource services within a Blueprint are referred to as Artifacts. Within each Blueprint, you can make use of any combination of the following:

Resource Hierarchy options Description
Resource Groups Subscription Create a new resource group for use by other artifacts within the blueprint. This enables you to organize resources and provides a scope for other artifacts.
Azure Resource Manager template Subscription, Resource Group
Templates are used to create resources. This could range from individual deployments to entire environments.
Policy Assignment Subscription, Resource Group Allows assignment of a policy or initiative to the subscription and/or resource group the blueprint is assigned to. Any
parameters are assigned at creation of the blueprint or during blueprint assignment.
Role Assignment Subscription, Resource Group Role assignments can be defined for the entire subscription or nested to a specific resource group included in the blueprint.

As you can see above, artifacts can be deployed/assigned at different levels. However, the Blueprint itself must be located in either a subscription you have at least Contributor access to or a Management Group. If located within a Management Group the Blueprint is available to any of the child subscriptions of that group.

When defining your Blueprint, several artifact options allow you to choose parameters that are passed from Blueprint to artifact. For example, when defining a Resource Group, you can choose to specify the name and location. You don’t have to specify these parameters within the Blueprint, you can also allow these to be passed when the Blueprint is assigned.

Once you have your Blueprint defined, your next step is to publish it. When publishing, you must indicate a version. I found it odd that this isn’t restricted in some way, you can literally name one version “1.0” and the next “B” so I’d recommend adding notes with each version and try to stick to a pattern. However, it makes sense if you’re going to use different versions for different assignments (I’ll explain that next), so choose relative to your requirements.

When your Blueprint is published, you can then assign it. A nice feature is the ability to assign different versions of a Blueprint to different subscriptions. For example you could have two versions of a Blueprint, that have different artifact definitions (think test version and production version) assigned to different subscriptions. They can be independently updated too.

At assignment, there are some options to chose as well as subscription. They are Resource Locking and Managed Identity.

For Managed Identity, it’s recommended you simply choose System Assigned as the Blueprints service will then manage the security lifecycle. More on Managed Identities to help you understand and choose what’s right for your environment.

The Resource Locking feature really allows you to maintain control of your governed deployment. If you’re not familiar with Resource Locks, check out this post. The familiar status applies to resources deployed by a Blueprint assignment:

  • Not locked
  • Read Only
  • Cannot delete

However, once a status is applied, not even a user/object with the Owner role can modify it. This is due to how these statuses are applied. An RBAC deny assignments deny action is applied to artifact resources during assignment of a blueprint if the assignment selected the Read Only or Do Not Delete option. The deny action is added by the managed identity of the blueprint assignment and can only be removed from the artifact resources by the same managed identity.

So, how do you edit or delete your resources? Update your Blueprint to “Not locked” and push the update to the relevant assignment. This method prevents unwanted and unexpected changes occurring outside of the scope of the Blueprint.

There is quite a learning curve for Blueprints I think as they combine several other services you must be familiar with, so for me, you have to start there. Understand each of the artifacts fully so you can see how they may work well if defined in your environment.

Recently, sample Blueprints have been released to allow you to deploy governed pre-designed environments with a couple of clicks, one sample is the ISO27001 Shared Services which I think is good to help understand the service, even if it might be slightly complex for your first test.

Again, Blueprints are still in Preview. So be as cautious as always with your production environments. I look forward to seeing what changes come with GA, which shouldn’t be much longer considering Blueprints were announced back at Ignite. I will update this post relevant to GA when it happens.

As always, if you have questions, leave a comment, mail me, or ping me on Twitter!

An initiative can only contain policies that are located in the same subscription

When considering production workloads for your Azure environment there are some simple features that ensure the safety of your workloads that are being overlooked. The features I’m referring to are Resource Locks and Resource Manager Policies (RMPs).

Both features allow you greater control over your environment with minimal administrative effort. In my opinion, regardless of whether you are running production workloads or not, you should at the very least be using Locks and RMPs as a preventative method of control over your deployments.

Locks are a very simple and quick tool that can prevent changes to your environment in an instant. They can be applied at different tiers of your environment. Depending on your governance model, you might want to apply at the subscription, resource group or resource level, all are possible. Locks have only two basic operations:

  • CanNotDelete means authorized users can still read and modify a resource, but they can’t delete the resource.
  • ReadOnly means authorised users can read a resource, but they can’t delete or update the resource. Applying this lock is similar to restricting all authorised users to the permissions granted by the Reader role.

Locks obey inheritance, so if you apply at resource group level, all resources contained within will receive the applied lock, the same is true for subscription level assignments.

Of the built-in roles, only Owner and User Access Administrator are granted the ability to apply and remove locks. In general, my recommendation is that all production resources are assigned a CanNotDelete lock. Environments such as UAT where performance etc is being monitored are more suited to a ReadOnly lock to ensure consistent environment results.

RMPs can be used individually or in conjunction with Locks to ensure even more granular control of your environment. RMPs define what you can and cannot do with your environment. For example, all resources created must be located in the European datacentres, or, all resources created must have a defined set of tags applied.

In terms of scope, RMPs can be applied exactly the same as Locks and also obey inheritance. A common scenario here is to apply a policy at subscription level to specify your allowed datacentres, then if you have a traditional IT Resource Group design, specify policies at RG level allowing only specific VM sizes for dev/test to manage cost.

There are many combinations that can be put to use to allow you greater control of your environment. At the end of the day, Azure allows for huge flexibility by design, but it is important for many companies for both security and cost management reasons to be able to exercise a degree of control over that flexibility.

A little tip if you are using both features, make sure you apply a CanNotDelete Lock to your important RMPs!

Azure Policy evaluates resources in Azure by comparing the properties of those resources to business rules. These business rules, described in JSON format, are known as policy definitions. To simplify management, several business rules can be grouped together to form a policy initiative (sometimes called a policySet).

What is the policy initiative?

An initiative is an important act or statement that is intended to solve a problem.

What is the difference between an initiative and a policy?

An Initiative is a collection of policy definitions that are tailored towards achieving a singular overarching goal. Initiative definitions simplify managing and assigning policy definitions.

What is an initiative in Azure policy?

What is Azure Policy Initiative Definition? An initiative definition is a collection of policy definitions that are grouped towards achieving a singular overarching goal. Initiative definitions simplify managing and assigning policy definitions by grouping them as a single assignable object.