Danh sách 100 động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng hàng đầu năm 2022

  • Khoa học
  • Thế giới tự nhiên

Thứ năm, 22/9/2022, 00:00 (GMT+7)

Gần 1/3 số loài động vật trên Trái Đất hiện có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng với nhiều trường hợp có thể biến mất chỉ trong vài thập kỷ tới.

Hành tinh xanh đã trải qua 5 sự kiện tuyệt chủng hàng loạt trong lịch sử và nhiều chuyên gia cảnh báo rằng sự kiện thứ 6 có thể đang diễn ra do hoạt động của con người kể từ "kỷ nguyên khám phá".

Theo Sách Đỏ của Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế (IUCN), khoảng 41.000 loài động vật - chiếm gần 1/3 tổng số được đánh giá - đang bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng, trong đó có nhiều loài và phân loài nổi tiếng như đười ươi Sumatra (Pongo abelii), báo Amur (Panthera pardus orientalis), voi Sumatra (Elephas maximus sumatranus), tê giác đen (Diceros bicornis), đồi mồi (Eretmochelys imbricata), khỉ đột sông Cross (Gorilla gorilla diehli) và hổ Sunda (Panthera tigris sondaica).

Một con báo Amur non tại vườn thú Leipzig ở Đức vào ngày 23/11/2021. Ảnh: AFP

Một con báo Amur non tại vườn thú Leipzig ở Đức vào ngày 23/11/2021. Ảnh: AFP

IUCN mô tả mức độ cực kỳ nguy cấp là "một danh mục chứa những loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng cực cao do số lượng giảm nhanh từ 80% đến hơn 90% trong 10 năm (hoặc ba thế hệ), quy mô dân số hiện tại dưới 50 cá thể, hoặc những yếu tố khác".

Nhiều loài trong danh mục này đang bị đe dọa đến mức chúng có thể không tồn tại đến năm 2050. Ví dụ, chỉ còn 70 con báo Amur trong tự nhiên, trong khi cá heo California - loài động vật biển có vú quý hiếm nhất thế giới - chỉ còn lại 10 cá thể, theo Tổ chức Quốc tế về Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên (WWF).

Ngoài ra, có vô số loài ít được biết đến cũng đang gặp nguy hiểm. Một đánh giá năm 2019 xuất bản trên tạp chí Biological Conservation cho thấy hơn 40% các loài côn trùng đang bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng, trong đó có những loài cực kỳ nguy cấp như châu chấu râu trắng (Chorthippus acroleucus), dế bụi phía nam dãy Alpine (Anonconotus apenninigenus), bướm xanh Swanepoel (Lepidochrysops swanepoeli), ong nghệ Franklin (Bombus franklini) và châu chấu không cánh Seychelles (Procytettix fusiformis).

Trong một báo cáo vào năm 2018, Ủy ban Liên chính phủ về Biến đổi Khí hậu (IPCC) nói rằng hơn 90% rạn san hô trên thế giới có thể chết vào năm 2050 ngay cả khi đạt mục tiêu giới hạn sự nóng lên toàn cầu ở mức 1,5℃.

San hô rất dễ bị tổn thương do hiện tượng tẩy trắng khi nước biển ấm lên. Ảnh: Lea McQuillan

San hô rất dễ bị tổn thương do hiện tượng tẩy trắng khi nước biển ấm lên. Ảnh: Lea McQuillan

Tương lai của động vật lưỡng cư cũng không sáng sủa hơn. Một nghiên cứu đăng trên tạp chí Nature năm 2022 ghi nhận 2/5 số loài lưỡng cư đang bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng. Vào năm 2050, 35% loài ếch có thể biến mất tại các vùng nhiệt đới ẩm ướt của Australia.

Trong khi hiện tượng tuyệt chủng xảy ra trong tự nhiên, hoạt động của con người có thể đẩy nhanh tốc độ biến mất của một loài.

"Các hệ sinh thái trên đảo là ví dụ hoàn hảo để minh họa điều này. Chúng bị cô lập và thường có mức độ đặc hữu cao. New Zealand đã báo cáo sự sụt giảm từ khoảng 230 loài chim vào thời điểm con người xuất hiện xuống còn khoảng 150 loài hiện nay - mất khoảng 80 loài chim", Nic Rawlence, Giảng viên cao cấp về ADN cổ đại tại Khoa Động vật học thuộc Đại học Otago của New Zealand, cho biết.

Nếu có đủ thời gian, nhiều loài có thể thích nghi với những thay đổi khí hậu và thay đổi môi trường tự nhiên của chúng. Một nghiên cứu trên tạp chí Trends in Ecology & Evolution năm 2021 đã nhận thấy một số loài động vật "đang thay đổi hình thái" để đối phó tốt hơn với biến đổi khí hậu, trong đó các loài chim dường như dễ thích nghi nhất. Theo nghiên cứu, một số loài vẹt Australia trong 150 năm qua đã tiến hóa để có kích thước mỏ tăng lên, một sự thích nghi cho phép chúng điều chỉnh nhiệt độ bên trong cơ thể tốt hơn.

Tuy nhiên, với hoạt động của con người làm tăng tốc độ biến đổi khí hậu và tàn phá của môi trường, những loài động vật dễ bị tổn thương nhất sẽ không kịp thích nghi.

Theo Rawlence, để bảo vệ đa dạng sinh học còn lại trên Trái Đất, chúng ta cần biết nó phản ứng như thế nào với biến đổi khí hậu và tác động của con người trong cả quá khứ và hiện tại, để có thể dự đoán những gì có thể xảy ra trong tương lai, từ đó thực hiện các chiến lược bảo tồn hiệu quả.

Đoàn Dương (Theo Live Science)

Các nhà khoa học cảnh báo rằng vụ tuyệt chủng hàng loạt thứ 6 trên Trái đất có thể đang diễn ra do các hoạt động của con người kể từ Thời đại Khám phá (Age of Exploration). Một số còn nghi ngại rằng số lượng loài bị tuyệt chủng cho tới năm 2050 có nguy cơ chiếm tới 40% các loài còn tồn tại trên Trái đất hiện tại.

Nic Rawlence – giám đốc Phòng thí nghiệm Di truyền, giảng viên cao cấp về DNA cổ đại tại Đại học Otago, New Zealand cho biết: “Tôi nghĩ điều đó (cuộc tuyệt chủng thứ 6) rất có thể sẽ xảy ra. Nếu không bị tuyệt chủng hoàn toàn, các loài khó thích nghi với sự thay đổi nhanh của môi trường hiện tại sẽ đối mặt với các vấn đề khác như giảm thiểu số lượng cá thể, tuyệt chủng cục bộ và tuyệt chủng về mặt chức năng”.

Theo Danh sách Đỏ của Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế (IUCN) về các loài bị đe dọa, khoảng 41.000 – gần 1/3 tổng số loài được đánh giá hiện đang đối mặt với nguy cơ tuyệt chủng. Một số loài tiêu biểu trong nhóm này là đười ươi Sumatra (Pongo abelii), báo Amur (Panthera pardus orientalis), voi Sumatra (Elephants maximus sumatranus), tê giác đen (Diceros bicornis), rùa biển đồi mồi (Eretmochelys imbricata), hổ Sunda…

Danh sách các loài Cực kỳ nguy cấp của IUCN chứa tên các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng cực cao do có số lượng cá thể giảm nhanh, từ 80% đến 90% trong hơn 10 năm trở lại đây hoặc chỉ còn lại dưới 50 cá thể. Nhiều loài trong số này đang bị đe dọa nghiêm trọng đến mức chúng có thể không tồn tại được đến năm 2050. Ví dụ, chỉ có 70 con báo Amur vẫn còn trong tự nhiên, trong khi Vaquita (Phocoena sinus), một loài cá heo được cho là loài động vật biển có vú quý hiếm nhất thế giới, chỉ còn 10 cá thể. Một số loài côn trùng góp mặt trong danh sách này là châu chấu đầu trắng (Chorthippus acroleucus), dế bụi Nam Alpine (Anonconotus apenninigenus), bướm xanh Swanepoel (Lepidochrysops swanepoeli), ong vò vẽ Franklin (Bombus Franklini), ong nghệ Franklin, châu chấu không cánh Seychelles (Procytettix fusiformis).

Rất khó để có thể xác định chính xác số lượng các loài có khả năng bị tuyệt chủng vào năm 2050, phần lớn là do quy mô của sự tuyệt chủng vẫn chưa được xác định. Tuy nhiên, có một điều chắc chắn rằng nếu những hành động quyết liệt không được thực hiện càng sớm càng tốt, cuộc tuyệt chủng quy mô lớn lần thứ 6 diễn ra sẽ là điều không tránh khỏi.

* Mời quý độc giả theo dõi các chương trình đã phát sóng của Đài Truyền hình Việt Nam trên TV Online và VTVGo!

Acanthorutilus handlirschi Cicek (minnow) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Accipiter fasciatus natalis Christmas Island goshawk Birds Endangered Wherever found Accipiter francesii pusillus Anjouan Island sparrowhawk Birds Endangered Wherever found Accipiter gentilis laingi Queen Charlotte goshawk Birds Threatened British Columbia, Canada Accipiter striatus venator Puerto Rican sharp-shinned hawk Birds Endangered Wherever found Achatinella spp. Oahu tree snails Snails Endangered Wherever found Acinonyx jubatus Cheetah Mammals Endangered Wherever found Acipenser brevirostrum Shortnose sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Acipenser dabryanus Yangtze Sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Acipenser medirostris green sturgeon Fishes Threatened Southern DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Acipenser mikadoi Sakhalin sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Acipenser naccarii Adriatic sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Acipenser oxyrinchus (=oxyrhynchus) desotoi Gulf sturgeon Fishes Threatened Wherever found Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon Fishes Endangered Carolina DPS - See 50 CFR 224.101 Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon Fishes Endangered Chesapeake Bay DPS - See 50 CFR 224.101 Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon Fishes Endangered New York Bight DPS - See 50 CFR 224.101 Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon Fishes Endangered South Atlantic DPS - See 50 CFR 224.101 Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon Fishes Threatened Gulf of Maine DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Acipenser sinensis Chinese sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Acipenser sturio European sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Acipenser transmontanus White sturgeon Fishes Endangered U.S.A. (ID, MT), Canada (B.C.), (Kootenai R. system) Acrocephalus familiaris kingi Nihoa millerbird (old world warbler) Birds Endangered Wherever found Acrocephalus luscinia Nightingale reed warbler (old world warbler) Birds Endangered Wherever found Acrocephalus percernis aquilonis Eiao Marquesas reed-Warbler Birds Endangered Wherever found Acropora cervicornis Staghorn coral Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora globiceps No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora jacquelinae No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora lokani No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora palmata Elkhorn coral Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora pharaonis No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora retusa No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora rudis No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora speciosa No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Acropora tenella No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Addax nasomaculatus Addax Mammals Endangered Wherever found Adelocosa anops Kauai cave wolf or pe'e pe'e maka 'ole spider Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Aepyceros melampus petersi Black-faced impala Mammals Endangered Wherever found Aerodramus vanikorensis bartschi Mariana gray swiftlet Birds Endangered Wherever found Agelaius xanthomus Yellow-shouldered blackbird Birds Endangered Wherever found Agelastes meleagrides White-breasted guineafowl Birds Threatened Wherever found Ailuropoda melanoleuca Giant panda Mammals Endangered Wherever found Aipysurus fuscus Dusky sea snake Reptiles Endangered Entire Akialoa stejnegeri Kauai akialoa (honeycreeper) Birds Endangered Wherever found Alasmidonta atropurpurea Cumberland elktoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Alasmidonta heterodon Dwarf wedgemussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Alasmidonta raveneliana Appalachian elktoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Alauda razae Raso lark Birds Endangered Wherever found Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei Swayne's hartebeest Mammals Endangered Wherever found Alcelaphus buselaphus tora Tora hartebeest Mammals Endangered Wherever found Alethe choloensis Thyolo alethe Birds Endangered Wherever found Alligator mississippiensis American alligator Reptiles Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Alligator sinensis Chinese alligator Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Alouatta palliata Mantled howler monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Alouatta pigra Black howler monkey Mammals Threatened Wherever found Amazilia luciae Honduran emerald hummingbird Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona arausiaca Red-necked parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona brasiliensis Red-tailed parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona collaria Yellow-billed parrot Birds Threatened Wherever found Amazona guildingii St Vincent parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona imperialis Imperial parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona leucocephala Bahaman or Cuban parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona pretrei pretrei Red-spectacled parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona rhodocorytha Red-browed parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona versicolor St. Lucia parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona vinacea Vinaceous-breasted parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amazona vittata Puerto Rican parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Amblema neislerii Fat threeridge (mussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Amblyopsis rosae Ozark cavefish Fishes Threatened Wherever found Ambrysus amargosus Ash Meadows naucorid Insects Threatened Wherever found Ambystoma bishopi Reticulated flatwoods salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Ambystoma californiense California tiger Salamander Amphibians Endangered U.S.A. (CA - Santa Barbara County) Ambystoma californiense California tiger Salamander Amphibians Endangered U.S.A. (CA - Sonoma County) Ambystoma californiense California tiger Salamander Amphibians Threatened U.S.A. (CA - Central California) Ambystoma cingulatum Frosted Flatwoods salamander Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Ambystoma macrodactylum croceum Santa Cruz long-toed salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Ambystoma mavortium stebbinsi Sonoran tiger salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Ameiva polops St. Croix ground lizard Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Ammodorcas clarkei Clark's gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis Cape Sable seaside sparrow Birds Endangered Wherever found Ammodramus savannarum floridanus Florida grasshopper sparrow Birds Endangered Wherever found Amphispiza belli clementeae San Clemente sage sparrow Birds Threatened Wherever found Amytornis goyderi Eyrean grasswren (flycatcher) Birds Endangered Wherever found Anacropora spinosa No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Anaea troglodyta floridalis Florida leafwing Butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Anairetes alpinus Ash-breasted tit-tyrant Birds Endangered Wherever found Anas aucklandica nesiotis Campbell Island flightless teal Birds Endangered Wherever found Anas laysanensis Laysan duck Birds Endangered Wherever found Anas wyvilliana Hawaiian (=koloa) Duck Birds Endangered Wherever found Anaxyrus baxteri Wyoming Toad Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Anaxyrus californicus Arroyo (=arroyo southwestern) toad Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Anaxyrus canorus Yosemite toad Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Anaxyrus williamsi Dixie Valley Toad Amphibians Emergency Listing, Endangered Entire Andrias davidianus (=davidianus d.) Chinese giant salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Andrias japonicus (=davidianus j.) Japanese giant salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Anguispira picta Painted snake coiled forest snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Anodorhynchus glaucus Glaucous macaw Birds Endangered Wherever found Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus Hyacinth macaw Birds Threatened Wherever found Anodorhynchus leari Indigo macaw Birds Endangered Wherever found Anolis roosevelti Culebra Island giant anole Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Anoxypristis cuspidata Narrow sawfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Antechinomys laniger Eastern jerboa marsupial Mammals Endangered Wherever found Antechinus apicalis Dibbler Mammals Endangered Wherever found Antilocapra americana peninsularis Peninsular pronghorn Mammals Endangered Mexico (Baja California) Antilocapra americana sonoriensis Sonoran pronghorn Mammals Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Antilocapra americana sonoriensis Sonoran pronghorn Mammals Experimental Population, Non-Essential In Arizona, an area north of Interstate 8 and south of Interstate 10, bounded by the Colorado River on the west and Interstate 10 on the east; and an area south of Interstate 8, bounded by Highway 85 on the west, Interstates 10 and 19 on the east, and the U.S.-Mexico border on the south Antrobia culveri Tumbling Creek cavesnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Antrolana lira Madison Cave isopod Crustaceans Threatened Wherever found Aonyx congicus (=congica) microdon Cameroon clawless otter Mammals Endangered Wherever found Aphelocoma coerulescens Florida scrub-jay Birds Threatened Wherever found Aplodontia rufa nigra Point Arena mountain beaver Mammals Endangered Wherever found Aplonis pelzelni Ponape mountain starling Birds Endangered Wherever found Apodemia mormo langei Lange's metalmark butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Aproteles bulmerae Bulmer's fruit bat (=flying fox) Mammals Endangered Wherever found Aptenodytes forsteri emperor penguin Birds Threatened Wherever found Aquila heliaca adalberti Spanish imperial eagle Birds Endangered Wherever found Ara ambiguus Great green macaw Birds Endangered Wherever found Ara glaucogularis Blue-throated macaw Birds Endangered Wherever found Ara macao ssp. cyanopterus Scarlet macaw Birds Endangered Wherever found Ara macao ssp. macao Scarlet macaw Birds Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Southern DPS Ara macao ssp. macao Scarlet macaw Birds Threatened Northern DPS Ara militaris Military macaw Birds Endangered Wherever found Aratinga guarouba Golden conure Birds Threatened Wherever found Arcanator orostruthus Dappled mountain robin Birds Threatened Wherever found Arcidens wheeleri Ouachita rock pocketbook Clams Endangered Wherever found Arctocephalus townsendi Guadalupe fur seal Mammals Threatened Wherever found Ardeotis (=Choriotis) nigriceps Great Indian bustard Birds Endangered Wherever found Assiminea pecos Pecos assiminea snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Ateles geoffroyi frontatus Spider monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Ateles geoffroyl panamensis Spider monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Atelopus varius zeteki Panamanian golden frog Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Athearnia anthonyi Anthony's riversnail Snails Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Athearnia anthonyi Anthony's riversnail Snails Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Athearnia anthonyi Anthony's riversnail Snails Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Atrichornis clamosus Noisy scrub-bird Birds Endangered Wherever found Avahi laniger (entire genus) Avahi Mammals Endangered Wherever found Axis porcinus annamiticus Indochina hog deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Axis porcinus calamianensis Calamianes (=Philippine) deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Axis porcinus kuhli Kuhl's (=Bawean) deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Aythya innotata Madagascar pochard Birds Endangered Wherever found Babyrousa babyrussa Babirusa Mammals Endangered Wherever found Balaena mysticetus Bowhead whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Balaenoptera borealis Sei whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Balaenoptera musculus Blue whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Balaenoptera physalus Finback whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Batagur baska River terrapin Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Batrachoseps aridus Desert slender salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Batrisodes texanus Coffin Cave mold beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Batrisodes venyivi Helotes mold beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Bebrornis rodericanus Rodrigues warbler (old world warbler) Birds Endangered Wherever found Bebrornis sechellensis Seychelles warbler (old world warbler) Birds Endangered Wherever found Bettongia gaimardi Gaimard's rat-kangaroo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bettongia lesueur Lesueur's rat-kangaroo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bettongia penicillata Brush-tailed rat-kangaroo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bettongia tropica Queensland rat-kangaroo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bison bison athabascae Wood Bison Mammals Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (Alaska) Bison bison athabascae Wood Bison Mammals Threatened Wherever found Blastocerus dichotomus Marsh deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Boloria acrocnema Uncompahgre fritillary butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Bolyeria multocarinata Round Island bolyeria boa Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Bombus affinis Rusty patched bumble bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Bombus franklini Franklin's bumble bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Bos gaurus Seledang Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bos javanicus Banteng Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bos mutus (=grunniens m.) Wild yak Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bos sauveli Kouprey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Brachylagus idahoensis Columbia Basin Pygmy Rabbit Mammals Endangered U.S.A. (WA-Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, Adams, Benton Counties) Brachylophus fasciatus Fiji banded iguana Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Brachylophus vitiensis Fiji crested iguana Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Brachyramphus marmoratus Marbled murrelet Birds Threatened U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA) Brachyteles arachnoides Woolly spider monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bradypus torquatus Brazilian three-toed sloth Mammals Endangered Wherever found Branchinecta conservatio Conservancy fairy shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Branchinecta longiantenna Longhorn fairy shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Branchinecta lynchi Vernal pool fairy shrimp Crustaceans Threatened Wherever found Branchinecta sandiegonensis San Diego fairy shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Branta (=Nesochen) sandvicensis Hawaiian goose Birds Threatened Wherever found Brychius hungerfordi Hungerford's crawling water Beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Bubalus depressicornis Lowland anoa Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bubalus mindorensis Tamaraw Mammals Endangered Wherever found Bubalus quarlesi Mountain anoa Mammals Endangered Wherever found Buceros (=Rhinoplax) vigil Helmeted hornbill Birds Endangered Wherever found Bufo houstonensis Houston toad Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Bufo periglenes Monte Verde golden toad Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Bufo superciliaris Cameroon toad Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Burramys parvus Mountain pygmy possum Mammals Endangered Wherever found Buteo galapagoensis Galapagos hawk Birds Endangered Wherever found Buteo platypterus brunnescens Puerto Rican broad-winged hawk Birds Endangered Wherever found Cacajao spp. Uakari (all species) Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cacatua alba White cockatoo Birds Threatened Wherever found Cacatua haematuropygia Philippine cockatoo Birds Endangered Wherever found Cacatua moluccensis Salmon-crested cockatoo Birds Threatened Wherever found Cacatua sulphurea Yellow-crested cockatoo Birds Endangered Wherever found Caiman crocodilus apaporiensis Apaporis River caiman Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Caiman crocodilus crocodilus Common caiman Reptiles Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Caiman crocodilus fuscus (includes Caiman crocodilus chiapasius) Brown Caiman Reptiles Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Caiman latirostris Broad-snouted caiman Reptiles Endangered Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay Caiman latirostris Broad-snouted caiman Reptiles Threatened Argentina DPS Caiman yacare Yacare Caiman Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cairina scutulata White-winged wood duck Birds Endangered Wherever found Calidris canutus rufa Red knot Birds Threatened Wherever found Callaeas cinerea Kokako (wattlebird) Birds Endangered Wherever found Callimico goeldii Goeldi's marmoset Mammals Endangered Wherever found Callithrix aurita (=jacchus a.) White-eared (=buffy tufted-ear) marmoset Mammals Endangered Wherever found Callithrix flaviceps Buff-headed marmoset Mammals Endangered Wherever found Callophrys mossii bayensis San Bruno elfin butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Caloprymnus campestris Desert (=plain) rat-kangaroo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Camarhynchus pauper Floreana tree-Finch Birds Endangered Wherever found Cambarus aculabrum Benton County cave crayfish Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Cambarus callainus Big Sandy crayfish Crustaceans Threatened Wherever found Cambarus cracens Slenderclaw crayfish Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Cambarus veteranus Guyandotte River crayfish Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Cambarus zophonastes Hell Creek Cave crayfish Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Camelus bactrianus Bactrian camel Mammals Endangered Wherever found Campeloma decampi Slender campeloma Snails Endangered Wherever found Campephilus imperialis Imperial woodpecker Birds Endangered Wherever found Campephilus principalis Ivory-billed woodpecker Birds Endangered Wherever found Canis lupus Gray wolf Mammals Endangered U.S.A.: All of AL, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IA, IN, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, and WV; and portions of AZ, NM, OR, UT, and WA as follows: (1) Northern AZ (that portion north of the centerline of Interstate Highway 40); (2) Northern NM (that portion north of the centerline of Interstate Highway 40); (3) Western OR (that portion of OR west of the centerline of Highway 395 and Highway 78 north of Burns Junction and that portion of OR west of the centerline of Highway 95 south of Burns Junction); (4) Most of Utah (that portion of UT south and west of the centerline of Highway 84 and that portion of UT south of Highway 80 from Echo to the UT/WY Stateline); and (5) Western WA (that portion of WA west of the centerline of Highway 97 and Highway 17 north of Mesa and that portion of WA west of the centerline of Highway 395 south of Mesa). Mexico. Canis lupus Gray wolf Mammals Threatened U.S.A. (MN) Canis lupus baileyi Mexican wolf Mammals Endangered Wherever found, except where included in an experimental population as set forth in 17.84(k) Canis lupus baileyi Mexican wolf Mammals Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (portions of AZ and NM)see 17.84(k) Canis rufus Red wolf Mammals Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Canis rufus Red wolf Mammals Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (portions of NC and TN see 17.84(c)(9)) Canis simensis Simien fox Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cantharellus noumeae No common name Corals Endangered Entire Capra falconeri (=aegragrus) chiltanensis Chiltan (=wild goat) markhor Mammals Endangered Wherever found Capra falconeri megaceros Straight-horned markhor Mammals Threatened Wherever found Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Pyrenean ibex Mammals Endangered Wherever found Capra walie Walia ibex Mammals Endangered Wherever found Caprimulgus noctitherus Puerto Rican nightjar Birds Endangered Wherever found Caprolagus hispidus Hispid hare Mammals Endangered Wherever found Capromys angelcabrerai Cabrera's hutia Mammals Endangered Wherever found Capromys auritus Large-eared hutia Mammals Endangered Wherever found Capromys nana Dwarf hutia Mammals Endangered Wherever found Capromys sanfelipensis Little earth hutia Mammals Endangered Wherever found Carduelis cucullata Red siskin Birds Endangered Wherever found Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the South Pacific south of the equator, north of 60 degrees S. Lat., west of 67 degrees W. Long., and east of 141 degrees E. Long. Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Mediterranean Sea DPS - Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the Mediterranean Sea east of 5 degrees 36 minues W. Long. Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Northeast Atlantic Ocean DPS - Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean north of the equator, south of 60 degrees N. Lat., and east of 40 degrees W. Long., except in the vicinity of the Strait of Gibraltar where the eastern boundary is 5 degrees 36 minutes W. Long Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Endangered North Indian Ocean DPS - Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the North Indian Ocean north of the equator and south of 30? N. Lat Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Endangered North Pacific Ocean DPS - Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the North Pacific north of the equator and south of 60 degrees N. Lat Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the South Atlantic Ocean south of the equator, north of 60 degrees S. Lat., west of 20 degrees E. Long., and east of 67 degrees W. Long Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the Southeast Indian Ocean south of the equator, north of 60 degrees S. Lat., and east of 80 degrees E. Long.; South Pacific Ocean south of the equator, north of 60degrees S. Lat., and west of 141 degrees E. Long Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the Southwest Indian Ocean north of the equator, south of 30 degrees N. Lat., east of 20 degrees E. Long., and west of 80 degrees E. Long. Caretta caretta Loggerhead sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Northwest Atlantic Ocean DPS - Loggerhead sea turtles originating from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean west of 40 degrees W. Long Casarea dussumieri Round Island casarea boa Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Castor fiber birulai Beaver (Mongolian) Mammals Endangered Wherever found Catopuma (=Felis) temminckii Asian golden (=Temmnick's) cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Catostomus discobolus yarrowi Zuni bluehead Sucker Fishes Endangered Wherever found Catostomus santaanae Santa Ana sucker Fishes Threatened Los Angeles River basin, San Gabriel River basin, Santa Ana River basin Catostomus warnerensis Warner sucker Fishes Threatened Wherever found Catreus wallichii Cheer pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Centrocercus minimus Gunnison sage-grouse Birds Threatened Wherever found Cephalophus jentinki Jentink's duiker Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cephalorhynchus hectori hectori South Island Hector's dolphin Mammals Threatened Entire Cephalorhynchus hectori maui Maui dolphin Mammals Endangered Entire Ceratotherium simum cottoni Northern white rhinoceros Mammals Endangered Zaire, Uganda, Sudan, Central African Republic Ceratotherium simum ssp. simum Southern white rhinoceros Mammals Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Cercocebus galeritus galeritus Tana River mangabey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cercocebus torquatus White-collared mangabey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cercopithecus diana Diana monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cercopithecus erythrogaster Red-bellied monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cercopithecus erythrotis Red-eared nose-spotted monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cercopithecus lhoesti L'hoest's monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus alfredi Visayan deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus duvauceli Swamp deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus elaphus bactrianus Bactrian deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus elaphus barbarus Barbary deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus elaphus corsicanus Corsican red deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus elaphus hanglu Kashmir stag Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus elaphus macneilii McNeill's deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus elaphus wallichi Shou Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus elaphus yarkandensis Yarkand deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus eldi Eld's brow-antlered Deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus nippon grassianus Shansi sika deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus nippon keramae Ryukyu sika deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus nippon kopschi South China sika deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus nippon mandarinus North China sika deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cervus nippon taiouanus Formosan sika deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Chaeropus ecaudatus Pig-footed bandicoot Mammals Endangered Wherever found Chaetocercus berlepschi Esmeraldas woodstar Birds Endangered Wherever found Chaetomys subspinosus Thin-spined porcupine Mammals Endangered Wherever found Charadrius melodus Piping Plover Birds Endangered [Great Lakes watershed DPS] - Great Lakes, watershed in States of IL, IN, MI, MN, NY, OH, PA, and WI and Canada (Ont.) Charadrius melodus Piping Plover Birds Threatened [Atlantic Coast and Northern Great Plains populations] - Wherever found, except those areas where listed as endangered. Charadrius nivosus nivosus Western snowy plover Birds Threatened Pacific Coast population DPS-U.S.A. (CA, OR, WA), Mexico (within 50 miles of Pacific coast) Chasiempis ibidis Oahu elepaio Birds Endangered Wherever found Chasmistes brevirostris Shortnose Sucker Fishes Endangered Wherever found Chasmistes cujus Cui-ui Fishes Endangered Wherever found Chasmistes liorus June sucker Fishes Threatened Wherever found Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Green sea turtles originating from the Central South Pacific Ocean, bounded by the following coordinates: 9 degrees N., 175 degrees W. in the northwest; 9 degrees N., 125 degrees W. in the northeast; 40 degrees S., 96 degrees W. in the southeast; 40 degrees S., 176 degrees E. in the southwest; and 13 degrees S., 171 degrees E. in the west Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Green sea turtles originating from the Central West Pacific Ocean, bounded by the following coordinates: 41 degrees N., 146 degrees E. in the northwest; 41 degrees N., 169 degrees E. in the northeast; 9 degrees N., 175 degrees W. in the east; 13 degrees S., 171 degrees E. in the southeast; along the northern coast of the island of New Guinea; and 4.5 degrees N., 129 degrees E. in the west Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Green sea turtles originating from the Mediterranean Sea, bounded by 5.5 degrees W. Long. in the west Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the Central North Pacific Ocean, bounded by the following coordinates: 41 degrees N., 169 degrees E. in the northwest; 41 degrees N., 143 degrees W. in the northeast; 9 degrees N., 125 degrees W. in the southeast; and 9 degrees N., 175 degrees W. in the southwest Pacific coast of Mexico Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the Eastern Indian and Western Pacific Oceans, bounded by the following lines and coordinates: 41 degrees N. Lat. in the north, 41 degrees N., 146 degrees E. in the northeast; 4.5 degrees N., 129 degrees E. in the southeast; along the southern coast of the island of New Guinea; along the western coast of Australia (west of 142 degrees E. Long.); 40 degrees S. Lat. in the south; and 84 degrees E. Long. in the east Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the East Pacific Ocean, bounded by the following lines and coordinates: 41 degrees N., 143 degrees W. in the northwest; 41 degrees N. Lat. in the north; along the western coasts of the Americas; 40 degrees S. Lat. in the south; and 40 degrees S., 96 degrees W. in the southwest Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the North Atlantic Ocean, bounded by the following lines and coordinates: 48 degrees N. Lat. in the north, along the western coasts of Europe and Africa (west of 5.5 degrees W. Long.); north of 19 degrees N. Lat. in the east; bounded by 19 degrees N., 65.1 degrees W. to 14 degrees N., 65.1 degrees W. then 14 degrees N., 77 degrees W. in the south and west; and along the eastern coasts of the Americas (north of 7.5 degrees N., 77 degrees W.) Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the North Indian Ocean, bounded by: Africa and Asia in the west and north; 84 degrees E. Long. in the east; and the equator in the south Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the South Atlantic Ocean, bounded by the following lines and coordinates: along the northern and eastern coasts of South America (east of 7.5 degrees N., 77 degrees W.); 14 degrees N., 77 degrees W. to 14 degrees N., 65.1 degrees W. to 19 degrees N., 65.1 degrees W. in the north and west; 19 degrees N. Lat. in the northeast; 40 degrees S., 19 degrees E. in the southeast; and 40 degrees S. Lat. in the south Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the Southwest Indian Ocean, bounded by the following lines: the equator to the north; 84 degrees E. Long. to the east; 40 degrees S. Lat. to the south; and 19 degrees E. Long (and along the eastern coast of Africa) in the west Chelonia mydas Green sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Green sea turtles originating from the Southwest Pacific Ocean, bounded by the following lines and coordinates: along the southern coast of the island of New Guinea and the Torres Strait (east of 142 degrees E Long.); 13 degrees S., 171 degrees E. in the northeast; 40 degrees S., 176 degrees E. in the southeast; and 40 degrees S., 142 degrees E. in the southwest Chilabothrus granti Virgin Islands tree boa Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Chilabothrus inornatus Puerto Rican boa Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Chinchilla brevicaudata boliviana Chinchilla Mammals Endangered Wherever found Chiropotes albinasus White-nosed saki Mammals Endangered Wherever found Chiropotes satanas satanas Southern bearded saki Mammals Endangered Wherever found Chlamyphorus truncatus Pink fairy armadillo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Chondrohierax uncinatus mirus Grenada hook-billed kite Birds Endangered Wherever found Chondrohierax uncinatus wilsonii Cuba hook-billed kite Birds Endangered Wherever found Chrosomus saylori Laurel dace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Chrysocyon brachyurus Maned wolf Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cichlherminia iherminieri santaeluciae St. Lucia Forest thrush Birds Endangered Wherever found Cicindela nevadica lincolniana Salt Creek Tiger beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Cicindela ohlone Ohlone tiger beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Cicindelidia floridana Miami tiger beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Ciconia boyciana (=ciconia b.) Oriental white stork Birds Endangered Wherever found Cicurina baronia Robber Baron Cave Meshweaver Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Cicurina madla Madla Cave Meshweaver Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Cicurina vespera Government Canyon Bat Cave meshweaver Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Cinclocerthia ruficauda gutturalis Martinique trembler (thrasher) Birds Endangered Wherever found Cinclodes aricomae Royal cinclodes Birds Endangered Wherever found Cnemidophorus vanzoi Maria Island ground lizard Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Coccyzus americanus Yellow-billed Cuckoo Birds Threatened Western DPS: U.S.A. (AZ, CA, CO (western), ID, MT (western), NM (western), NV, OR, TX (western), UT, WA, WY (western)); Canada (British Columbia (southwestern); Mexico (Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Durango (western), Sinaloa, Sonora) Colinus virginianus ridgwayi Masked bobwhite (quail) Birds Endangered Wherever found Colobus satanas Black colobus monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Columba inornata wetmorei Puerto Rican plain Pigeon Birds Endangered Wherever found Columba junoniae White-tailed laurel Pigeon Birds Threatened Wherever found Columba mayeri Pink pigeon Birds Endangered Wherever found Columba palumbus azorica Azores wood pigeon Birds Endangered Wherever found Conolophus pallidus Barrington land iguana Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Conraua goliath Goliath Frog Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Copsychus niger cebuensis Cebu black shama (thrush) Birds Endangered Wherever found Copsychus sechellarum Seychelles magpie-robin (thrush) Birds Endangered Wherever found Coquus newtoni Reunion cuckoo-shrike Birds Endangered Wherever found Coquus typicus Mauritius cuckoo-shrike Birds Endangered Wherever found Coracopsis nigra barklyi Seychelles lesser vasa parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Coreobagrus ichikawai Nekogigi (catfish) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Corvus hawaiiensis Hawaiian (='alala) Crow Birds Endangered Wherever found Corvus kubaryi Mariana (=aga) Crow Birds Endangered Wherever found Corvus leucognaphalus White-necked crow Birds Endangered Wherever found Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii ingens Ozark big-eared bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Corynorhinus (=Plecotus) townsendii virginianus Virginia big-eared bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cotinga maculata Banded cotinga Birds Endangered Wherever found Cottus paulus (=pygmaeus) Pygmy Sculpin Fishes Threatened Wherever found Cottus specus Grotto Sculpin Fishes Endangered Wherever found Craseonycteris thonglongyai Bumblebee bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Crax alberti Blue-billed curassow Birds Endangered Wherever found Crax blumenbachii Red-billed curassow Birds Endangered Wherever found Crenichthys baileyi baileyi White River springfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Crenichthys baileyi grandis Hiko White River springfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Crenichthys nevadae Railroad Valley springfish Fishes Threatened Wherever found Crocodylus acutus American crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found, except in U.S.A. (FL) Crocodylus acutus American crocodile Reptiles Threatened U.S.A. (FL) Crocodylus cataphractus African slender-snouted crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Crocodylus intermedius Orinoco crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Crocodylus niloticus Nile crocodile Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Crocodylus novaeguineae mindorensis Philippine crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Crocodylus palustris kimbula Ceylon mugger crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Crocodylus palustris palustris Mugger crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Crocodylus porosus Saltwater crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found, except Papua New Guinea and Australia Crocodylus porosus Saltwater crocodile Reptiles Threatened Australia Crocodylus rhombifer Cuban crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Crocodylus siamensis Siamese crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Crossoptilon crossoptilon White eared pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Crossoptilon mantchuricum Brown eared pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Crotalus unicolor Aruba Island rattlesnake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Crotalus willardi obscurus New Mexican ridge-nosed rattlesnake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis Eastern Hellbender Amphibians Endangered Missouri DPS Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi Ozark Hellbender Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Crystallaria cincotta diamond Darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cumberlandia monodonta Spectaclecase (mussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Cuon alpinus Dhole Mammals Endangered Wherever found Cyanopsitta spixii Little blue macaw Birds Endangered Wherever found Cyanoramphus auriceps forbesi Forbes' parakeet Birds Endangered Wherever found Cyanoramphus cookii (=novaezelandiae c.) Norfolk Island parakeet Birds Endangered Wherever found Cyclargus ammon Nickerbean Blue Butterfly Insects Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Cyclargus (=Hemiargus) thomasi bethunebakeri Miami Blue Butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Cyclura carinata bartschi Mayaguana iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura carinata carinata Turks and Caicos iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura collei Jamaican iguana Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Cyclura cychlura cychlura Andros Island ground iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura cychlura figginsi Exuma Island iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura cychlura inornata Allen's Cay iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura lewisi Grand Cayman ground iguana Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Cyclura nubila caymanensis Cayman Brac ground iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura nubila nubila Cuban ground iguana Reptiles Threatened Cuba (excludes U.S. Puerto Rico population) Cyclura pinguis Anegada ground iguana Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Cyclura rileyi cristata White Cay ground iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura rileyi nuchalis Acklins ground iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyclura rileyi rileyi Watling Island ground iguana Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Cyclura stejnegeri Mona ground Iguana Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cynomys mexicanus Mexican prairie dog Mammals Endangered Mexico Cynomys parvidens Utah prairie dog Mammals Threatened Wherever found Cynoscion macdonaldi Totoaba (seatrout or weakfish) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprinella caerulea Blue shiner Fishes Threatened Wherever found Cyprinella formosa Beautiful shiner Fishes Threatened Wherever found Cyprinodon bovinus Leon Springs pupfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprinodon diabolis Devils Hole pupfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprinodon elegans Comanche Springs pupfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprinodon macularius Desert pupfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprinodon nevadensis mionectes Ash Meadows Amargosa pupfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprinodon nevadensis pectoralis Warm Springs pupfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprinodon radiosus Owens pupfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Cyprogenia stegaria Fanshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Cyprogenia stegaria Fanshell Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Cyrtodactylus serpensinsula Serpent Island gecko Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Cyrtonaias tampicoensis tecomatensis Tampico pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Cyrtonyx montezumae merriami Merriam's Montezuma quail Birds Endangered Wherever found Damaliscus pygarus (=dorcas) dorcas Bontebok Mammals Endangered Wherever found Dama mesopotamica (=dama m.) Persian fallow deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Dasyornis broadbenti littoralis Western rufous bristlebird Birds Endangered Wherever found Dasyornis longirostris (=brachypterus I.) Western bristlebird Birds Endangered Wherever found Dasyurus viverrinus Eastern native-cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Daubentonia madagascariensis Aye-aye Mammals Endangered Wherever found Delphinapterus leucas beluga whale Mammals Endangered Cook Inlet DPS See 50 CFR 224.101 Deltistes luxatus Lost River sucker Fishes Endangered Wherever found Dendrogyra cylindrus Pillar Coral Corals Threatened Wherever found Dendroica petechia petechia Barbados yellow warbler (=wood) Birds Endangered Wherever found Dermatemys mawii Central American river turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Desmocerus californicus dimorphus Valley elderberry longhorn beetle Insects Threatened Wherever found Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Sumatran rhinoceros Mammals Endangered Wherever found Diceros bicornis Black rhinoceros Mammals Endangered Sub-Saharan Africa Dinacoma caseyi Casey's June Beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Diomedia amsterdamensis Amsterdam Albatross Birds Endangered Wherever found Dionda diaboli Devils River minnow Fishes Threatened Wherever found Dipodomys heermanni morroensis Morro Bay kangaroo rat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Dipodomys ingens Giant kangaroo rat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Dipodomys merriami parvus San Bernardino Merriam's kangaroo rat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Dipodomys nitratoides exilis Fresno kangaroo rat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides Tipton kangaroo rat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Dipodomys stephensi (incl. D. cascus) Stephens' kangaroo rat Mammals Threatened Wherever found Discoglossus nigriventer Israel painted frog Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Discus macclintocki Iowa Pleistocene snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Drepanis coccinea `I`iwi Birds Threatened Wherever found Drepanoptila holosericea Cloven-feathered dove Birds Endangered Wherever found Dromus dromas Dromedary pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Dromus dromas Dromedary pearlymussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Dromus dromas Dromedary pearlymussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Drosophila aglaia Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila differens Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila digressa Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila hemipeza Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila heteroneura Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila montgomeryi Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila mulli Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Threatened Wherever found Drosophila musaphilia Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila neoclavisetae Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila obatai Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila ochrobasis Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila sharpi Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila substenoptera Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drosophila tarphytrichia Hawaiian picture-wing fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Drymarchon couperi Eastern indigo snake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Dryocopus javensis richardsi Tristam's woodpecker Birds Endangered Wherever found Ducula galeata Marquesas pigeon Birds Endangered Wherever found Ducula mindorensis Mindoro imperial (=zone-tailed) pigeon Birds Endangered Wherever found Dugong dugon Dugong Mammals Endangered Wherever found Egretta eulophotes Chinese egret Birds Endangered Wherever found Elaphrus viridis Delta green ground beetle Insects Threatened Wherever found Elassoma alabamae Spring pygmy sunfish Fishes Threatened Wherever found Elephas maximus Asian elephant Mammals Endangered Wherever found Eleutherodactylus cooki Guajon Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Eleutherodactylus jasperi Golden coqui Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Eleutherodactylus juanariveroi Llanero Coqui Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Elimia crenatella Lacy elimia (snail) Snails Threatened Wherever found Ellipsoptera puritana Puritan tiger beetle Insects Threatened Wherever found Elliptio chipolaensis Chipola slabshell Clams Threatened Wherever found Elliptio lanceolata Yellow lance Clams Threatened Wherever found Elliptio spinosa Altamaha Spinymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Elliptoideus sloatianus Purple bankclimber (mussel) Clams Threatened Wherever found Emballonura semicaudata rotensis Pacific sheath-tailed Bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Emballonura semicaudata semicaudata Pacific sheath-tailed Bat Mammals Endangered American Samoa Emoia slevini Slevin's skink Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Empetrichthys latos Pahrump poolfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Empidonax euleri johnstonei Euler's flycatcher Birds Endangered Wherever found Empidonax traillii extimus Southwestern willow flycatcher Birds Endangered Wherever found Enhydra lutris kenyoni Northern Sea Otter Mammals Threatened Southwest Alaska, from Attu Island to Western Cook Inlet, including Bristol Bay, the Kodiak Archipelago, and the Barren Islands Enhydra lutris nereis Southern sea otter Mammals Threatened Wherever found Epicrates monensis monensis Mona boa Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Epicrates subflavus Jamaican boa Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Epinephelus striatus Nassau grouper Fishes Threatened Entire Epioblasma brevidens Cumberlandian combshell Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Epioblasma brevidens Cumberlandian combshell Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Epioblasma brevidens Cumberlandian combshell Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Epioblasma capsaeformis Oyster mussel Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Epioblasma capsaeformis Oyster mussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Epioblasma capsaeformis Oyster mussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Epioblasma florentina curtisii Curtis pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma florentina florentina Yellow blossom (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Epioblasma florentina florentina Yellow blossom (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Epioblasma florentina walkeri (=E. walkeri) Tan riffleshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma metastriata Upland combshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma obliquata Purple Cat''s paw (=Purple Cat''s paw pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Epioblasma obliquata Purple Cat''s paw (=Purple Cat''s paw pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Epioblasma othcaloogensis Southern acornshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma penita Southern combshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma perobliqua White catspaw (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma rangiana Northern riffleshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum Green blossom (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma torulosa torulosa Tubercled blossom (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Epioblasma torulosa torulosa Tubercled blossom (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Epioblasma triquetra Snuffbox mussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Epioblasma turgidula Turgid blossom (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Epioblasma turgidula Turgid blossom (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Equus africanus African wild ass Mammals Endangered Wherever found Equus grevyi Grevy's zebra Mammals Threatened Wherever found Equus hemionus Asian wild ass Mammals Endangered Wherever found Equus przewalskii Przewalski's horse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Equus zebra hartmannae Hartmann's mountain zebra Mammals Threatened Wherever found Equus zebra ssp. zebra Cape Mountain zebra Mammals Endangered Entire Equus zebra zebra Mountain zebra Mammals Endangered Wherever found Eremichthys acros Desert dace Fishes Threatened Wherever found Eremophila alpestris strigata Streaked Horned lark Birds Threatened Wherever found Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Erignathus barbatus nauticus bearded Seal Mammals Threatened Beringia DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Erignathus barbatus nauticus bearded Seal Mammals Threatened Okhotsk DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Erimonax monachus Spotfin Chub Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL, TN-specified portions of Shoal Creek; see 17.84(m)(1)(ii)) Erimonax monachus Spotfin Chub Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN-specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.84(m)(1)(iii)) Erimonax monachus Spotfin Chub Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN-specified portions of the Tellico River; see 17.84(m)(1)(i)) Erimonax monachus Spotfin Chub Fishes Threatened Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Erimystax cahni Slender chub Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.84(s)(1)(i)) Erimystax cahni Slender chub Fishes Threatened Wherever found Erinna newcombi Newcomb's snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Eriocnemis nigrivestis black-breasted puffleg Birds Endangered Wherever found Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Mammals Endangered Western North Pacific DPS See 50 CFR 224.101 Etheostoma akatulo bluemask darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma boschungi Slackwater darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Etheostoma chermocki Vermilion darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma chienense Relict darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma etowahae Etowah darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma fonticola Fountain darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma moorei Yellowcheek Darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma nianguae Niangua darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Etheostoma nuchale Watercress darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma okaloosae Okaloosa darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Etheostoma osburni Candy darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma percnurum Duskytail darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma percnurum Duskytail darter Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential The Tellico River, between the backwaters of the Tellico Reservoir (approximately Tellico River mile 19 (30.4 kilometers) and Tellico River mile 33 (52.8 kilometers), near the Tellico Ranger Station, Monroe County, Tennessee. Etheostoma percnurum Duskytail darter Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.84(q)(1)(ii)) Etheostoma phytophilum Rush Darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma rubrum Bayou darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Etheostoma scotti Cherokee darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Etheostoma sellare Maryland darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma spilotum Kentucky arrow darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Etheostoma susanae Cumberland darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma trisella Trispot darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Etheostoma wapiti Boulder darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Etheostoma wapiti Boulder darter Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential Shoal Creek (from Shoal Creek mile 41.7 (66.7 km)) at the mouth of Long Branch, Lawrence County, TN, downstream to the backwaters of Wilson Reservoir (Shoal Creek mile 14 (22 km)) at Goose Shoals, Lauderdale County, AL, including the lower 5 miles (8 km) of all tributaries that enter this reach. Eua zebrina Snail [no common name] Snails Endangered Wherever found Eubalaena australis Southern Right Whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Eubalaena glacialis North Atlantic Right Whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Eubalaena japonica North Pacific Right Whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Euchloe ausonides insulanus Island marble Butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Eucyclogobius newberryi Tidewater goby Fishes Endangered Wherever found Eudyptes chrysocome southern rockhopper penguin Birds Threatened New Zealand-Australia DPS, associated with the Campbell Plateau and Macquarie Island Eudyptes pachyrhynchus fiordland crested penguin Birds Threatened Wherever found Eudyptes sclateri erect-crested penguin Birds Threatened Wherever found Eudyptula albosignata white-flippered penguin Birds Threatened Wherever found Eulidia yarrellii Chilean woodstar Birds Endangered Wherever found Eumeces egregius lividus blue-tailed mole skink Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Eumetopias jubatus Steller sea lion Mammals Endangered Western DPS - See 50 CFR 224.101 Eumops floridanus Florida bonneted bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Euphilotes battoides allyni El Segundo blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Euphilotes enoptes smithi Smith's blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Euphydryas editha bayensis Bay checkerspot butterfly Insects Threatened Wherever found Euphydryas editha quino (=E. e. wrighti) Quino checkerspot butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Euphydryas editha taylori Taylor's (=whulge) Checkerspot Insects Endangered Wherever found Euphyllia paradivisa No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Euproserpinus euterpe Kern primrose sphinx moth Insects Threatened Wherever found Eurycea chisholmensis Salado Salamander Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Eurycea nana San Marcos salamander Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Eurycea naufragia Georgetown Salamander Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Eurycea rathbuni Texas blind salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Eurycea sosorum Barton Springs salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Eurycea tonkawae Jollyville Plateau Salamander Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Eurycea waterlooensis Austin blind Salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Eutrichomyias rowleyi Caerulean Paradise flycatcher Birds Endangered Wherever found Eutriorchis astur Madagascar serpent eagle Birds Endangered Wherever found Falco araea Seychelles kestrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Falco femoralis septentrionalis Northern Aplomado Falcon Birds Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Falco femoralis septentrionalis Northern Aplomado Falcon Birds Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A (AZ, NM) Falco peregrinus peregrinus Eurasian peregrine falcon Birds Endangered Wherever found Falco punctatus Mauritius kestrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Felis jacobita Andean cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Felis margarita scheffeli Pakistan sand cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Felis nigripes Black-footed cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Felis pardina Spanish lynx Mammals Endangered Wherever found Formicivora erythronotos Black hooded (black-headed) antwren Birds Endangered Wherever found Foudia flavicans Rodrigues fody Birds Endangered Wherever found Foudia rubra Mauritius fody Birds Endangered Wherever found Foudia sechellarum Seychelles fody (weaver-finch) Birds Endangered Wherever found Francolinus ochropectus Djibouti francolin Birds Endangered Wherever found Fregata andrewsi Andrew's frigatebird Birds Endangered Wherever found Fulica americana alai Hawaiian coot Birds Endangered Wherever found Fundulus julisia Barrens topminnow Fishes Endangered Wherever found Fusconaia burkei Tapered pigtoe Clams Threatened Wherever found Fusconaia cor Shiny pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Fusconaia cor Shiny pigtoe Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Fusconaia cor Shiny pigtoe Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Fusconaia cuneolus Finerayed pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Fusconaia cuneolus Finerayed pigtoe Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Fusconaia cuneolus Finerayed pigtoe Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Fusconaia escambia Narrow pigtoe Clams Threatened Wherever found Fusconaia masoni Atlantic pigtoe Clams Threatened Wherever found Gallicolumba stairi Friendly Ground-Dove Birds Endangered American Samoa DPS Gallinula chloropus guami Mariana common moorhen Birds Endangered Wherever found Gallinula galeata sandvicensis Hawaiian common gallinule Birds Endangered Wherever found Gallirallus (=Tricholimnas) sylvestris Lord Howe wood rail Birds Endangered Wherever found Gallotia simonyi simonyi Hierro giant lizard Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Gambelia silus Blunt-nosed leopard lizard Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Gambusia gaigei Big Bend gambusia Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gambusia georgei San Marcos gambusia Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gambusia heterochir Clear Creek gambusia Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gambusia nobilis Pecos gambusia Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gammarus acherondytes Illinois cave amphipod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Gammarus desperatus Noel's Amphipod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Gammarus hyalleloides Diminutive Amphipod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Gammarus pecos Pecos amphipod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Gasterosteus aculeatus williamsoni Unarmored threespine stickleback Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gavialis gangeticus Gavial Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Gazella cuvieri Mountain (=Cuvier's) gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella dama Dama gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella dama lozanoi Rio de Oro Dama gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella dama mhorr Mhorr gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella dorcas massaesyla Moroccan gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella dorcas pelzelni Pelzeln's gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella dorcas saudiya Saudi Arabian gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella gazella Arabian gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella leptoceros Slender-horned gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gazella subgutturosa marica Sand gazelle Mammals Endangered Wherever found Geochelone nigra (=elephantopus) Galapagos tortoise Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Geochelone radiata Madagascar radiated tortoise Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Geochelone yniphora Angulated tortoise Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Geoclemys hamiltonii Spotted pond turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Geopsittacus occidentalis Night (=Australian) parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Geronticus eremita Northern bald ibis Birds Endangered Wherever found Gila bicolor ssp. Hutton tui chub Fishes Threatened Wherever found Gila bicolor ssp. mohavensis Mohave tui chub Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gila bicolor ssp. snyderi Owens Tui Chub Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gila cypha Humpback chub Fishes Threatened Wherever found Gila ditaenia Sonora chub Fishes Threatened Wherever found Gila elegans Bonytail Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gila intermedia Gila chub Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gila nigrescens Chihuahua chub Fishes Threatened Wherever found Gila purpurea Yaqui chub Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gila robusta jordani Pahranagat roundtail chub Fishes Endangered Wherever found Gila seminuda (=robusta) Virgin River Chub Fishes Endangered Wherever found Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus Carolina northern flying squirrel Mammals Endangered Wherever found Glaucopsyche lygdamus palosverdesensis Palos Verdes blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Glyptemys muhlenbergii bog turtle Reptiles Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon U.S.A. (GA, NC, SC, TN, VA) Glyptemys muhlenbergii bog turtle Reptiles Threatened Wherever found, except GA, NC, SC, TN, VA Gopherus agassizii Desert tortoise Reptiles Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon AZ south and east of Colorado R., and Mexico, when found outside of Mexico or said range in AZ Gopherus agassizii Desert tortoise Reptiles Threatened Wherever found, except AZ south and east of Colorado R., and Mexico Gopherus flavomarginatus Bolson tortoise Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Gopherus polyphemus Gopher tortoise Reptiles Threatened Western DPS Gorilla gorilla Gorilla Mammals Endangered Wherever found Grallaria milleri Brown-banded antpitta Birds Endangered Wherever found Graptemys flavimaculata Yellow-blotched map turtle Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Graptemys oculifera Ringed map turtle Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Grus americana Whooping crane Birds Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Grus americana Whooping crane Birds Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL, AR, CO, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KY, LA, MI, MN, MS, MO, NC, NM, OH, SC, TN, UT, VA, WI, WV, western half of WY) Grus americana Whooping crane Birds Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (CO, ID, FL, NM, UT, and the western half of Wyoming) Grus americana Whooping crane Birds Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A (Southwestern Louisiana) Grus canadensis nesiotes Cuba sandhill crane Birds Endangered Wherever found Grus canadensis pulla Mississippi sandhill crane Birds Endangered Wherever found Grus japonensis Japanese Crane Birds Endangered Wherever found Grus leucogeranus Siberian white Crane Birds Endangered Wherever found Grus monacha Hooded Crane Birds Endangered Wherever found Grus nigricollis Black-necked Crane Birds Endangered Wherever found Grus vipio White-naped Crane Birds Endangered Wherever found Gymnobelideus leadbeateri Leadbeater's Possum Mammals Endangered Wherever found Gymnogyps californianus California condor Birds Endangered U.S.A. only, except where listed as an experimental population Gymnogyps californianus California condor Birds Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (Oregon, and specific portions of northern California and northwest Nevada) Gymnogyps californianus California condor Birds Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (specific portions of Arizona, Nevada, and Utah)-see 17.84(j) Gymnomyza samoensis Mao (= maomao) (honeyeater) Birds Endangered Wherever found Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis Northeastern beach tiger beetle Insects Threatened Wherever found Haematopus meadewaldoi Canarian black oystercatcher Birds Endangered Wherever found Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina Guam Micronesian kingfisher Birds Endangered Wherever found Haliaeetus albicilla groenlandicus Greenland white-tailed eagle Birds Endangered Wherever found Haliaeetus vociferoides Madagascar sea eagle Birds Endangered Wherever found Haliotis cracherodii Black Abalone Snails Endangered Wherever found Haliotis sorenseni White Abalone Snails Endangered North America (West Coast from Point Conception, CA, U.S.A., to Punta Abreojos, Baja California, Mexico) Hamiota altilis Finelined pocketbook Clams Threatened Wherever found Hamiota australis Southern Sandshell Clams Threatened Wherever found Hamiota perovalis Orangenacre mucket Clams Threatened Wherever found Hamiota subangulata Shinyrayed pocketbook Clams Endangered Wherever found Harpia harpyja Harpy eagle Birds Endangered Wherever found Helminthoglypta walkeriana Morro shoulderband (=Banded dune) snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Hemiargus ceraunus antibubastus Ceraunus Blue Butterfly Insects Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Hemignathus affinis Maui nukupuu Birds Endangered Wherever found Hemignathus hanapepe Kauai nukupuu Birds Endangered Wherever found Hemignathus wilsoni akiapolaau Birds Endangered Wherever found Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae chathamensis Chatham Island pigeon Birds Endangered Wherever found Hemistena lata Cracking pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Hemistena lata Cracking pearlymussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Hemistena lata Cracking pearlymussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Hemitragus jayakari Arabian tahr Mammals Endangered Wherever found Hemitriccus kaempferi Kaempfer's tody-tyrant Birds Endangered Wherever found Heraclides aristodemus ponceanus Schaus swallowtail butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi fossata Guatemalan jaguarundi Mammals Endangered Mexico,Nicaragua Herpailurus (=Felis) yagouaroundi panamensis Panamanian jaguarundi Mammals Endangered Wherever found Hesperia dacotae Dakota Skipper Insects Threatened Wherever found Hesperia leonardus montana Pawnee montane skipper Insects Threatened Wherever found Heterelmis comalensis Comal Springs riffle beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Himantopus mexicanus knudseni Hawaiian stilt Birds Endangered Wherever found Himantopus novaezelandiae Black Stilt Birds Endangered Wherever found Hippocamelus antisensis North Andean huemul Mammals Endangered Wherever found Hippocamelus bisulcus South Andean huemul Mammals Endangered Wherever found Hipposideros ridleyi Singapore roundleaf horseshoe bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Hippotragus niger variani Giant sable antelope Mammals Endangered Wherever found Huso dauricus Kaluga sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Huso huso Beluga sturgeon Fishes Threatened Wherever found Hyaena hyaena barbara Barbary hyena Mammals Endangered Wherever found Hybognathus amarus Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Fishes Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Hybognathus amarus Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential Rio Grande, from Little Box Canyon (approximately 10.4 river miles downstream of Fort Quitman, TX) to Amistad Dam; and on the Pecos River, from its confluence with Independence Creek to its confluence with the Rio Grande Hylaeus anthracinus Anthricinan yellow-faced bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Hylaeus assimulans Assimulans yellow-faced bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Hylaeus facilis Easy yellow-faced bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Hylaeus hilaris Hilaris yellow-faced bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Hylaeus kuakea Hawaiian yellow-faced bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Hylaeus longiceps Hawaiian yellow-faced bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Hylaeus mana Hawaiian yellow-faced bee Insects Endangered Wherever found Hylobates spp. (including Nomascus) Gibbons Mammals Endangered Wherever found Hymenophysa curta Ayumodoki (loach) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Hypolimnas octocula marianensis Mariana eight-spot butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Hypomesus transpacificus Delta smelt Fishes Threatened Wherever found Hypsipetes borbonicus olivaceus Mauritius olivaceous Bulbul Birds Endangered Wherever found Icaricia icarioides fenderi Fender's blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Icaricia icarioides missionensis Mission blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Icaricia (Plebejus) shasta charlestonensis Mount Charleston blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Ictalurus pricei Yaqui catfish Fishes Threatened Wherever found Indri indri Indri lemur Mammals Endangered Wherever found Ischnura luta Rota blue damselfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Isopora crateriformis No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Juturnia kosteri Koster's springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Kachuga tecta tecta Indian sawback turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Kinosternon sonoriense longifemorale Sonoyta mud turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Kobus leche Red lechwe Mammals Threatened Wherever found Lagorchestes hirsutus Western hare wallaby Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lagostrophus fasciatus Banded hare wallaby Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lagothrix flavicauda Yellow-tailed woolly monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lampsilis abrupta Pink mucket (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Lampsilis higginsii Higgins eye (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Lampsilis powellii Arkansas fatmucket Clams Threatened Wherever found Lampsilis rafinesqueana Neosho Mucket Clams Endangered Wherever found Lampsilis streckeri Speckled pocketbook Clams Endangered Wherever found Lampsilis virescens Alabama lampmussel Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Lampsilis virescens Alabama lampmussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Lanius ludovicianus mearnsi San Clemente loggerhead shrike Birds Endangered Wherever found Lanx sp. Banbury Springs limpet Snails Endangered Wherever found Larus audouinii Audouin's gull Birds Endangered Wherever found Larus relictus Relict gull Birds Endangered Wherever found Lasiorhinus krefftii (formerly L. barnardi and L. gillespiei) Queensland hairy-nosed wombat (incl. Barnard's) Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lasiurus cinereus semotus Hawaiian hoary bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lasmigona decorata Carolina heelsplitter Clams Endangered Wherever found Laterallus jamaicensis ssp. jamaicensis Eastern Black rail Birds Threatened Wherever found Laterallus tuerosi Junin rail Birds Endangered Wherever found Latimeria chalumnae African coelacanth Fishes Threatened Tanzanian Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of African coelacanth Lednia tumana Meltwater lednian stonefly Insects Threatened Wherever found Leiolopisma telfairi Round Island skink Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Leiopelma hamiltoni Stephen Island frog Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Lemiox rimosus Birdwing pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Lemiox rimosus Birdwing pearlymussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Lemiox rimosus Birdwing pearlymussel Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Lemuridae (incl. genera Lemur, Phaner, Hapalemur, Lepilemur, Microcebus, Allocebus, Cheirogaleus, Varecia) Lemurs Mammals Endangered Wherever found Leontopithecus spp. Golden-rumped tamarin Mammals Endangered Wherever found Leopardus (=Felis) pardalis Ocelot Mammals Endangered wherever found Leopardus (=Felis) tigrinus Tiger cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Leopardus (=Felis) wiedii Margay Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lepidochelys kempii Kemp's ridley sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Lepidochelys olivacea Olive ridley sea turtle Reptiles Endangered Breeding colony populations on Pacific coast of Mexico Lepidochelys olivacea Olive ridley sea turtle Reptiles Threatened Wherever found, except when listed as endangered under 50 CFR 224.101 Lepidomeda albivallis White River spinedace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Lepidomeda mollispinis pratensis Big Spring spinedace Fishes Threatened Wherever found Lepidomeda vittata Little Colorado spinedace Fishes Threatened Wherever found Lepidurus packardi Vernal pool tadpole shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Leporillus conditor Stick-nest rat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Leptailurus (=Felis) serval constantina Barbary serval Mammals Endangered Wherever found Leptasthenura xenothorax White-browed tit-spinetail Birds Endangered Wherever found Leptodea leptodon Scaleshell mussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Leptonycteris nivalis Mexican long-nosed bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Leptoptilos dubius Greater adjutant Birds Endangered Wherever found Leptotes cassius theonus Cassius Blue Butterfly Insects Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Leptotila rufaxilla wellsi Grenada gray-fronted dove Birds Endangered Wherever found Leptoxis ampla Round rocksnail Snails Threatened Wherever found Leptoxis foremani Interrupted (=Georgia) Rocksnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Leptoxis plicata Plicate rocksnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Leptoxis taeniata Painted rocksnail Snails Threatened Wherever found Lepyrium showalteri Flat pebblesnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Leucopeza semperi Semper's warbler (=wood) Birds Endangered Wherever found Leucopsar rothschildi Rothschild's starling (myna) Birds Endangered Wherever found Lichenostomus melanops cassidix (=Meliphaga c.) Helmeted honeyeater Birds Endangered Wherever found Liophus ornatus Maria Island snake Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Lioplax cyclostomaformis Cylindrical lioplax (snail) Snails Endangered Wherever found Lipotes vexillifer Chinese River Dolphin Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lirceus usdagalun Lee County cave isopod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Lontra (=Lutra) felina Marine otter Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lontra (=Lutra) longicaudis (incl. platensis) Long-tailed otter Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lontra (=Lutra) provocax Southern river otter Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lophophorus lhuysii Chinese monal pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Lophophorus sclateri Sclater's monal pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Lophura edwardsi Edward's pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Lophura imperialis Imperial pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Lophura swinhoii Swinhoe's pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Loxioides bailleui Palila (honeycreeper) Birds Endangered Wherever found Loxodonta africana African elephant Mammals Threatened Wherever found Loxops caeruleirostris Akekee Birds Endangered Wherever found Loxops coccineus Hawaii akepa Birds Endangered Wherever found Loxops ochraceus Maui akepa Birds Endangered Wherever found Lycaeides argyrognomon lotis Lotis blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Lycaeides melissa samuelis Karner blue butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Lycaena hermes Hermes copper butterfly Insects Threatened Wherever found Lycaon pictus African wild dog Mammals Endangered Wherever found Lynx canadensis Canada Lynx Mammals Threatened Wherever Found in Contiguous U.S. Lynx (=Felis) rufus escuinapae Mexican bobcat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Macaca arctoides Stump-tailed macaque Mammals Threatened Wherever found Macaca cyclopis Formosan rock macaque Mammals Threatened Wherever found Macaca fuscata Japanese macaque Mammals Threatened Wherever found Macaca silenus Lion-tailed macaque Mammals Endangered Wherever found Macaca sinica Toque macaque Mammals Threatened Wherever found Macrhybopsis tetranema Peppered chub Fishes Endangered Wherever found Macrocephalon maleo Maleo megapode Birds Endangered Wherever found Macropus giganteus tasmaniensis Tasmanian forester kangaroo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Macropus parma Parma wallaby Mammals Endangered Wherever found Macrotis lagotis Rabbit bandicoot Mammals Endangered Wherever found Macrotis leucura Lesser rabbit bandicoot Mammals Endangered Wherever found Malaconotus alius Ulugura bush-shrike Birds Threatened Wherever found Malimbus ibadanensis Ibadan malimbe Birds Endangered Wherever found Mandrillus (=Papio) leucophaeus Drill Mammals Endangered Wherever found Mandrillus (=Papio) sphinx Mandrill Mammals Endangered Wherever found Manduca blackburni Blackburn's sphinx moth Insects Endangered Wherever found Manis temminckii Temnick''s ground Pangolin Mammals Endangered Wherever found Margaritifera hembeli Louisiana pearlshell Clams Threatened Wherever found Margaritifera marrianae Alabama pearlshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Marmota vancouverensis Vancouver Island marmot Mammals Endangered Wherever found Marstonia ogmorhaphe Royal marstonia (snail) Snails Endangered Wherever found Marstonia pachyta Armored snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Martes caurina Pacific Marten, Coastal Distinct Population Segment Mammals Threatened Wherever found Martes flavigula chrysospila Formosan yellow-throated marten Mammals Endangered Wherever found Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus Alameda whipsnake (=striped racer) Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Meda fulgida Spikedace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Medionidus acutissimus Alabama moccasinshell Clams Threatened Wherever found Medionidus parvulus Coosa moccasinshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Medionidus penicillatus Gulf moccasinshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Medionidus simpsonianus Ochlockonee moccasinshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Medionidus walkeri Suwannee moccasinshell Clams Threatened Wherever found Megadyptes antipodes yellow-eyed penguin Birds Threatened Wherever found Megalagrion leptodemas Crimson Hawaiian damselfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Megalagrion nesiotes Flying earwig Hawaiian damselfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum Blackline Hawaiian damselfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Megalagrion oceanicum Oceanic Hawaiian damselfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Megalagrion pacificum Pacific Hawaiian damselfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Megalagrion xanthomelas Orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Megalonaias nicklineana Nicklin's pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Megapodius laperouse Micronesian megapode Birds Endangered Wherever found Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Mammals Endangered Arabian Sea DPS Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Mammals Endangered Cape Verde Island/Northwest Africa Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Mammals Endangered Central America DPS Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Mammals Endangered Western North Pacific Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Mammals Threatened Mexico DPS Melamprosops phaeosoma Po`ouli (honeycreeper) Birds Endangered Wherever found Melanochelys tricarinata Three-keeled Asian turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Melanosuchus niger Black caiman Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Menidia extensa Waccamaw silverside Fishes Threatened Wherever found Mergus octosetaceus Brazillian merganser Birds Endangered Wherever found Mesodon clarki nantahala noonday snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Microhexura montivaga Spruce-fir moss spider Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Microtus californicus scirpensis Amargosa vole Mammals Endangered Wherever found Microtus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelli Florida salt marsh vole Mammals Endangered Wherever found Mimizuku (=Otus) gurneyi Giant scops owl Birds Endangered Wherever found Mimus graysoni Socorro mockingbird Birds Endangered Wherever found Mitu mitu mitu Razor-billed curassow Birds Endangered Wherever found Moapa coriacea Moapa dace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Moho braccatus Kauai `o`o (honeyeater) Birds Endangered Wherever found Monachus monachus Mediterranean monk seal Mammals Endangered Wherever found Monachus schauinslandi Hawaiian monk seal Mammals Endangered Wherever found Montipora australiensis No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Morenia ocellata Burmese peacock turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Moschus spp. (all species) Musk deer Mammals Endangered Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, China (Tibet, Yunnan), India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sikkim Muntiacus feae Fea's muntjac Mammals Endangered Wherever found Mustela nigripes Black-footed ferret Mammals Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Mustela nigripes Black-footed ferret Mammals Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (WY and specified portions of AZ, CO, MT, SD, and UT, see 17.84(g)(9)) Myadestes lanaiensis rutha Molokai thrush Birds Endangered Wherever found Myadestes myadestinus Large Kauai (=kamao) Thrush Birds Endangered Wherever found Myadestes palmeri Small Kauai (=puaiohi) Thrush Birds Endangered Wherever found Mycetophyllia ferox Rough Cactus Coral Corals Threatened Wherever found Mycteria americana Wood stork Birds Threatened U.S.A. (AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC) Myotis grisescens Gray bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Myotis septentrionalis Northern Long-Eared Bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Myotis sodalis Indiana bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Myrmecobius fasciatus Numbat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Naemorhedus (=Capricornis) sumatraensis Serow Mammals Endangered Wherever found Naemorhedus goral Goral Mammals Endangered Wherever found Nasalis concolor Pagi Island langur Mammals Endangered Wherever found Nasalis larvatus Proboscis monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Nectarinia prigoginei Marungu sunbird Birds Endangered Wherever found Nectophrynoides spp. African viviparous toads Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Necturus alabamensis Black warrior (=Sipsey Fork) Waterdog Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Necturus lewisi Neuse River waterdog Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Nemosia rourei Cherry-throated tanager Birds Endangered Wherever found Neofelis nebulosa Clouded leopard Mammals Endangered Wherever found Neomorphus geoffroyi dulcis Southeastern rufous-vented ground cuckoo Birds Endangered Wherever found Neonympha mitchellii francisci Saint Francis' satyr butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii Mitchell's satyr Butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Neophema chrysogaster Orange-bellied parakeet Birds Endangered Wherever found Neoseps reynoldsi Sand skink Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Neotoma floridana smalli Key Largo woodrat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Neotoma fuscipes riparia Riparian woodrat (=San Joaquin Valley) Mammals Endangered Wherever found Neotragus moschatus moschatus Zanzibar suni Mammals Endangered Wherever found Nerodia clarkii taeniata Atlantic salt marsh snake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta Copperbelly water snake Reptiles Threatened Indiana north of 40 degrees north latitude, Michigan, Ohio Nesillas aldabranus Aldabra Warbler (old world warbler) Birds Endangered Wherever found Newcombia cumingi Newcomb's Tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Nicrophorus americanus American burying beetle Insects Experimental Population, Non-Essential In southwestern Missouri, the counties of Cedar, St. Clair, Bates, and Vernon. Nicrophorus americanus American burying beetle Insects Threatened Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Nipponia nippon Japanese crested ibis Birds Endangered Wherever found Notomys aquilo Australian native mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Notropis albizonatus Palezone shiner Fishes Endangered Wherever found Notropis buccula Smalleye Shiner Fishes Endangered Wherever found Notropis cahabae Cahaba shiner Fishes Endangered Wherever found Notropis girardi Arkansas River shiner Fishes Threatened Arkansas River Basin (AR, KS, NM, OK, TX) Notropis mekistocholas Cape Fear shiner Fishes Endangered Wherever found Notropis oxyrhynchus Sharpnose Shiner Fishes Endangered Wherever found Notropis simus pecosensis Pecos bluntnose shiner Fishes Threatened Wherever found Notropis topeka (=tristis) Topeka shiner Fishes Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Notropis topeka (=tristis) Topeka shiner Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (MO-specified portions of Little Creek, Big Muddy Creek, and Spring Creek watersheds in Adair, Gentry, Harrison, Putnam, Sullivan, and Worth Counties; see 17.84(d)(1)(i)) Noturus baileyi Smoky madtom Fishes Endangered Wherever found Noturus baileyi Smoky madtom Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential The Tellico River, between the backwaters of the Tellico Reservoir (approximately Tellico River mile 19 (30.4 kilometers) and Tellico River mile 33 (52.8 kilometers), near the Tellico Ranger Station, Monroe County, Tennessee. Noturus crypticus Chucky Madtom Fishes Endangered Wherever found Noturus flavipinnis Yellowfin madtom Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.84(e)(1)(iii)) Noturus flavipinnis Yellowfin madtom Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN-specified portions of the Tellico River; see 17.84(e)(1)(ii)) Noturus flavipinnis Yellowfin madtom Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN, VA-specified portions of the Holston River and watershed; see 17.84(e)(1)(i)) Noturus flavipinnis Yellowfin madtom Fishes Threatened Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Noturus furiosus Carolina madtom Fishes Endangered Wherever found Noturus placidus Neosho madtom Fishes Threatened Wherever found Noturus stanauli Pygmy madtom Fishes Endangered Wherever found Noturus stanauli Pygmy madtom Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.84(t)(1)(i)) Noturus trautmani Scioto madtom Fishes Endangered Wherever found Novisuccinea chittenangoensis Chittenango ovate amber snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Numenius borealis Eskimo curlew Birds Endangered Wherever found Numenius tenuirostris Slender-billed curlew Birds Endangered Wherever found Nycticebus pygmaeus Lesser slow loris Mammals Threatened Wherever found Oarisma poweshiek Poweshiek skipperling Insects Endangered Wherever found Obovaria choctawensis Choctaw bean Clams Endangered Wherever found Obovaria retusa Ring pink (mussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Obovaria retusa Ring pink (mussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Oceanodroma castro Band-rumped storm-petrel Birds Endangered USA (HI) Odocoileus hemionus cerrosensis Cedros Island mule Deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Odocoileus virginianus clavium Key deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Odocoileus virginianus leucurus Columbian white-tailed deer Mammals Threatened Columbia River (Clark, Cowliz, Pacific, Skamania, and Wahkiakum Counties, WA., and Clatsop, Columbia, and Multnomah Counties, OR.) Odontophorus strophium Gorgeted wood-quail Birds Endangered Wherever found Oncorhynchus aguabonita whitei Little Kern golden trout Fishes Threatened Wherever found Oncorhynchus apache Apache trout Fishes Threatened Wherever found Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi Lahontan cutthroat trout Fishes Threatened Wherever found Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris Paiute cutthroat trout Fishes Threatened Wherever found Oncorhynchus clarkii stomias Greenback Cutthroat trout Fishes Threatened Wherever found Oncorhynchus gilae Gila trout Fishes Threatened Wherever found Oncorhynchus keta Chum salmon Fishes Threatened Columbia River ESU See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus keta Chum salmon Fishes Threatened Hood Canal summer-run ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) kisutch Coho salmon Fishes Endangered Central California Coast ESU - See 50 CFR 224.101 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) kisutch Coho salmon Fishes Threatened Lower Columbia River ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) kisutch Coho salmon Fishes Threatened Oregon Coast ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) kisutch Coho salmon Fishes Threatened Southern Oregon - Northern California Coast ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Endangered Southern California DPS - See 50 CFR 224.101 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential Middle Columbia River DPS - XN - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened California Central Valley DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Central California Coast DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Lower Columbia River DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Middle Columbia River DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Northern California DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Puget Sound DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Snake River Basin DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened South-Central California Coast DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Upper Columbia River DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) mykiss Steelhead Fishes Threatened Upper Willamette River DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) nerka Sockeye salmon Fishes Endangered Snake River ESU - See 50 CFR 224.101 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) nerka Sockeye salmon Fishes Threatened Ozette Lake ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Endangered Sacramento River winter-run ESU - See 50 CFR 224.101 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Endangered Upper Columbia River spring-run ESU See 50 CFR 224.101 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Threatened California Coastal ESU - See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Threatened Central Valley spring-run ESU See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Threatened Lower Columbia River ESU See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Threatened Puget Sound ESU See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Threatened Snake River fall-run ESU See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Threatened Snake River spring/summer-run ESU See 50 CFR 223.102 Oncorhynchus (=Salmo) tshawytscha Chinook salmon Fishes Threatened Upper Willamette River ESU See 50 CFR 223.102 Onychogalea fraenata Brindled nail-tailed wallaby Mammals Endangered Wherever found Onychogalea lunata Crescent nail-tailed wallaby Mammals Endangered Wherever found Orbicella annularis Lobed Star Coral Corals Threatened Wherever found Orbicella faveolata Mountainous Star Coral Corals Threatened Wherever found Orbicella franksi Boulder star coral Corals Threatened Wherever found Orcinus orca Killer whale Mammals Endangered Southern Resident DPS See 50 CFR 224.101 Orconectes shoupi Nashville crayfish Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Oreomystis bairdi Akikiki Birds Endangered Wherever found Oreomystis mana Hawaii creeper Birds Endangered Wherever found Oreophasis derbianus Horned guan Birds Endangered Wherever found Orthalicus reses (not incl. nesodryas) Stock Island tree snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Oryx dammah Scimitar-horned oryx Mammals Endangered Wherever found Oryx leucoryx Arabian oryx Mammals Endangered Wherever found Oryzomys palustris natator Silver rice rat Mammals Endangered Lower FL Keys (west of Seven Mile Bridge) Osteolaemus tetraspis osborni Congo dwarf crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Osteolaemus tetraspis tetraspis African dwarf crocodile Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Ostodes strigatus Snail [no common name] Snails Endangered Wherever found Otus ireneae Morden's owlet Birds Endangered Wherever found Otus magicus (=insularis) insularis Seychelles scops owl Birds Endangered Wherever found Otus rutilus capnodes Anjouan scops owl Birds Endangered Wherever found Ovis ammon Argali Mammals Endangered Wherever found except Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Tajikistan Ovis ammon Argali Mammals Threatened Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Tajikistan Ovis canadensis nelsoni Peninsular bighorn sheep Mammals Endangered U.S.A. (CA) Peninsular Ranges Ovis canadensis sierrae Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep Mammals Endangered U.S.A. (CA) Sierra Nevada Ovis musimon ophion Urial Mammals Endangered Wherever found Ovis vignei vignei Shapo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Ozotoceros bezoarticus Pampas deer Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pacifastacus fortis Shasta crayfish Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Palaemonetes cummingi Squirrel Chimney Cave shrimp Crustaceans Threatened Wherever found Palaemonias alabamae Alabama cave shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Palaemonias ganteri Kentucky cave shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Palmeria dolei crested honeycreeper (Akohekohe) Birds Endangered Wherever found Pangasianodon gigas Thailand giant catfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Pangasius sanitwongsei Catfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Pan paniscus Pygmy chimpanzee Mammals Endangered Wherever found Panthalops hodgsonii Tibetan antelope Mammals Endangered Wherever found Panthera leo ssp. leo Lion Mammals Endangered Wherever found Panthera leo ssp. melanochaita Lion Mammals Threatened Wherever found Panthera onca Jaguar Mammals Endangered Wherever found Panthera pardus Leopard Mammals Endangered Wherever found, except where it is listed as Threatened Panthera pardus Leopard Mammals Threatened In Africa, in the wild, south of, and including, the following countries: Gabon, Congo, Zaire, Uganda, Kenya Panthera tigris Tiger Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pan troglodytes Chimpanzee Mammals Endangered Wherever found Papasula (=Sula) abbotti Abbott's booby Birds Endangered Wherever found Papilio chikae Luzon peacock swallowtail butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Papilio homerus Homerus swallowtail butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Papilio hospiton Corsican swallowtail butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Papustyla pulcherrima Manus Island tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Parahyaena (=Hyaena) brunnea Brown Hyena Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pardofelis (=Felis) marmorata Marbled cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Paroreomyza flammea Molokai creeper Birds Endangered Wherever found Paroreomyza maculata Oahu creeper Birds Endangered Wherever found Partula gibba Humped tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Partula langfordi Langford's tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Partula radiolata Guam tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Partulina semicarinata Lanai tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Partulina variabilis Lanai tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Parvaspina collina James spinymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Parvaspina steinstansana Tar River spinymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Pavona diffluens No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Pedionomus torquatus Plains wanderer (=collared-hemipode) Birds Endangered Wherever found Pegias fabula Littlewing pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Pekania pennanti Fisher Mammals Endangered Southern Sierra Nevada Distinct Population Segment Peltophryne lemur Puerto Rican crested toad Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Penelope albipennis White-winged guan Birds Endangered Wherever found Penelope perspicax Cauca guan Birds Endangered Wherever found Pentalagus furnessi Ryukyu rabbit Mammals Endangered Japan (Ryukyu Islands) Perameles bougainville Barred bandicoot Mammals Endangered Wherever found Perameles eremiana Desert bandicoot Mammals Endangered Wherever found Percina antesella Amber darter Fishes Endangered Wherever found Percina aurolineata Goldline darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Percina aurora Pearl darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Percina jenkinsi Conasauga logperch Fishes Endangered Wherever found Percina pantherina Leopard darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Percina rex Roanoke logperch Fishes Endangered Wherever found Percina williamsi Sickle darter Fishes Threatened Wherever found Perognathus longimembris pacificus Pacific pocket mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola Key Largo cotton mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Peromyscus polionotus allophrys Choctawhatchee beach mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Peromyscus polionotus ammobates Alabama beach mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris Southeastern beach mouse Mammals Threatened wherever found Peromyscus polionotus peninsularis St. Andrew beach mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Peromyscus polionotus phasma Anastasia Island beach mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis Perdido Key beach mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Petrogale xanthopus Yellow-footed rock wallaby Mammals Endangered Wherever found Petroica multicolor multicolor Scarlet-breasted robin (flycatcher) Birds Endangered Wherever found Petroica traversi Chatham Island robin Birds Endangered Wherever found Pezoporus wallicus Ground parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Phaenicophaeus pyrrhocephalus Red-faced malkoha (cuckoo) Birds Endangered Wherever found Phaeognathus hubrichti Red Hills salamander Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Phaethornis malaris margarettae Margaretta's hermit Birds Endangered Wherever found Pharomachrus mocinno ssp. mocinno Resplendent quetzel Birds Endangered Wherever found Phascolarctos cinereus Koala Mammals Threatened Australia Phelsuma edwardnewtoni Day gecko Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Phelsuma guentheri Round Island day gecko Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Phoca hispida saimensis Saimaa seal Mammals Endangered Wherever found Phoca largha Spotted Seal Mammals Threatened Southern DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Phoca (=Pusa) hispida botnica Ringed Seal Mammals Threatened Wherever found Phoca (=Pusa) hispida hispida Ringed Seal Mammals Threatened Wherever found Phoca (=Pusa) hispida ladogensis Ringed seal Mammals Endangered Ladoga subspecies Phoca (=Pusa) hispida ochotensis Ringed Seal Mammals Threatened Okhotsk subspecies Phocoena sinus Cochito Mammals Endangered Wherever found Phoebastria (=Diomedea) albatrus Short-tailed albatross Birds Endangered Wherever found Phoenicoparrus andinus Andean flamingo Birds Endangered Wherever found Phoxinus cumberlandensis Blackside dace Fishes Threatened Wherever found Phrynops hogei Brazilian sideneck turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Physa natricina Snake River physa snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Physeter catodon (=macrocephalus) Sperm whale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Phytotoma raimondii Peruvian plantcutter Birds Endangered Wherever found Picathartes gymnocephalus White-necked rockfowl Birds Endangered Wherever found Picathartes oreas Grey-necked rockfowl Birds Endangered Wherever found Picoides borealis Red-cockaded woodpecker Birds Endangered Wherever found Pionopsitta pileata Red-capped parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Pipile jacutinga Black-fronted piping-guan Birds Endangered Wherever found Pipile pipile pipile Trinidad white-headed curassow Birds Endangered Wherever found Pipilo crissalis eremophilus Inyo California towhee Birds Threatened Wherever found Pithecophaga jefferyi Philippine eagle Birds Endangered Wherever found Pitta gurneyi Gurney's pitta Birds Endangered Wherever found Pitta kochi Koch's pitta Birds Endangered Wherever found Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi Black pinesnake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Pituophis ruthveni Louisiana pinesnake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Plagopterus argentissimus Woundfin Fishes Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Plagopterus argentissimus Woundfin Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential Gila R. drainage, AZ, NM Planigale ingrami subtilissima Little planigale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Planigale tenuirostris Southern planigale Mammals Endangered Wherever found Platanista gangetica minor South Asian River dolphin Mammals Endangered Wherever found Platysteira laticincta Banded wattle-eye Birds Endangered Wherever found Plethobasus cicatricosus White wartyback (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Plethobasus cicatricosus White wartyback (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Plethobasus cooperianus Orangefoot pimpleback (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Plethobasus cooperianus Orangefoot pimpleback (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Plethobasus cyphyus Sheepnose Mussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Plethodon neomexicanus Jemez Mountains salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Plethodon nettingi Cheat Mountain salamander Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Plethodon shenandoah Shenandoah salamander Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema athearni Canoe Creek Clubshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema clava Clubshell Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Pleurobema clava Clubshell Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Pleurobema curtum Black clubshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema decisum Southern clubshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema furvum Dark pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema georgianum Southern pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema hanleyianum Georgia pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema marshalli Flat pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema perovatum Ovate clubshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema plenum Rough pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema plenum Rough pigtoe Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Pleurobema pyriforme Oval pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurobema strodeanum Fuzzy pigtoe Clams Threatened Wherever found Pleurobema taitianum Heavy pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleurocera foremani Rough hornsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Pleuronaia dolabelloides Slabside Pearlymussel Clams Endangered Wherever found Pleuronaia gibber Cumberland pigtoe Clams Endangered Wherever found Ploceus golandi Clarke's weaver Birds Endangered Wherever found Podarcis pityusensis Ibiza wall lizard Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Podiceps taczanowskii Junin grebe Birds Endangered Wherever found Podilymbus gigas Atitlan grebe Birds Endangered Wherever found Podocnemis expansa Tartaruga Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Podocnemis unifilis Tracaja Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Poeciliopsis occidentalis Gila topminnow (incl. Yaqui) Fishes Endangered U.S. Only Poecilotheria fasciata Sri Lankan Ornamental Tarantula Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Poecilotheria ornata Fringed Ornamental Tarantula Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Poecilotheria smithi Kandy Parachute Spider Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Poecilotheria subfusca Ivory Ornamental Tarantula Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Poecilotheria vittata Pederseni''s Tiger Spider Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Polioptila californica californica Coastal California gnatcatcher Birds Threatened Wherever found Polyborus plancus audubonii Audubon's crested caracara Birds Threatened U.S.A. (FL) Polygyriscus virginianus Virginia fringed mountain snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Polyphylla barbata Mount Hermon June beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Polyplectron emphanum Palawan peacock pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Polysticta stelleri Steller's Eider Birds Threatened U.S. Alaska breeding population only Pomarea nigra Tahiti flycatcher Birds Endangered Wherever found Pongo pygmaeus Orangutan Mammals Endangered Wherever found Popenaias popeii Texas Hornshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Porites napopora No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Potamilus capax Fat pocketbook Clams Endangered Wherever found Potamilus inflatus Inflated heelsplitter Clams Threatened Wherever found Presbytis potenziani Long-tailed langur Mammals Threatened Indonesia Presbytis senex Purple-faced langur Mammals Threatened Wherever found Prietella phreatophila Mexican blindcat (catfish) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Priodontes maximus Giant armadillo Mammals Endangered Wherever found Prionailurus (=Felis) bengalensis bengalensis Leopard cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Prionailurus (=Felis) bengalensis iriomotensis Iriomote cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Prionailurus (=Felis) planiceps Flat-headed cat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Prionodon pardicolor Spotted linsang Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pristis clavata Dwarf sawfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Pristis pectinata Smalltooth sawfish Fishes Endangered Non-US DPS - Smalltooth sawfish originating from non-US waters Pristis pectinata Smalltooth sawfish Fishes Endangered US DPS - Smalltooth sawfish originating from U.S. waters. Pristis pristis Largetooth Sawfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Pristis zijsron Green sawfish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Probarbus jullieni Ikan temoleh (minnow) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Procambarus econfinae Panama City crayfish Crustaceans Threatened Wherever found Procaris hawaiana Anchialine pool Shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Procolobus (=Colobus) pennantii (=kirki) kirki Zanzibar red colobus monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Procolobus (=Colobus) preussi (=badius p.) Preuss' red colobus monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Procolobus (=Colobus) rufomitratus (=badius r.) Tana River red colobus monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Propithecus spp. Sifakas Mammals Endangered Wherever found Psammobates geometricus Geometric turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Psephotus chrysopterygius Golden-shouldered parakeet Birds Endangered Wherever found Psephotus pulcherrimus Paradise parakeet Birds Endangered Wherever found Pseudemydura umbrina Short-necked or western swamp turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Pseudemys alabamensis Alabama red-bellied turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Pseudemys rubriventris bangsi Plymouth Redbelly Turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Pseudibis gigantea Giant ibis Birds Endangered Wherever found Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi Fiji petrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Pseudocopaeodes eunus obscurus Carson wandering skipper Insects Endangered Wherever found Pseudomys fieldi Field's mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pseudomys fumeus Smoky mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pseudomys gouldii Gould's mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pseudomys novaehollandiae New Holland mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pseudomys occidentalis Western mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pseudomys praeconis Shark Bay mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pseudomys shortridgei Shortridge's mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pseudonestor xanthophrys Maui parrotbill (Kiwikiu) Birds Endangered Wherever found Pseudorca crassidens false killer whale Mammals Endangered Main Hawaiian Islands Insular DPS See 50 CFR 224.101 Pseudotryonia adamantina Diamond Tryonia Snails Endangered Wherever found Psittacula echo Mauritius parakeet Birds Endangered Wherever found Psittirostra psittacea `O`u (honeycreeper) Birds Endangered Wherever found Psophodes nigrogularis Western whipbird Birds Endangered Wherever found Pterodroma aterrima Mascarene black petrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Pterodroma axillaris Chatham Island petrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Pterodroma cahow Bermuda petrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Pterodroma madeira Freira Birds Endangered Wherever found Pterodroma magentae Magenta petrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Pterodroma phaeopygia Galapagos petrel Birds Threatened Wherever found Pterodroma sandwichensis Hawaiian petrel Birds Endangered Wherever found Pteronura brasiliensis Giant otter Mammals Endangered South America Pteropus mariannus mariannus Mariana fruit Bat (=Mariana flying fox) Mammals Threatened Wherever found Pteropus rodricensis Rodrigues fruit bat (=flying fox) Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pteropus tokudae Little Mariana fruit Bat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Ptychobranchus greenii Triangular Kidneyshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Ptychobranchus jonesi Southern kidneyshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Ptychobranchus subtentus Fluted kidneyshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Ptychocheilus lucius Colorado pikeminnow Fishes Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Ptychocheilus lucius Colorado pikeminnow Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential Salt and Verde R. drainages, AZ Pudu pudu Pudu Mammals Endangered Wherever found Puffinus auricularis newelli Newell's Townsend's shearwater Birds Threatened Wherever found Puffinus heinrothi Heinroth's shearwater Birds Threatened Wherever found Puma (=Felis) concolor (all subsp. except coryi) Puma (=mountain lion) Mammals Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon U.S.A. (FL) Puma (=Felis) concolor coryi Florida panther Mammals Endangered Wherever found Puma (=Felis) concolor costaricensis Costa Rican puma Mammals Endangered Wherever found Puma yagouaroundi cacomitli Gulf Coast jaguarundi Mammals Endangered Wherever found Puma yagouaroundi tolteca Sinaloan jaguarundi Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pygathrix nemaeus Douc langur Mammals Endangered Wherever found Pyrgulopsis bernardina San Bernardino springsnail Snails Threatened Wherever found Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis Bruneau Hot springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Pyrgulopsis chupaderae Chupadera springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Pyrgulopsis neomexicana Socorro springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Pyrgulopsis roswellensis Roswell springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Pyrgulopsis texana Phantom Springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Pyrgulopsis trivialis Three Forks Springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Pyrgus ruralis lagunae Laguna Mountains skipper Insects Endangered Wherever found Pyriglena atra Fringe-backed fire-eye Birds Endangered Wherever found Pyrrhula pyrrhula murina Sao Miguel bullfinch (finch) Birds Endangered Wherever found Pyrrhura cruentata Blue-throated (=ochre-marked) parakeet Birds Endangered Wherever found Python molurus molurus Indian python Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Quadrula cylindrica cylindrica Rabbitsfoot Clams Threatened Wherever found Quadrula cylindrica strigillata Rough rabbitsfoot Clams Endangered Wherever found Quadrula fragosa Winged Mapleleaf Clams Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Quadrula fragosa Winged Mapleleaf Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL-specified portions of the Tennessee River; see 17.85(a)(1)) Quadrula stapes Stirrupshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Quisicalus palustris Slender-billed Grackle Birds Endangered Wherever found Rallus longirostris levipes Light-footed clapper rail Birds Endangered Wherever found Rallus longirostris obsoletus California clapper rail Birds Endangered Wherever found Rallus obsoletus yumanensis Yuma Ridgway''s rail Birds Endangered Wherever found Rallus owstoni Guam rail Birds Endangered Wherever found, except where listed as an experimental population Rallus owstoni Guam rail Birds Experimental Population, Non-Essential Rota Rallus pectoralis muelleri Aukland Island rail Birds Endangered Wherever found Ramphocinclus brachyurus White-breasted thrasher Birds Endangered Wherever found Ramphodon (=Glaucis) dohrnii Hook-billed hermit (hummingbird) Birds Endangered Wherever found Rana chiricahuensis Chiricahua leopard frog Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Rana draytonii California red-legged frog Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Rana muscosa Mountain yellow-legged frog Amphibians Endangered U.S.A., northern California Rana muscosa Mountain yellow-legged frog Amphibians Endangered U.S.A., southern California Rana pretiosa Oregon spotted frog Amphibians Threatened Wherever found Rana sevosa dusky gopher frog Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Rana sierrae Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog Amphibians Endangered Wherever found Rangifer tarandus ssp. caribou Southern Mountain Caribou DPS Mammals Endangered U.S.A. (wherever found), Canada (southeastern British Columbia) Reginaia rotulata Round Ebonyshell Clams Endangered Wherever found Reithrodontomys raviventris Salt marsh harvest mouse Mammals Endangered wherever found Rhadine exilis [no common name] Beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Rhadine infernalis [no common name] Beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Rhadine persephone Tooth Cave ground beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Rhaphiomidas terminatus abdominalis Delhi Sands flower-loving fly Insects Endangered Wherever found Rhea (=Pterocnemia) pennata Lesser rhea (incl. Darwin's) Birds Endangered Wherever found Rhinichthys osculus lethoporus Independence Valley speckled dace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis Ash Meadows speckled dace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Rhinichthys osculus oligoporus Clover Valley speckled dace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Rhinichthys osculus thermalis Kendall Warm Springs dace Fishes Endangered Wherever found Rhinoceros sondaicus Javan rhinoceros Mammals Endangered Sikkim, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Indochina, Burma, Bangladesh Rhinoceros unicornis Great Indian rhinoceros Mammals Endangered Nepal, India Rhinopithecus avunculus Tonkin snub-nosed monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Rhinopithecus bieti Yunnan snub-nosed monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Rhinopithecus brelichi Guizhou snub-nosed monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Rhinopithecus roxellana Sichuan snub-nosed monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Rhinoptilus bitorquatus Jerdon's courser Birds Endangered Wherever found Rhodonessa caryophyllacea Pink-headed duck Birds Endangered Wherever found Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha Thick-billed parrot Birds Endangered Wherever found Rhynochetos jubatus Kagu Birds Endangered Wherever found Romerolagus diazi Volcano rabbit Mammals Endangered Mexico Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus Everglade snail kite Birds Endangered Wherever found Rukia longirostra Ponape greater white-eye Birds Endangered Wherever found Rupicapra rupicapra ornata Apennine chamois Mammals Endangered Wherever found Saguinus bicolor Pied tamarin Mammals Endangered Wherever found Saguinus leucopus White-footed tamarin Mammals Threatened Wherever found Saguinus oedipus Cotton-top tamarin Mammals Endangered Wherever found Saiga tatarica mongolica Mongolian saiga (antelope) Mammals Endangered Mongolia Saimiri oerstedii Red-backed squirrel monkey Mammals Endangered Wherever found Salmo platycephalus Ala balik (trout) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Salmo salar Atlantic salmon Fishes Endangered Gulf of Maine DPS - See 50 CFR 224.101 Salvelinus confluentus Bull Trout Fishes Experimental Population, Non-Essential Clackamas River subbasin and the mainstem Willamette River, from Willamette Falls to its points of confluence with the Columbia River, including Multnomah Channel Salvelinus confluentus Bull Trout Fishes Threatened U.S.A., conterminous, (lower 48 states) Samoana fragilis Fragile tree snail Snails Endangered Wherever found Sauromalus varius San Esteban Island chuckwalla Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Scaphirhynchus albus Pallid sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Scaphirhynchus platorynchus Shovelnose Sturgeon Fishes Similarity of Appearance to a Threatened Taxon Wherever found Scaphirhynchus suttkusi Alabama sturgeon Fishes Endangered Wherever found Scleropages formosus Asian bonytongue Fishes Endangered Wherever found Sebastes paucispinis Bocaccio Fishes Endangered Puget Sound-Georgia Basin DPS See 50 CFR 224.101 Sebastes pinniger canary rockfish Fishes Threatened Puget Sound - Georgia Basin DPS See 50 CFR 223.102 Sebastes ruberrimus yelloweye rockfish Fishes Threatened Puget Sound - Georgia Basin DPS See 50 CFR 223.102 Semnopithecus (=Presbytis) entellus Gray (=entellus) langur Mammals Endangered Wherever found Seriatopora aculeata No common name Corals Threatened Wherever found Setonix brachyurus Quokka Mammals Endangered Wherever found Setophaga angelae Elfin-woods warbler Birds Threatened Wherever found Setophaga chrysoparia golden-cheeked warbler Birds Endangered Wherever found Sistrurus catenatus Eastern Massasauga (=rattlesnake) Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Sitta ledanti Algerian nuthatch Birds Endangered Wherever found Sminthopsis longicaudata Long-tailed marsupial-mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Sminthopsis psammophila Large desert marsupial-mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Solenodon cubanus Cuban solenodon Mammals Endangered Wherever found Solenodon paradoxus Haitian solenodon Mammals Endangered Wherever found Somateria fischeri Spectacled eider Birds Threatened Wherever found Somatochlora hineana Hine's emerald dragonfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Sorex ornatus relictus Buena Vista Lake ornate Shrew Mammals Endangered Wherever found Spelaeorchestia koloana Kauai cave amphipod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni Alabama cavefish Fishes Endangered Wherever found Speyeria callippe callippe Callippe silverspot butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Speyeria zerene behrensii Behren's silverspot butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Speyeria zerene hippolyta Oregon silverspot butterfly Insects Experimental Population, Non-Essential Entire Speyeria zerene hippolyta Oregon silverspot butterfly Insects Threatened Wherever found Speyeria zerene myrtleae Myrtle's silverspot butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Spheniscus demersus African penguin Birds Endangered Wherever found Spheniscus humboldti Humboldt penguin Birds Threatened Wherever found Spheniscus mendiculus Galapagos penguin Birds Endangered Wherever found Sphenodon guntheri Brother's Island tuatara Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Sphenodon punctatus Tuatara Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Sphyrna lewini Scalloped Hammerhead Shark Fishes Endangered Eastern Atlantic DPS Sphyrna lewini Scalloped Hammerhead Shark Fishes Endangered Eastern Pacific DPS Sphyrna lewini Scalloped Hammerhead Shark Fishes Threatened Central and Southwest Atlantic DPS Sphyrna lewini Scalloped Hammerhead Shark Fishes Threatened Indo-West Pacific DPS Squatina squatina Angel shark Fishes Endangered Entire Sterna antillarum browni California least tern Birds Endangered Wherever found Sterna dougallii dougallii Roseate tern Birds Endangered U.S.A. (Atlantic Coast south to NC), Canada (Newf., N.S, Que.), Bermuda Sterna dougallii dougallii Roseate tern Birds Threatened Western Hemisphere and adjacent oceans, incl. U.S.A. (FL, PR, VI), where not listed as endangered Sternotherus depressus Flattened musk turtle Reptiles Threatened Black Warrior R. system upstream from Bankhead Dam Streptocephalus woottoni Riverside fairy shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Streptopelia picturata rostrata Seychelles turtle dove Birds Endangered Wherever found Strigops habroptilus Kakapo Birds Endangered Wherever found Strix occidentalis caurina Northern spotted owl Birds Threatened Wherever found Strix occidentalis lucida Mexican spotted owl Birds Threatened Wherever found Struthio camelus spatzi West African ostrich Birds Endangered Wherever found Struthio camelus syriacus Arabian ostrich Birds Endangered Wherever found Strymon acis bartrami Bartram's hairstreak Butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Stygobromus hayi Hay's Spring amphipod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Stygobromus (=Stygonectes) pecki Peck's cave amphipod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Stygoparnus comalensis Comal Springs dryopid beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Sus salvanius Pygmy hog Mammals Endangered Wherever found Sylvilagus bachmani riparius Riparian brush rabbit Mammals Endangered Wherever found Sylvilagus palustris hefneri Lower Keys marsh rabbit Mammals Endangered Wherever found Symphalangus syndactylus Siamang Mammals Endangered Wherever found Syncaris pacifica California freshwater shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Syrmaticus ellioti Elliot's pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Syrmaticus humaie Bar-tailed pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Syrmaticus mikado Mikado pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Tachybaptus rufolavatus Alaotra Grebe Birds Endangered Wherever found Tamiasciurus fremonti grahamensis Mount Graham red squirrel Mammals Endangered Wherever found Tanakia tanago Miyako tango (=Toyko bitterling) Fishes Endangered Wherever found Tapirus bairdii Central American tapir Mammals Endangered Wherever found Tapirus indicus Asian tapir Mammals Endangered Wherever found Tapirus pinchaque Mountain tapir Mammals Endangered Wherever found Tapirus terrestris South American (=Brazilian) tapir Mammals Endangered Wherever found Tarsius syrichta Philippine tarsier Mammals Threatened Wherever found Tartarocreagris texana Tooth Cave pseudoscorpion Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Tauraco bannermani Bannerman's turaco Birds Endangered Wherever found Taurotragus derbianus derbianus Western giant eland Mammals Endangered Wherever found Taylorconcha serpenticola Bliss Rapids snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Tayshaneta microps Government Canyon Bat Cave spider Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Tayshaneta myopica Tooth Cave spider Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Telespyza cantans Laysan finch (honeycreeper) Birds Endangered Wherever found Telespyza ultima Nihoa finch (honeycreeper) Birds Endangered Wherever found Terpsiphone corvina Seychelles paradise flycatcher Birds Endangered Wherever found Terrapene coahuila Aquatic box turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Tetrao urogallus cantabricus Cantabrian capercaillie Birds Endangered Wherever found Texamaurops reddelli Kretschmarr Cave mold beetle Insects Endangered Wherever found Texella cokendolpheri Cokendolpher Cave Harvestman Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Texella reddelli Bee Creek Cave harvestman Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Texella reyesi Bone Cave harvestman Arachnids Endangered Wherever found Thaleichthys pacificus Eulachon Fishes Threatened Southern DPS - See 50 CFR 223.102 Thamnophis eques megalops Northern Mexican gartersnake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Thamnophis gigas Giant garter snake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Thamnophis rufipunctatus Narrow-headed gartersnake Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia San Francisco garter snake Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Theliderma intermedia Cumberland monkeyface (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Theliderma intermedia Cumberland monkeyface (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Theliderma intermedia Cumberland monkeyface (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Theliderma sparsa Appalachian monkeyface (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Theliderma sparsa Appalachian monkeyface (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential USA (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Thermosphaeroma thermophilus Socorro isopod Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Theropithecus gelada Gelada baboon Mammals Threatened Wherever found Thinornis novaeseelandiae New Zealand shore plover Birds Endangered Wherever found Thomomys mazama glacialis Roy Prairie pocket gopher Mammals Threatened Wherever found Thomomys mazama pugetensis Olympia pocket gopher Mammals Threatened Wherever found Thomomys mazama tumuli Tenino pocket gopher Mammals Threatened Wherever found Thomomys mazama yelmensis Yelm pocket gopher Mammals Threatened Wherever found Thylacinus cynocephalus Tasmanian tiger Mammals Endangered Wherever found Tiaroga cobitis Loach minnow Fishes Endangered Wherever found Tinamus solitarius Solitary tinamou Birds Endangered Wherever found Tomistoma schlegelii Tomistoma Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Toxolasma cylindrellus Pale lilliput (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found Trachemys scripta callirostris South American red-lined turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Trachemys stejnegeri malonei Inagua Island turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Trachemys terrapen Cat Island turtle Reptiles Endangered Cat Island in the Bahamas Trachypithecus (=Presbytis) francoisi Francois' langur Mammals Endangered Wherever found Trachypithecus (=Presbytis) geei Golden langur Mammals Endangered Wherever found Trachypithecus (=Presbytis) pileatus Capped Langur Mammals Endangered Wherever found Tragopan blythii Blyth's tragopan pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Tragopan caboti Cabot's tragopan pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Tragopan melanocephalus Western tragopan pheasant Birds Endangered Wherever found Trichechus inunguis Amazonian manatee Mammals Endangered Wherever found Trichechus manatus West Indian Manatee Mammals Threatened Wherever found Trichechus senegalensis West African manatee Mammals Threatened Wherever found Trichocichla rufa Long-legged warbler Birds Endangered Wherever found Trimerotropis infantilis Zayante band-winged grasshopper Insects Endangered Wherever found Tringa guttifer Nordmann's greenshank Birds Endangered Wherever found Triodopsis platysayoides Flat-spired three-toothed Snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Trionyx ater Cuatro Cienegas softshell turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Trionyx gangeticus Indian softshell turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Trionyx hurum Peacock softshell turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Trionyx nigricans Black softshell turtle Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Troglodytes aedon guadeloupensis Guadeloupe house wren Birds Endangered Wherever found Troglodytes aedon mesoleucus St. Lucia house wren Birds Endangered Wherever found Troides alexandrae Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Tryonia alamosae Alamosa springsnail Snails Endangered Wherever found Tryonia cheatumi Phantom Tryonia Snails Endangered Wherever found Tryonia circumstriata (=stocktonensis) Gonzales tryonia Snails Endangered Wherever found Tubastraea floreana No common name Corals Endangered Entire Tulotoma magnifica Tulotoma snail Snails Threatened Wherever found Turdus olivaceus helleri Taita thrush Birds Endangered Wherever found Turnagra capensis New Zealand thrush (wattlebird) Birds Endangered Wherever found Tympanuchus cupido attwateri Attwater's greater prairie-chicken Birds Endangered Wherever found Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Lesser prairie-chicken Birds Endangered Southern DPS: All lesser prairie-chickens south of a line starting at 37.9868 N, 105.0133 W, and ending at 31.7351 N, 98.3773 W, NAD83 Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Lesser prairie-chicken Birds Threatened Northern DPS: All lesser prairie-chickens north of a line starting at 37.9868 N, 105.0133 W, and ending at 31.7351 N, 98.3773 W, NAD83 Tyto soumagnei Madagascar red owl Birds Endangered Wherever found Uma inornata Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard Reptiles Threatened Wherever found Uncia (=Panthera) uncia Snow leopard Mammals Endangered Wherever found Uratelornis chimaera Long-tailed ground roller Birds Endangered Wherever found Urocitellus brunneus Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Mammals Threatened Wherever found Urocyon littoralis catalinae Santa Catalina Island Fox Mammals Threatened Wherever found Ursus arctos arctos Brown bear Mammals Endangered Italy Ursus arctos horribilis Grizzly bear Mammals Threatened U.S.A., conterminous (lower 48) States, except where listed as an experimental population Ursus arctos pruinosus Brown bear Mammals Endangered Wherever found Ursus maritimus Polar bear Mammals Threatened Wherever found Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus Baluchistan bear Mammals Endangered Wherever found Vagrans egistina Mariana wandering butterfly Insects Endangered Wherever found Varanus bengalensis Indian (=Bengal) monitor Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Varanus flavescens Yellow monitor Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Varanus griseus Desert monitor Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Varanus komodoensis Komodo Island monitor Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Vermivora bachmanii Bachman's warbler (=wood) Birds Endangered Wherever found Vetericaris chaceorum Anchialine pool shrimp Crustaceans Endangered Wherever found Vicugna vicugna Vicuna Mammals Endangered Ecuador (DPS) Vicugna vicugna Vicuna Mammals Threatened Entire, except Ecuador Villosa fabalis Rayed Bean Clams Endangered Wherever found Villosa perpurpurea Purple bean Clams Endangered Wherever found Villosa trabalis Cumberland bean (pearlymussel) Clams Endangered Wherever found; Except where listed as Experimental Populations Villosa trabalis Cumberland bean (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (AL;The free-flowing reach of the Tennessee R. from the base of Wilson Dam downstream to the backwaters of Pickwick Reservoir [about 12 RM (19 km)] and the lower 5 RM [8 km] of all tributaries to this reach in Colbert and Lauderdale Cos., see 17.85(a)) Villosa trabalis Cumberland bean (pearlymussel) Clams Experimental Population, Non-Essential U.S.A. (TN - specified portions of the French Broad and Holston Rivers; see 17.85(b)(1)) Vipera latifii Lar Valley viper Reptiles Endangered Wherever found Vireo bellii pusillus Least Bell's vireo Birds Endangered Wherever found Viverra civettina (=megaspila c.) Malabar large-spotted civet Mammals Endangered Wherever found Vulpes macrotis mutica San Joaquin kit fox Mammals Endangered wherever found Vulpes velox hebes Northern swift fox Mammals Endangered Canada Vulpes vulpes necator Sierra Nevada red fox Mammals Endangered Sierra Nevada DPS Vultur gryphus Andean condor Birds Endangered Wherever found Wyulda squamicaudata Scaly-tailed possum Mammals Endangered Wherever found Xenicus longipes New Zealand bushwren Birds Endangered Wherever found Xenopirostris damii Van Dam's vanga Birds Threatened Wherever found Xenopirostris polleni Pollen's vanga Birds Threatened Wherever found Xeromys myoides False water rat Mammals Endangered Wherever found Xipholena atropurpurea White-winged cotinga Birds Endangered Wherever found Xyrauchen texanus Razorback sucker Fishes Endangered Wherever found Zapada glacier Western glacier stonefly Insects Threatened Wherever found Zapus hudsonius luteus New Mexico meadow jumping mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found Zapus hudsonius preblei Preble's meadow jumping mouse Mammals Threatened wherever found Zosterops albogularis Norfolk Island white-eye Birds Endangered Wherever found Zosterops conspicillatus conspicillatus Bridled white-eye Birds Endangered Wherever found Zosterops modesta Seychelles white-eye Birds Endangered Wherever found Zosterops rotensis Rota bridled White-eye Birds Endangered Wherever found Zyzomys pedunculatus Australian native mouse Mammals Endangered Wherever found

100 loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng cao nhất là gì?

Teeting trên rìa: 100 loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng (ảnh) của thế giới.

5 động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng nhất 2022 là gì?

10 động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng cao nhất thế giới..
Tê giác Javan.....
Leopard Amur.....
Hổ đảo Sunda.....
Khỉ đột núi.....
Tapanuli đười ươi.....
Yangtze finless porpoise.....
Tê giác đen.....
Voi rừng châu Phi ..

Danh sách có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng số 2022 là gì?

Khi dân số của một loài là thấp, diện tích chiếm dụng của nó không được xem xét.Hiện có tổng cộng 41.415 loài trong danh sách đỏ của IUCN và 16.306 trong số chúng là những loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng bị đe dọa tuyệt chủng.Điều này tăng từ 16.118 so với năm ngoái.Điều này bao gồm cả động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng và thực vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng.16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction. This is up from 16,118 compared to last year. This includes both endangered animals and endangered plants.

Động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng số 1 trên thế giới 2022 là gì?

Đầu tiên trong danh sách các động vật có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng cao nhất thế giới vào năm 2022 là con báo Amur.Từ năm 2014 đến 2015, chỉ còn khoảng 92 cá nhân trong phạm vi tự nhiên của họ.Con số này hiện được ước tính là khoảng 84.amur leopard. Between 2014 and 2015, there were only around 92 individuals left in their natural range. This number is now estimated to be around 84.