fumie là gì - Nghĩa của từ fumie

fumie có nghĩa là

Japanese flat image of a Christian symbol, usually the crucifixion, designed to be stepped on. Suspected Christians were required to step on the representation of Jesus or the Virgin Mary to prove that they were not believers. At one point in Japan, Christians were persecuted by the Shogunate, because the Japanese feared that the influence of Christianity would make Japan too westernized. To be a Shintoist was to be loyal to Japan. [fumi 'stepping-on' + e 'picture']

Ví dụ

Fumi-e is pronounced "foo-mee-EH."

fumie có nghĩa là

fucked up mentally ill

Ví dụ

Fumi-e is pronounced "foo-mee-EH."

fumie có nghĩa là

fucked up mentally ill After seein her get drunk and demand fast food I knew that she was a FUMI.

Ví dụ

Fumi-e is pronounced "foo-mee-EH." fucked up mentally ill

fumie có nghĩa là

After seein her get drunk and demand fast food I knew that she was a FUMI.

Ví dụ

Fumi-e is pronounced "foo-mee-EH." fucked up mentally ill After seein her get drunk and demand fast food I knew that she was a FUMI.

fumie có nghĩa là

Definition: fuck me
backround: some city/ghetto slang "hey boy, u gonna fumi?!"

Ví dụ

"hey boy, u gonna fuck me ?!" Haitian slang for homie/brother

fumie có nghĩa là

“Yo Fumi!

Ví dụ

yo friday night was so fumie! you just pulled a fumie. your sweater is definitly fumie. that was soooo FUMIE!

fumie có nghĩa là

Lets go pull up to the gas station and get some backwoods”.

Ví dụ

One who highly annoys the people around them. These people take pleasure in making others angry for no reason.

fumie có nghĩa là

another word for ladddddds

Ví dụ

See: Bitch, Stank Ass Ho, Slut, Asshole, Troll

fumie có nghĩa là

Person 1: Hey, I forgot my wallet at home. Do you mind paying for lunch?

Ví dụ

Person 2: God, that's the second time you've 'forgot your wallet' in the past week. You're such a fucking Fumie.

fumie có nghĩa là

fumie comes from the figure skater Fumie Siguri from Japan. She is pretty lucrative and wack so you can use the work Fumie to describe crazy antics and objects.

Ví dụ

yo friday night was so fumie! you just pulled a fumie. your sweater is definitly fumie. that was soooo FUMIE!

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