Gain reputation là gì

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Bạn đang xem: Reputation là gì


reputation /,repju:"teiʃn/ danh từ tiếng [xấu, giỏi...]he had the reputation of raching his tenants: lâo ta bao gồm giờ đồng hồ về bóc tách lột tận xương tuỷ tá điền của lão tiếng xuất sắc, thanh danh, danh tiếnga scientist of world wide: một công ty công nghệ lừng danh mọi vắt giới
Lĩnh vực: xây dựnguy tíndanh tiếngtkhô hanh danhthành danhuy tínbuild up a reputation [to lớn ...]: tạo nên dựng một uy tín [vào thương trường]business reputation: uy tín làm ănbusiness reputation: uy tín gớm doanhestablish the good reputation: kiến tạo uy tínbuild up a reputation [lớn ...]xây dựng giờ tămwith a long standing reputationkhét tiếng thọ đời

Word families [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs]: reputation, disrepute, reputable, disreputable, reputed, reputedly, reputably

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Từ điển Collocation

reputation noun

ADJ. considerable, enviable, excellent, fine, good, great, high, unrivalled, well-deserved, well-earned She has built up an enviable reputation as a harpist. | awesome, fearsome, formidable | bad, poor, unenviable, unsavoury | established | growing | undeserved | intact [only after reputation] He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact. | public | international, worldwide | professional

VERB + REPUTATION enjoy, have He has the reputation of being a hard worker. | acquire, build [up], earn, establish, gain, make Her international reputation is built on an impressive sầu danh sách of publications. | damage, destroy, thất bại, ruin, tarnish | protect | live up khổng lồ November is certainly living up to lớn its reputation?we"ve sầu had nothing but rain all week. | live down She found it hard to live down her reputation as a second-rate actress. | stake He has staked his reputation on the success of the play.

REPUTATION + VERB grow | suffer The company"s reputation suffered when it had to lớn reHotline thousands of products that were unsafe.

PREPhường. by ~ He was by reputation difficult to lớn please. | ~ as You"ve made quite a reputation for yourself as a rebel! | ~ for The company has a well-deserved reputation for being reliable.

Chuyên mục: Hỏi Đáp

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