januari là gì - Nghĩa của từ januari

januari có nghĩa là

The best month of the year with February right behind.when the coolest/hottest people were born. Also the prettiest time of the year..snow & winter time. Who doesnt love January?

Ví dụ

Person 1: Im glad its January

Person 2: Hell yea my birthdays this month!

Person 1: IKR?! của tôi cũng thế.

Person 2: who doesnt love January?

Person 1: only losers :p

januari có nghĩa là

Nantional Hangover Month. Because of the recent holadays and masive partying the general population spends the month hungover

Ví dụ

Person 1: Im glad its January

januari có nghĩa là

Person 2: Hell yea my birthdays this month!

Person 1: IKR?! của tôi cũng thế.

Person 2: who doesnt love January?

Ví dụ

Person 1: Im glad its January

Person 2: Hell yea my birthdays this month!

januari có nghĩa là

grab anything month this means you can grab anything you want wether it is ass dick or tits

Ví dụ

Person 1: Im glad its January

Person 2: Hell yea my birthdays this month!

Person 1: IKR?! của tôi cũng thế.

Person 2: who doesnt love January?

Person 1: only losers :p Nantional Hangover Month. Because of the recent holadays and masive partying the general population spends the month hungover

januari có nghĩa là

"Crap I have to go back to work. Wait, Its January which means my bose will be hung over too

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Everyones favorite month!!

januari có nghĩa là

A very unique name, generally owned by a very unique person. A beautiful woman.

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vui chơi trên tuyết

januari có nghĩa là

snuggling by the fire,
and having excuse for ur penis looking so small.

Ví dụ

January: Cold weather shrinks ur junk.

grab anything month this means you can grab anything you want wether it is ass dick or tits hey Karen its January
thật sự
*grabs ass* WTF its grab anything month ồ được thôi
grabs dick The best month if the year and the first month of the year ! My bday is on January !!!!

januari có nghĩa là

A very unique name, generally owned by a very unique person. A beautiful woman.

Ví dụ

January was exquisite. The act of making someone believe a joke, statement, etc. is true, while it is in fact completely fake.

januari có nghĩa là

Usually the person being januaried will try very hard to figure out what the person meant, making them look like a complete and utter idiot, as they meant nothing. Added people who are in on the january will add to the hilarity.

Ví dụ

The most common use of the term is through the "January Joke":

januari có nghĩa là

its yet another slap a*s month :0

Ví dụ

Person 1: Yo, what month comes after June?
Person 2: July?
1: Are Julying to me?

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