Máy fax báo lỗi document jammed sharp 1550 năm 2024

Before you can clear a "PAPER JAM" or "PRINTER JAM" error, you must locate where in the unit the paper is jammed.

First, unplug the machine for safety and disconnect the telephone line. Next, follow these instructions based on where the paper jam is located.

Do not use force to pull the jammed paper from the paper tray because you may damage the machine and cause toner to scatter on the next printed pages. After you use the machine, some internal parts are extremely HOT! When you open the front or the rear cover, never touch the shaded parts shown in the following diagram.

Paper is Jammed in the Multi-purpose Paper tray

  1. Pull the paper tray out of the machine.
  2. Remove any crinkled sheets.
  3. Adjust the guides to fit.
  4. Press down the paper to flatten it in the paper tray.
  5. Reinstall the paper tray.

Paper is Jammed near the Drum Unit

  1. Open the front cover.
  2. Remove the drum unit but do not force it if it cannot be removed easily. Instead, pull the edge of the jammed paper from the paper cassette.
  3. Gently pull out the jammed paper.
  4. Reinstall the drum unit.
  5. Close the front cover.

Paper is Jammed in the Fuser Unit

  1. Open the rear cover.

Pull out jammed paper. When you have to pull paper out the back of the machine, the fuser may get dirty with toner powder causing the next few printed page(s) to look messy. Print a few copies of the test page until the pages print clearly.

When the paper is jammed while layout printing, 2 on 1 copying, or 4 on 1 copying is in progress, it is possible that some pages are not printed if you resume printing after clearing the paper jam error. These might not display automatically. If the machine has a jam ("Clear paper") or "picture of a wrench" youcan read these codes. To read them press down the "!" ey and the

Clear$Stop% ey at the same time. All

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Codigos error Toshiba 350-450

Original Title

Codigos estudio 453, 350, 450, 452


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Codigos Estudio 453, 350, 450, 452

TOSHIBA e-STUDIO 350/ 352 /450/452, DP-3520 / DP-4520 CODES


These might not dis!"# "$tom"ti%"!!#& I' the m"%hine h"s " ("m )*C!e"+ "e+* o+ *i%t$+e o' " +en%h*

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 Ho!d don the to e

s )0 "nd  'o+ e"m!e hi!e t$+ning on oe+& In$ts These "+e sign"!s th"t ente+ the m"in o"+d, "nd "+e s$!ied # sit%hes "nd senso+s th+o$gho$t the m"%hine& 0 @  ode 8ights oe+"tion "ne! dis!"#& 0 @ 3 ode These "+e sign"!s th"t ente+ the m"in o"+d, "nd "+e s$!ied # sit%hes "nd senso+s th+o$gho$t the m"%hine& The+e "+e $ttons1 A, B, C, D, E, 7, =, H th"t i!! dis!"#& This is the $tton in the e!o t"!e& o$ i!! +ess the indi%"ted e# to test the item !isted& This g+o$ is done ith '" $tton o'' "nd '" 8ED o''& Fe# B$tton Des%+ition o' test  B 8C7 %onne%ted  C B#"ss %onne%ted  D B#"ss "e+ senso+  E D$!e %onne%ted  7 D$!e oen/%!ose sit%h  = D$!e eit senso+  H D$!e ent+# senso+ 2 A P7P $e+ d+"e+ dete%t 2 C P7P $e+ d+"e+ "e+ sto% senso+ 2 D P7P $e+ d+"e+ 'eed 2 E P7P %onne%ted 2 7 P7P side sit%h 2 = P7P $e+ d+"e+ emt# 2 H P7P $e+ d+"e+ t+"# $ 3 A 8C7 ottom senso+ 3 B 8C7 st"nd# side mis-st"% senso+ 3 E 8C7 d+"e+ dete%t 3 H 8%' side "e+ sto% senso+ 4 A P7P !oe+ d+"e+ dete%t 4 C P7P !oe+ d+"e+ 'eed 4 D P7P !oe+ d+"e+ 'eed senso+ 4 E P7P moto+ 4 = P7P !oe+ d+"e+ emt# 4 H P7P !oe+ d+"e+ t+"# $ 5 A 8C7 end 'en%e home senso+ 5 B 8C7 end 'en%e sto senso+ 5 C 8C7 st"nd# side senso+ 5 D 8C7 side %o6e+ oen/%!ose sit%h 5 E 8C7 moto+ 5 7 8C7 t+"#-$ senso+ 5 = 8C7 'eed senso+ 5 H 8C7 'eed side emt# senso+ 9 E Ue+ d+"e+ 'eed senso+ 9 7 Tone+ "g senso+ 9 = Ue+ d+"e+ emt# senso+ 9 H Ue+ d+"e+ t+"# $ senso+ : E 8oe+ d+"e+ 'eed senso+ : = 8oe+ d+"e+ emt# : H 8oe+ d+"e+ t+"# $ . B B#"ss idth senso+ . C B#"ss idth senso+ . D B#"ss idth senso+ . E B#"ss idth senso+ . 7 o se"+"to+ $e+ st"% senso+ . H B+idge $nit t+"nso+t %o6e+ senso+ \> D Ue+ d+"e+ dete%t \> E Ue+ d+"e+ "e+ sto% senso+ 0 D 8oe+ d+"e+ dete%t sit%h 0 E 8oe+ d+"e+ sto% senso+& This g+o$ is done ith '" $tton on "nd '" 8ED on& Fe# B$tton Des%+ition o' test  C 24 6o!t oe+ s$!#  D IPC %onne%ted  7 8"se+ o!

gon moto+ st"t$s  H Tone+ %"+t+idge sit%h 2 A egist+"tion senso+ 2 B Eit senso+ 2 C A$to-tone+ senso+ %onne%ted 2 D 7+ont %o6e+ oen/%!ose 2 E Destin"tion 2 = Side %o6e+ oen/%!ose 2 H "in moto+ +ot"te st"t$s 3 B Fe# %o$nte+ 3 C Tone+ "g '$!! senso+ 3 D 7$se+ $nit %onne%ted 3 E B+idge $nit t+"nso+t senso+ 2 3 = B+idge $nit "e+ '$!! senso+, (o se"+"to+ !oe+ st"% senso+ o+ o''set st"% senso+ 3 H B+idge t+"nso+t senso+, (o se"+"to+ 'eed senso+ o+ o''set t+"# senso+& 4 7 B#"ss 'eed senso+ 4 H High 6o!t"ge oe+ s$!# st"t$s 5 7 AD7 %onne%ted 5 = P!"ten %o6e+ senso+ 5 H S%"n home senso+& 9 D, E, 7, =, = APS senso+s , C, 3, 2,  : A AD7 t+"# senso+ : B AD7 emt# senso+ : C AD7 ("m %o6e+ senso+ : D AD7 oen/%!ose senso+ : E AD7 eit senso+ : 7 AD7 +e6e+se senso+ : = AD7 +e"d senso+ : H AD7 +egist+"tion senso+ . E AD7 o+igin"! !ength senso+

. 7 AD7 o+igin"! idth senso+  . = AD7 o+igin"! idth senso+ 2 . H AD7 o+igin"! idth senso+ 3 \> A B+idge/(o se"+"to+/o''set t+"# %onne%ted \> B B+idge/(o se"+"to+/o''set t+"# %onne%ted2 \> C B+idge/(o se"+"to+/o''set t+"# %onne%ted3 0 A Dong!e )th"tGs h"t it s"

s 'o+ =-200 0 B Dong!e 'o+ =-00 0 C Dong!e 'o+ =-300 0 D Dong!e 'o+ othe+ USB de6i%es "nd othe+ e$iment

Toshiba E-Studio E-350 / 352 / 450 / 452 D!-3520 / D!-4520 0 " 3 Mod#-out$uts

 Sh$t oe+& Ho!d don 0 @ 3 e

s hi!e t$+ning on oe+& Ente+ the n$me+ o' the %ode, $sing the n$me+ e

s& Then +ess *St"+t&* This i!! test the %omonent& In some %"ses, C!e"+1 ends the test& Some +e$i+e " se%ond +ess o' the St"+t1 $tton to sto the test& In some %"ses

o$ m$st ente+ " se%ond %ode )50 digits highe+ to sto the test& In some %"ses, "nothe+ +ess o' the St"+t e# i!! +e6e+se the item o+ %"$se it to mo6e "nothe+ ste&  8CT 'eed %!$t%h& 20 8C7 t+"nso+t %!$t%h& 2: S$-se"+"tion '"n& 2. Fe# %o$nte+ %o$nt $& 222 D$!e 'eed %!$t%h& 225 P7P t+"nso+t %!$t%h& 229 P7P $e+ %!$t%h& 22. P7P !oe+ %!$t%h& 232 B+idge $nit g"te so!enoid& 234 B#"ss i%$ so!enoid& 235 Dis%h"+ge 8ED& 239 7"n& 23. IH '"n& 24 IH '"n& 242 Ue+ d+"e+ t+"#-$ moto+& 243 8oe+ d+"e+ t+"#-$ moto+& 24. De6e!oe+ i"s JDC& 24> De6e!oe+ i"s -DC& 252 Ch"+ge %o+on"& 253 Se"+"to+ i"s& 255 T+"ns'e+ g$ide i"s& 259 T+"ns'e+ t+"ns'o+me+& 29 S%"n moto+& 29: Eos$+e !"m& 2: 8C7 !i't moto+& 2:. P7P $e+ !i't moto+& 2.0 P7P !oe+ !i't moto+& 2. AD7 moto+? 'o+"+d& 2.2 AD7 moto+? +e6e+se& 2.3 AD7 +e"d moto+? 'o+"+d& 2.4 AD7 +e"d moto+? +e6e+se& 2.5 AD7 +e6e+se moto+? +e6e+se& 2.> De6e!oe+ '"n? high seed& 2>0 De6e!oe+ '"n? !o seed& 2>4 AD7 +e6e+se so!enoid& 2>: AD7 '"n& 40 Poe+ s$!# '"n& 4 Poe+ s$!# '"n? high seed& 43 idd!e '"n& 432 De6e!oe+ %!$t%h& 49 7$se+ '"n? !o seed& 492 7$se+ '"n? high seed& 493 De6e!oe+ '"n? !o seed& 494 De6e!oe+ '"n? high seed&

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T$+n oe+ o''& Ho!d don*0* @ *4* hi!e t$+ning on oe+& Ente+ the %ode n$me+ o'

o$+ %hoi%e& P+ess St"+t&1 The m"%hine i!! m"e the test "tte+n& P+ess C!e"+1 to end& Sh$t oe+ to eit&  P+im"+# s%"n ith 33 g+"d"tions "nd e++o+ di''$sion& 3 Se%ond"+# s%"n ith 33 g+"d"tions "nd e++o+ di''$sion& 42 =+id "tte+n&

0 " 5 Mod#

 T$+n oe+ o''& Ho!d don*0* @ *5* hi!e t$+ning on oe+& This is " mode 'o+ setting "nd "d($sting& On%e in the mode, +ess the n$me+ e# o' %hoi%e )'o+ the "+ti%$!"+ %ode

o$ "nt& Then +ess *St"+t&* Then $se the n$me+ e

s to %h"nge the setting& Then +ess *E

s& P+ess St"+t1 e#& A!!o the m"%hine to %#%!e 'o+ "o$t to to th+ee min$tes& The m"%hine i!! not sto +$nning, $t the +e"ding on the dis!"# i!! st"i!i;e& It sho$!d !"nd eteen 2&35-2&45 6o!ts,