One more time say nghĩa là gì

One more time say nghĩa là gì
Tranh thủ giờ giải lao để bàn bạc chiến thuật. Photo byAndrea Tummons

"Run (something) by (one) one more time" = Thông báo, kể hoặc giải thích cái gì cho ai lần cuối.

Ví dụ
Oh yes, there is one other thing. None of this money can be used to pay wages or benefits of employees. If you missed that let me run it by you one more time in a different format. All the funds generated can be used for capital improvement projects ONLY!

I am proud and grateful to God to be an African American woman I never understood why some men wanted women who didnt know anything. Wait a minute! Run that by me one more time!... You just want somebody to feel superior (vượt trội) to. Suppose you have a heart attack.

'We want to have a New Year's Eve party.' Well I said 'that sounds great, what do you want to do?' 'Well we want to drop something.' I said 'that's fine what do you want to drop?' They said a buzzard (chim ó buteo). I got up and got me another cup of coffee, came back and said, 'run that by me one more time.' They said 'we want to drop a buzzard,' Faircloth explained with a smile.

Bin Kuan

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