Sau took là gì

  • Giáo dục
  • Học tiếng Anh

Thứ năm, 15/6/2017, 13:00 [GMT+7]

Trong tiếng Anh, take là 1 từ vựng rất đa nghĩa, ứng với mỗi giới từ đi kèm thì nghĩa của chúng lại khác nhau.

Theo giảng viên tại Ms Hoa TOEIC, “Take” là động từ quen thuộc trong tiếng Anh. Tuy nhiên, khi “Take” kết hợp với những giới từ khác, lại mang tới ý nghĩa mới. Ví dụ:

1. Take back: nhận lỗi, rút lại lời nói

Ví dụ: OK, I take it all back! [Vâng, tôi xin rút lại lời đã nói!]

2. Take up: Bắt đầu một công việc, một sở thích

Ví dụ: He takes up his duties next week. [Anh ta bắt đầu công việc từ tuần trước.]

3. Take off: cất cánh

Ví dụ: The plane took off an hour late. [Máy bay cất cánh một giờ đồng hồ sau đó.]

4. Take away: mang cái gì đó, cảm giác nào đó đi xa

Ví dụ: I was given some pills to take away the pain. [Tôi được cho vài viên huốc để khiến cơn đau qua nhanh.]

5. Take over:

Khiến điều gì được ưu tiên hơn.

Ví dụ: Try not to let negative thoughts take over. [Đừng để những suy nghĩ tiêu cực lấn áp.]

Đảm nhận, tiếp quản

It has been suggested that mammals took over from dinosaurs 65 million years ago. [Giả thiết cho rằng, loài động vật có vú tiến hóa từ khủng long khoảng 65 triệu năm trước.]

6. Take out:

Tách cái gì đó ra

Ví dụ: How many teeth did the dentist take out? [Bạn bị nhổ bao nhiêu cái răng?]

Giết ai hoặc phá hủy điều gì

Ví dụ: They took out two enemy bombers. [Họ đã giết 2 kẻ thù đánh bom.]

7. Take down: Phá hủy

Ví dụ: Workers arrived to take down the building. [Công nhân tới để phá hủy tòa nhà.]

8. Take in:

Mời ai đó vào nhà

Ví dụ: He was homeless, so we took him in. [ Anh ta là người vô gia cư, vậy nên chúng tôi mời anh ấy vào nhà.]

Hấp thụ

Ví dụ: Fish take in oxygen through their gills. [Cá hấp thu khí oxy qua mang.]

Nới lỏng hoặc khâu lại [quần áo]

Ví dụ: This dress needs to be taken in at the waist. [Cái váy này cần được khâu lại chỗ thắt lưng.]

Bao gồm, nằm trong

Ví dụ: The tour takes in six European capitals. [Tour du lịch bao gồm thăm quan thủ đô của 6 nước châu Âu.]

9. Take apart:

Đánh bại ai đó

Ví dụ: We were simply taken apart by the other team. [chúng tôi bị đánh bại bởi một đội khác.]

Chỉ trích ai đó một cách nghiêm khắc

Ví dụ: In his speech he took the opposition apart. [Trong bài phát biểu của mình, anh ta chỉ trích đối phương một cách nghiêm khắc.]

Lạc Thảo

Hóa học & vật liệu

mẻ [số lượng thu được tại mỏ hoặc mua được ở mỏ]

Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


Grip, seize, grasp, clasp, get, get or take hold of, grab,snatch, clutch, catch, capture, obtain, lay hold of, lay [one's]hands on, procure, acquire, gain [possession of], takepossession of, secure, win, carry off, abduct, Colloq nab: Thepolice took him into custody. He takes what he can get. When itcomes to ineptitude, Sue certainly takes the prize. 2 pick,select, choose, opt for, settle or decide or fasten on or upon:When you get to the fork, take the road to the left.

Appropriate, arrogate, extract, carry off or away, steal,purloin, pilfer, filch, palm, rob, shoplift, pocket, remove,walk off or away with, run or make off or away with; embezzle,misappropriate, peculate; plagiarize, pirate; Colloq lift,swipe, snitch, Chiefly Brit pinch, nick, Slang knock off, hook,rip off, liberate, US boost, crook: They took what didn'tbelong to them.

Reserve, book, engage; hire, rent, lease: Hetook a room in a small hotel, where he began to write detectivefiction. 5 acquire, get, adopt; assume, derive, obtain, draw,receive, inherit: He has taken his bad manners from you. Thefilm takes its title from the book. 6 accept, receive, bear,withstand, stand, endure, weather, tolerate, abide, brave, gothrough, undergo, suffer, submit to, swallow, Colloq put upwith, brook, stomach, Brit stick: She took the news aboutLeon's relapse quite well. I have taken quite enough from youalready. 7 assume, bear, undertake, adopt, arrogate;acknowledge, accept: Kevin took full responsibility for themistake.

Believe, think, judge, deem, hold, feel; take for,assess [as], consider [as], regard [as], view [as], accept[for]: I take people to be honest till proven otherwise. Shetook him for a fool when they first met. 9 carry, convey, bear,transport, bring, deliver, ferry; haul, cart: Will this traintake me to Aylesbury? They took the bicycle to Old Lyme in avan. 10 take up, study, be involved or occupied in or with,apply oneself to, learn; read, Colloq tackle: I cannot believethat Doreen is taking home economics. He took a course in carmaintenance. 11 prove or be effective or efficacious oroperative or functional, take effect, take hold, operate,function, work, perform, Colloq do the trick: If the transplantfails to take, the doctors will have to operate again. 12 exact,extract, get: She took revenge by denying him certainprivileges.

Swallow, eat, consume, ingest, devour, gulpdown, gobble up or down, wolf, bolt; drink, imbibe, quaff;inhale: Rudolf takes pills of every conceivable colour. Thedoctor said I could take a wee nip now and then. Sonya steppedout to take a breath of fresh air. 14 subtract, deduct, remove,take away, take from, take off: Take three from five. Five,take away two, leaves three. It's cheaper when you've taken offthe discount. 15 end, terminate, annihilate, wipe out; kill:The assault on Leningrad took tens of thousands of lives. TheLord giveth and the Lord taketh away. 16 require, demand, need,necessitate, call for: Remember, it takes two to tango. It tookhim two years to complete the fresco. It takes six to sail hisyawl. 17 hold, contain, accommodate, accept, fit in: Thisstorage bin cannot take anything else, it's completely full.

Convey, lead, conduct; escort, convoy, guide, accompany: Thisroad takes you directly to the yacht club. He asked to be takento the manager's office. 19 understand, gather, interpret,perceive, apprehend, deduce, conclude, infer, judge, deem,assume, suppose, imagine, see: I take it from your expressionthat you've had bad news.

Charm, captivate, capture,attract, lure, allure: There was something about him that tookher fancy.

Use, employ, make use of, establish, put in[to]place, adopt, put into effect, effect, apply; resort to, haverecourse to, turn to: The police have taken measures to ensurethat it doesn't happen again. 22 clear, get or go over or pastor round or through: Browning's Delight took the last jumpeasily. He must have taken that corner at 90! 23 experience,entertain, feel: She seemed to take an instant dislike to me.24 express, voice, raise, put forth: I hope you will not takeobjection or exception to what I am about to tell you. 25 causeor make or induce or drive or persuade [someone] to go or be:What takes you to M laga in August?

Act, assume, play,perform: I'm taking the part of the wicked witch in the localpantomime.

Bilk, cheat, swindle, defraud, Colloq con, Britfiddle: When he examined his wallet he realized he'd beentaken.

Take aback. astound, astonish, surprise, startle,shock: She was really taken aback at the news.

Take after.a resemble, look like, be the spitting image or the spit andimage of, favour, remind one of, Colloq be a chip off the oldblock: He takes after his grandfather. b Sometimes, take offafter. chase, follow, run after, pursue: When the man stole thenewspaper and ran, the shopkeeper took after him at a gallop. 30take back. retract, withdraw, recant, disavow, repudiate: Henow wants to take back what he said about you.

Take down. anote, make a note or memo or memorandum of, write down, record,put or set down, put in writing, document, transcribe,chronicle: Please take down what I am about to tell you. bdebase, deflate, lower, diminish, belittle, depreciate,deprecate, humble, humiliate, shame, disparage, degrade,disgrace: She certainly took that pompous ass down a peg ortwo.

Take in. a accommodate, receive, let in, quarter,board, lodge: When her children grew up and left home, shedecided to take in lodgers. b deceive, fool, trick, impose upon,overcharge, cheat, mulct, defraud, cozen, bilk, dupe, gull,hoodwink, swindle, Colloq bamboozle, con, pull the wool over[someone's] eyes, Slang Brit do: He was really taken in by thattime-share deal. c include, subsume, embrace, comprise, cover,encompass, contain: Our sales figures take in all of NorthAmerica, not just Canada.

Take it. a withstand or tolerateor survive punishment or abuse, survive: The Marines areextremely tough and can take it. b See 20, above.

Take off.a remove, doff, strip or peel off, discard, divest [oneself] of:Take off your hat in the house. b satirize, lampoon,caricature, mock, parody, travesty, burlesque, mimic, imitate,Colloq spoof, Brit send up: It is not always easy to take offmembers of the Cabinet. c depart, leave, go [away], decamp; flyoff, become airborne, lift off, blast off; Colloq skedaddle,make [oneself] scarce, Slang hit the road, scram, beat it,split: You'd better take off before they find you here. Theplane is due to take off at 18.35. 35 take on. a hire, engage,employ, enrol, enlist, retain: We are so busy that we havetaken on ten new people. b challenge, rival, face, contendagainst, oppose, match or pit [oneself] against, vie with,fight: Are you in any condition to take on the champion? cassume, accept, undertake, tackle: You might be taking on morethan you bargained for.

Take out. entertain, escort, inviteout; court, woo: He took her out to dinner at a Chineserestaurant.

Take over. assume or take or usurp or gaincontrol or possession or command of: A huge conglomerate istrying to take over our company.

Take to. a like, findpleasant or pleasing, feel affection or liking or affinity for,find suitable: We took to each other the very first time wemet. He took to computers as a duck takes to water. b leave ordepart or take off for, run for, head for, flee to, make for:When the attack came, the villagers took to the hills.

=====Takeup. a pick up, accept, agree to, acquiesce to, accede to: Shetook up his offer, and they've been married for forty years. bassume, resume, carry on, continue, go on with, follow on with,pick up: After a pause, he took up the thread of the story oncemore. c espouse, embrace, become interested or involved in,support, sponsor, advocate: She took up the cause of women'srights at her age? d occupy, cover, use [up], fill [up]:Bernard's exercise equipment now takes up half the living-room.e deal with, treat, consider, bring up, raise: Next week ourpanellists will take up the question, 'Who benefits fromeducation?'


Revenue, takings, yield, return, receipts, proceeds,gain, profit[s]; gate, box office: How much was the take fromthe first day?

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