Sudo desktop-file-install

If you are upgrading from a previous version of desktop-file-utils that used the Autotools method of installing and configuring the package, you must remove the desktop-file-edit symlink by using the following commands.

rm -fv /usr/bin/desktop-file-edit

Install Desktop File Utils by running the following commands:

mkdir build && cd build && meson --prefix=/usr --buildtype=release .. && ninja

This package does not come with a test suite.

Now, as the root user:

ninja install

--buildtype=release: Specify a buildtype suitable for stable releases of the package, as the default may produce unoptimized binaries.

The XDG Base Directory specification defines the standard locations for applications to place data and configuration files. These files can be used, for instance, to define the menu structure and menu items in a desktop environment.

The default location for configuration files to be installed is /etc/xdg, and the default locations for data files are /usr/local/share and /usr/share. These locations can be extended with the environment variables XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and XDG_DATA_DIRS, respectively. The GNOME, KDE and XFCE environments respect these settings.

When a package installs a .desktop file to a location in one of the base data directories, the database that maps MIME-types to available applications can be updated. For instance, the cache file at /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache can be rebuilt by executing the following command as the root user:

install -vdm755 /usr/share/applications && update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications

Installed Programs: desktop-file-edit, desktop-file-install, desktop-file-validate and update-desktop-database

Installed Libraries: None

Installed Directories: None


is used to modify an existing desktop file entry


is used to install a new desktop file entry. It is also used to rebuild or modify the MIME-types application database


is used to verify the integrity of a desktop file


is used to update the MIME-types application database

Last updated on Thu Feb 17 19:44:13 2022

Command line utilities for working with desktop entries.

To install desktop-file-utils, paste this in macOS terminal after installing MacPorts

sudo port install desktop-file-utils

Report an issue with this port

Install desktop-file-utils by entering the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt update sudo apt install desktop-file-utils


Utilities for .desktop files

Some utilities to make dealing with .desktop files easier: * update-desktop-database -- update the desktop-MIME mapping * desktop-file-validate -- validate a desktop file * desktop-file-install -- install a desktop file, munging en route.

Homepage: //

Version: 0.23-1ubuntu3

Section: devel

Quick installation of desktop-file-utils:

Step 1: Update system:

sudo apt-get update

Step 2: Install: desktop-file-utils

Ater updaing the OS run following command to install the packae:

sudo apt-get install desktop-file-utils

Package Details

Maintainer:Ubuntu Desktop Team
Home page:
Description:Utilities for .desktop files Some utilities to make dealing with .desktop files easier: * update-desktop-database -- update the desktop-MIME mapping * desktop-file-validate -- validate a desktop file * desktop-file-install -- install a desktop file, munging en route.
Distro:Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

First of all update your system with the command:

sudo apt-get update


Above command will download the package lists for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on your system. This will update the list of newest versions of packages and its dependencies on your system.

After downloading the latest package list with the help of above you can run the installation process.

If desktop-file-utils is not installed on your compter then the command 'dpkg -L desktop-file-utils' will give followin error.

Installing desktop-file-utils:

After system update use the following command to install desktop-file-utils:

sudo apt-get install desktop-file-utils

Above command will confirm before installing the package on your Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Operating System. If you are not already logged in as su, installer will ask you the root password. After completion of the installation you can use the package on your system.

Now we will see the commands for uninstalling the desktop-file-utils from Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. For uninstalling this package you can easily use the apt command and remove the package from Linux Operating System.

To remove the desktop-file-utils following command is used:

sudo apt-get remove desktop-file-utils

Following command is used to remove the desktop-file-utils package along with its dependencies:

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove desktop-file-utils

This will remove desktop-file-utils and all its dependent packages which is no longer needed in the system.

Completely removing desktop-file-utils with all configuration files:

Following command should be used with care as it deletes all the configuration files and data:

sudo apt-get purge desktop-file-utils

or you can use following command also:

sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove desktop-file-utils

Above command will remove all the configuration files and data associated with desktop-file-utils package. You can can't recover the delete data, so, use this command with care.

Installing desktop-file-utils package on Ubuntu is as easy as running the following command on terminal:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install desktop-file-utils

desktop-file-utils package information

More information about install using apt-get

Advanced Package Tool, or APT, is a free software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian, Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. APT simplifies the process of managing software on Unix-like computer systems by automating the retrieval, configuration and installation of software packages, either from precompiled files or by compiling source code.

apt-get is the command-line tool for handling packages, and may be considered the user's "back-end" to other tools using the APT library.

apt-get install is followed by one or more packages desired for installation or upgrading. Each package is a package name, not a fully qualified filename. All packages required by the package[s] specified for installation will also be retrieved and installed. The /etc/apt/sources.list file is used to locate the desired packages. If a hyphen is appended to the package name [with no intervening space], the identified package will be removed if it is installed. Similarly a plus sign can be used to designate a package to install. These latter features may be used to override decisions made by apt-get's conflict resolution system.

See Also

How to uninstall desktop-file-utils package from Ubuntu

aseqdump: command not found beakerlib-testwatcher: command not found cf-promises: command not found zforce: command not found iscsi-target: command not found pgmdeshadow: command not found ysearch: command not found rwtop-record: command not found arb_transform_feedback2-pause-counting: command not found odvips: command not found kill: command not found bregex: command not found h8300-hms-ranlib: command not found cacaclock: command not found courier: command not found dis51: command not found dmtcp_discover_rm: command not found gm-backup_database: command not found gnupod_convert_FLAC: command not found gr_psd_plot_i: command not found update-icon-caches: command not found zipdetails: command not found lighttpd-enable-mod: command not found frm.mailutils: command not found mruby: command not found qmp3join: command not found qwo: command not found fixproc: command not found atk6-fuzz_ip6: command not found tv_grab_se_tvzon: command not found

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