Topology error in ArcGIS

Thisgeodatabasefeature allow us analyse vector networks and find out if there are errors on them to be able to fix them afterwards. With this we can, for example, carry out a more exact analysis or create routes without finding an error. What this feature does is find errors in the layer (or group of layers) of the network analysis.

Topology error in ArcGIS

To do so, we need to first have ageodatabase. To create it, right click the folder where we want to locate it inside Catalog and selectnew > file geodatabase. This is a container where we can save the folders.

Topology error in ArcGIS

We also need to generate a file inside the geodatabase calledFeature Dataset.

Right Click the geodatabase, New > Feature Dataset. Here you will be asked to indicate the projection of the layers that will be inside it.

Topology error in ArcGIS

We now have to import the layer(s) that we want to analyse. To do this, right clickImport(I recommend the multiple option even though we just want to introduce one layer as it is less arduous).

Once imported, add the layer insidefeature dataset.

Topology error in ArcGIS

With the layer inside it, right click Feature Dataset > New > Topology.

Topology error in ArcGIS

Name the topology and specify thetolerance distance(generally it is 0,001 unless you are looking for something specific). The next window will ask to select the layer and assign a range of importance to the layer (if you want it to be the same, give it the same number).

Topology error in ArcGIS

Topology error in ArcGIS

Add rule is to add mnemonic rules that will be followed.

On the right hand side you will see a description and the drawing explaining the meaning of each rule. Once done, clickfinish.

Topology error in ArcGIS

Topology error in ArcGIS

Topology error in ArcGIS

When finished, the topology image will be added insidefeature classand we have to right click it tovalidateit.

To validate and analyse the errors that may exist, we, first of all, have toactivate the topology tool.

Topology error in ArcGIS

Next, we have to load the file created in the table of contents. It will ask us if we want to add layers that belong to the topology, we will sayyesso that the errors on the map are loaded.

Topology error in ArcGIS

Following, the editing will start (same as editing any layer, right click on it, select edit and modify it using the editor tool) taking a look at the pointed errors.

Something to take into account is that, although you correct the error, the layer of errors (red) is there, and it wont change until we review the errors. The reason for this is that the red vector layer is a copy of the previous one but with the error re-marked.

If the Topology control table is not open, you will have to open it via customize.

In the error inspector table we can observe each individual error as if it was an attribute table allowing us to work with them. This opens clicking the error inspector button of the topology tool.

Topology error in ArcGIS

If there is some point that we want to omit as an error, we just have to right click on it and select Mark as exception.

Topology error in ArcGIS

With the bar above, we can choose to only display the errors created under a certain rule.

Topology error in ArcGIS

Once we have solved the error, we select the seach now button of the error inspector. This way we save the editing of the layers until having corrected all errors.

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Topology error in ArcGIS

Topology error in ArcGIS