Why effective recruitment and selection are important to an organization?

Recruitment and the way we recruit now compared to a few years ago has changed. It isn’t easy. Recruitment is all about putting the right talent, in the right job, and at the right time. Recruiting new employees is a costly process and if not done properly, this could prevent the business from growing, affect your reputation, negatively impact your profits and more. So why is recruitment and selection so important to an organisation?

Well, recruitment is vital for success. Good people confer a performance advantage and there is really nothing that will make more of an impact than hiring the very best talent you can find and afford. A study by The Boston Consulting Group found that not only do companies that are committed to investing in their people perform better economically, but that recruiting is probably the most important human resources function when it comes to enjoying better economic performance so it’s safe to say that recruitment is definitely an asset that is worthy of continual investment.

When you are running a business, your success largely depends on having a team of employees who know how to get the job done. Finding the right talent that is not only good at their job but will also stick around is crucial, and makes your organisations’ recruitment and selection processes all the more important. Recruitment can be a hectic process for any business, but an effective recruitment process and a strong selection policy is crucial for significantly reducing your employee turnover and ensuring that you hire the very best candidates for the job.

Companies that are good at hiring talent experience two times better profit margins than those who are not as capable of hiring the best people. The lead driving factor behind a companies success is the people and access to the best people can only be achieved through successful recruitment. When recruiting, it is important that you list all of the skills required of the job to help ensure that you fill the position with the right candidate. Employee referral programmes can also be a highly effective and important part of successful recruitment when it comes to hiring the best talent you can find.

While recruitment attracts applicants, selection reduces the number of applicants to a number that is more manageable and involves screening out those that are unsuitable for the job. Like with recruitment, this is vital in reducing the costs and poor performance resulting from bad hires, and ensuring that only the most suitable and qualified candidates are chosen to fill the empty post. It is also vital for assessing the behaviour of potential employees and gives the hiring team the opportunity to assess candidates to ensure that they find the individual who will adapt best to the demands of the job.

In summary, recruitment is a vital and important process when it comes to not only finding quality candidates but also taking the steps required to save the time, resources and money that result from bad hires. Taking the time to really focus on your recruitment and selection process will help avoid the issues that can arise.

Skillbase Group combines both global reach and management know-how for a specialist, bespoke recruiting solutions. It doesn’t matter what size project you are staffing, how complicated the job is or where you are located – Skillbase Group can step in and deliver change immediately. If you want to know more about how Skillbase Group can help you, please contact us using the details below:

Recruitment is a key responsibility of the HR department. While HR works in many areas including employee engagement, employee development, statutory compliance, data management and many others, one of the key areas of focus for HR is to attract, select and onboard suitable candidates for the organization.

Why do we need an appropriate Recruitment and Selection process?

Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified candidates for a job role and Selection is the process of identifying and selecting the right candidate for that job.

The contributions of each employee play a pivotal role in the sustenance and growth of a business. Hence it is extremely important to select the right person for the job. The same way as a square peg does not fit in a round hole, a bad hire can affect the overall business outcomes.

The impact to your business when you hire the wrong candidate is often much more than not hiring a person at all! Recruitment is not only an operational activity but a key strategic activity for the business.

Hence there is a need for developing a strong recruitment and selection process.

The right process reflects on your company’s professionalism and portrays your organization’s maturity in attracting and hiring the right talent. An effective process helps in creation of a talent pool in a proactive manner, thus assisting in meeting the medium-term and long-term business objectives.

Recruiting involves multiple stakeholders including senior level employees in your company and can cost a lot in terms of time and money. Hence one needs to ensure that the process is well defined and optimized to meet the needs of all stakeholders.

Why effective recruitment and selection are important to an organization?

Enablers of a good Recruitment Process

A few things to keep in mind to enable a smooth hiring experience:

Integrate job postings with job description

Create a database of job postings and link vacancies to well defined job descriptions and skills. This makes it easier for the recruiter, the hiring manager and even the candidate.

Simplify the application process

You want to excite a candidate and sell the job to them. A complex application process puts off most candidates. The application process should work on all devices including mobiles, allow a seamless experience and candidates should be able to register once and submit their resumes to multiple positions.

Display job postings on your website

Publish the jobs on the career page of your website along with postings on other social platforms. You want to be visible everywhere – especially the social sites where a majority of your prospective hires spend their time.

Manage previously submitted resumes

Old submissions often get lost. Build a database that allows easy tagging and searching. Keep track of applicants and inform them of new positions.

Manage your candidates effectively

Assign interviewers to shortlisted candidates and automated reminders to candidates and interviewers.

Streamline the applicant tracking process

Allow recruiters to accept, review and manage resumes at a single location.

Maintain touchpoints with candidates

It is important to remain in touch with candidates on a periodic basis. They may not have succeeded in the existing job position they applied for but may be suitable in the future. Keeping in touch with them often builds relationships and can reduce the time-to-hire for future recruitments both for these candidate as also their referrals.

Have a robust onboarding process

Improve day-one readiness of new hires by seamlessly onboarding new employees.

Maintain data on the recruitment process

To iteratively improve the recruitment and selection process, meticulously maintain data related to different parts of the process. Different recruitment metrics that you can manage include resumes received, resumes shortlisted, interviews, no-shows, offers, accepts, time-to-hire, time-to-fill and so on.

Concluding thoughts

Selecting the right employee is an important goal for the recruitment team and establishing the correct process can enhance the experience of the Candidate, Interviewer, Hiring Manager and the HR Department. It can also help increase the effectiveness of your business.

The whole recruiting process is already being altered by technology. Everything is being digitized, from shortlisting resumes to conducting interviews to employee onboarding.

HR professionals should ensure that they follow the correct Recruitment and Selection processes and attract the best workforce for their organization.

Why effective recruitment and selection process is important in an organization?

An effective recruitment and selection policy not only fulfills the requirements of a job but also ensures that an organization will continue to maintain its commitment to providing equal opportunity to employees. Adherence to such a policy will let you hire the best possible candidates for your organization.

Why is effective recruitment necessary?

Increase productivity An efficient, seamless recruitment experience increases the likelihood that new employees will be more engaged and motivated from the get-go, which improves their long-term chance of succeeding in the job and working to build the business.