Bedroom cleaning checklist printable

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Do you ever feel overwhelmed with what you have to do in your home?   Today I am sharing a room by room cleaning printable to help you get started.   

“Inch by inch, it’s a cinch… yard by yard, it’s hard.”

It is, but it isn’t…
 I have daily chores, but please remember that I also do weekly and monthly chores that take those daily chores a step further.

If I only swept my floors daily, but never washed them, it would be a disaster.  If I only wiped down my toilets but never cleaned the insides, they would be disgusting.

I do these daily chores to keep our home clean, sanitized and livable.  I do them because I want a clean house that my family can feel good about.   I then take it a step further and we deep-clean every week.   You can see that daily, weekly, monthly cleaning list here.

The real deal

I know that when I post my cleaning lists, some people complain that it is too much work.  It may seem that way, trust me… I get it, but it will be so much better soon!  If you have already taken my WHOLE HOME DECLUTTERING COURSE, this will all seem very manageable, because your house will be decluttered & ready to go.    Once you have completed the course, keeping your home clean will be a breeze (even with kids) because you will have a plan.  Seriously.  I spend maybe 15-30 minutes doing all of these things… and that is with a family of 6!
(And they are still young… see? 😉 )

Bedroom cleaning checklist printable

Cleaning supplies you’ll need:


What to clean: 

The Process…

  • As you wake up, clean the bedroom.  Make your bed. Open the blinds.  Put your PJ’s away.  Vacuum the room (or run your robot).
  • When you get ready, clean your bathroom.   Wipe down the counters. Put your makeup away.  Clean the mirrors if they are messy from the kids brushing their teeth.
  • When you walk into the kitchen, clean the countertops if they need cleaning (I actually like to do the kitchen at night so it is ready for the next day).
  • Sweep your front porch when your family leaves for school or work or when you get home from work.
  • Clean your living room for about 5-10 minutes in the morning & again at night (with your family).
    Bedroom cleaning checklist printable

The Room by Room Breakdown: BEDROOM: 

  • Make bed
  • Put away pajamas
  • Pick up clothes
  • Close drawers
  • Clear off night-stand.


  • Clean off countertops with a wipe (30 seconds)
  • Wipe toilet seat & rim  (30 seconds)
  • Clean mirror if needed 
  • Clean sink (quick wipe down after everyone brushes their teeth)
  • Restock toilet paper & soap if needed (with six people in our family, we do this one a lot)
  • Wash hand towels if needed (I usually do this about twice a week)
  • Empty garbage daily or every other day.  (Ours has to be emptied at least once a day)


  • Empty dishwasher every night before bed
  • Refill dishwasher if needed
  • Clean countertops (30 seconds with a wipe)
  • Wipe down the inside of the microwave if needed
  • Sweep floors ~ 2 minutes 
  • Clear clutter piles ~ 5 minutes
  • Wipe down chairs if needed
  • Clean sink (& anything left in it)


  • Put pillows on couch/blankets into baskets
  • Clear off table
  • Pick stuff up off of the floor (toys, clutter, dog toys)
  • Take dishes into the kitchen
  • Put shoes where they belong


  • Sweep porch (30 seconds)
  • Wipe down chairs (ours are always covered in pollen)
  • Clear off cobwebs.  I use the end of a broom that we keep in the garage.
  • Water any flowers
  • Beat pillows to get any dust/pollen off of them. 

This may be a lot of work at first, but I promise you will be so much happier about your house after you’ve done this for a while.

If you are ready to get started, right now… join me!   In my Whole House declutter course , we will declutter, clean & organize your home.   It takes away the overwhelming feeling because we are doing it together.  You will be in a group with other people doing it, too!  We walk through each room of your house, together.  I give you daily tasks, checklists, directions & video tours of my house to show you what has worked well for me & my family.  I’d love to have you join!

Bedroom cleaning checklist printable

If you just want the daily cleaning list, find it here.  I’ll send it via e-mail, so you can download, print or save it.

Bedroom cleaning checklist printable

You can hang it on your refrigerator or put it into a plastic sleeve or laminate it and check things off as you go for the first few weeks until you get the hang of it.

Happy Cleaning!

Help your kids keep their rooms clean with this free printable step by step kid's bedroom cleaning checklist along with cleaning tips!

Bedroom cleaning checklist printable

After I shared my kid's bathroom cleaning printable a couple of weeks ago I received multiple emails asking me for versions for different areas of the house. The one most requested was a bedroom cleaning checklist and, as you all know, I'm always game to post about your requests!

(I've also recently made a kids' kitchen cleaning printable checklist too!)

Here is a really easy, standard Kid's Bedroom Cleaning Checklist you can print at home. (Scroll to the bottom to print your checklist!)

Bedroom cleaning checklist printable

(This is a room two of my boys shared when we lived in DC a few years ago.)

How to Teach Your Kids to Clean Their Rooms

Before you get started with the printable cleaning checklist, it's important to set your kids up for success when it comes to cleaning their rooms. Simply handing them a checklist and leaving them to it won't work. Believe me, I've tried!

As with the bathroom cleaning, it's very important that you first go through the cleaning process with your child intentionally to model for them how to clean and what their expectations are.

You can also start teaching young kids to clean with my printable Kid's Chore Cards featured in my shop. This is a super easy system for handing out chores for all ages!

Teaching Young Children to Clean Their Rooms

Be certain to keep expectations age-appropriate as well. A younger child will not be able to independently clean their room without adult supervision but they can most definitely do specific tasks when directed and taught. See a list of age-appropriate chores for kids here and find all of my cleaning tips and tricks here.

As an example, younger kids won't be able to follow a broad instruction like "clean your room," but can complete specific tasks like "pick up all the stuffed animals." Keep instructions short and specific until they are able to clean the room by themselves.

How to Clean a Kid's Bedroom:

  1. Start by making the bed, this will immediately make the room cleaner and help you in later steps.
  2. Pick up any dirty clothes and put them in the hamper.
  3. Pick everything off the floor and place it on the bed. Go through these things one by one putting them in the proper place until the bed is clear.
  4. Check under the bed and repeat step #3 with anything that doesn't belong there.
  5. Clear top of dresser and/or desk, returning anything out of place to its proper place.
  6. Empty trash can.
  7. Vacuum

That's it! You're done!

In our family, we do the deep cleaning tasks like dusting and changing linens on different days so this is a general tidy-up checklist. If there is enough interest in a different version I'm happy to make one up for you all!

Click Here to Download the Free Printable Kid's Bedroom Cleaning Checklist

If you need help downloading and printing this printable, the video below provides a step by step tutorial.