Change keyboard Laptop

If your Laptop key is sticky or any of its missing, or the keyboard isnt working at all, if you are thinking abouthow much does it cost to replace a laptop keyboard. You can generally substitute for between $20 and $60 for the whole keypad yourself.

The procedure is not as hard as you would think and has the advantage that each key must not be individually removed and replaced.

Although every laptop is different, removing your laptops keypad typically takes off your cover, removes a few screws, and disconnects a cable.

If you are up to the challenge, you can comfortably take up this project at home. However, please take note: a work laptop is a horrible waste, and Ranklaptop does not assume responsibility for any harm that might occur on your computer to remove it.

Moreover, if you have to open your entire laptop to duplicate our operation, you can call an expert if you have to remove anything more than a handful of screws.

Finally, search to see if the laptop remains under warranty before you do something else. If so, you might be able to repair it free of charge.

HowMuch Does It Cost to Replace a Laptop Keyboard

Type of RepairPrice RangeType of RepairPrice Range
Keyboard Replacement$80-195Motherboard Replacement$150-300+
Laptop Screen Replacement$125-225+Memory/RAM Upgrade$50-200
Hard Drive Replacement$100-$225Software Repair$40-150
Data Recovery$99-1000+Fan Repair/Replacement$99-175
Power Jack Repair$100-200Liquid Damage Repair$99-250+
Virus Removal$49-100SSD Upgrade$150-400+
Laptop Accessories Price Table

Disclaimer:Certain ranges of prices are above. Note that these price ranges represent the labor costs of our industry that can differ by sector.

If you let your uncle, who knows about computers, repair your laptop, youll possibly find lower rates (but you could end up here anyway).

Hopefully, Uncle wont delete your data accidentally either). You may also be quoted even higher by some of our rivals. These prices differ according to work complexity and planned bench time and are competitively priced for a reputable repair shop.

Find a substitute keyboard.

The first move is to acquire the best keyboard for your laptop. Compare rates with eBay, Google, and online repair hardware specialist shops like

Ensure that your buying keyboard is the exact model number of your laptop, which may be written on your bezel screen or a sticker attached to the underside of your laptop.

You can further simplify your search by stating the part number of the keypad that you can find on the laptops manufacturers website or by calling the service/support department.

How to Replace a Laptop Keyboard

HowMuch Does It Cost to Replace a Laptop Keyboard

Check online for more accurate guidance on replacing your specific laptop keyboard than the general steps provided here. There is a small probability that your laptop is unique and has a slightly different replacement method than the regular one described.

Check with your laptops manufacturer and the location where you purchased the replacement keyboard to see if it has precise DIY repair instructions.

Some manufacturers have comprehensive service manuals for a range of service activities. If not, you can check the Web for how to replace a keyboard by the model number of your laptops.

Lets start now! Confirm that you have purchased the correct substitute by putting the new one on the laptop and seeing if it looks the right shape and size.

Next, collect your tools: a little Phillips screwdriver to remove the tiny screws and a knife of butter or a small and thin flat tool to remove any cover.

Make sure the laptop is completely turned off: Remove the battery from the power cable.

Examine the cover/trim piece between the screen and the keyboard; typically, the keypad is available. Check and remove any screws that seem to help keep the cover. Certain parts often cover the screen hinges with tiny screws on their backs.

Before you remove the cover, be mindful that a data cable can be attached to the laptop on the back. This cable is necessary and typically not too slack.

Remove the trim piece containing your laptop keyboard very cautiously. You dont have to rip the cord off the laptop and break the cable or connector.

When the cover is loose, cut the surface with your bare hands gently; use a butter knife or another thin flat tool to pry it carefully, where possible.

The cover can snap with a small amount of force reasonably quickly do not use or break excessive force.

If the screw doesnt seem to come off, search for any remaining screws, also below the laptop, to keep it on and remove them.

Once the cover/cut piece has been removed, set it aside. If connected to the laptop via a data cable, try to remove it carefully without damaging the cable.

Then, the screws that hold the keyboard are to be found and removed; usually, there are two to five such screws on top of the keyboard.

Before you pull the keypad up, remember that the back of the keyboard is attached to a data cable that is connected to the laptop.

Usually, this cable is not too slack, so be very careful when pulling it up. It is essential that the cable is not torn off the laptop and the connector is ruined.

Check the keyboard carefully (without ripping the laptop cable) and unlock the cable connector, typically by ticking the little lock on the connector. Then cut the cord of the data and set aside the old keyboard.

Check up the new keypad, lines it (without setting it down), and attach the data cable to the connector on the laptop, generally by inserting the flat cable as far as it is going.

With the attached data cable, set the keyboard in place, be careful not to pull or damage the cable. Reinsert the screws to keep the keyboard down and re-connect the cover/drive piece, which generally needs some strength to reinsert. If you have removed any screws from the cover earlier, reinsert them too.

You can reinstall your battery and boot the laptop after these measures have been completed. If all goes well, you should have a flawless working keypad at a fraction of the cost of a skilled repair service!

How Much Does It Cost to Fix a Laptop Keyboard With Water Damage?

It is more challenging to fix a laptop keyboard as moisture can contact other essential circuits on the laptop and cause more damage.

The first step is to power your laptop and immediately remove the battery. Then, hold down the power button to ensure that no laptops components are charged. The faster you power your laptop down, the less risk of harm.

The next move is to disassemble and wipe down your laptop. The demounting method depends on your laptop model.

Fortunately, almost every laptop model on the planet (Click here to know how to disassemble your laptop) has decommissioning guides, and most laptops are specially designed for easy disassembly.

However, some laptops are more difficult to disassemble than others. For others, youre probably going to get by on a screwdriver. For some, you may need tools generally found in laptop repair kits.

Another primary online DIY repair resource isiFixit. They have a whole section to fix different keyboard styles with step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and even images.

The end goal is to remove all moisture from the laptops again. It can be a long process and requires patience and caution, but you should be OK with the right guide.

If your laptops worked until the repair was shut down, it would probably work once all of the moisture is cleaned up.

HP Pavilion Laptop Keyboard Replacement

Removing the keyboard

Follow the keyboard removal steps in this section.

Step 1:Remove your Pavilion laptop battery.

Step 2:Remove the cover of your lapotp.

Step 3:Remove drive CD/DVD.

Step 4:Remove the Phillips head screw that secures the keyboard to the device (marked by a keyboard icon). Save the keyboard replacement screw.

Step 5:Open the display panel and place the screen on your side.

Step 6:Click the exposed region of the keyboard in the release of the keyboard to partially release the label from the top cover when supporting the notebook.

Step 7:Turn right and open the screen all the way.

Step 8:Lift the keyboard back edge and flip the keyboard onto the notebook front until you access the ribbon keyboard cable and the ZIF connector.

Step 9:Raise the locking bar on the ZIF keyboard connector gently and cut the ribbon keyboard cord.

Attention:Use caution to avoid damaging the ribbon and ZIF connectors.

Step 10:Now your keyboard was removed successfully.

Second: keyboard replacement

Use the keyboard replacement Steps in this section.

Step 1:Place the keyboard upside down so that you can reach the cable and the connector.

Step 2:Insert the ribbon cable of the keyboard in the ZIF connector.

Attention:Use caution to avoid damaging the ribbon and ZIF connectors.

Step 3:To secure the ribbon cable in the connector, press the locking bar down.

Step 4:Turn the keyboard over and put tabs on the top cover on the bottom of the keyboard.

Step 5:Turn the keyboard down and click the edges of the keyboard to lock it to the machine.

Step 6:Close the display window, switch the monitor off, and replace the screen on the base.

Step 7:Replace the drive CD/DVD.

Step 8:Replace the cover of the operation.

Step 9:Replace the battery.

FAQs HowMuch Does It Cost to Replace a Laptop Keyboard?

  1. Is it worth replacing a laptop keyboard?

    Most laptop keyboards can be substituted, but some versions are more straightforward and cheaper than others to replace.

    Fortunately for you, the 1545 Dell Inspiron keyboard is one of the easiest to replace, hands down.As luck will, it's pretty straightforward to replace the keyboard on this particular laptop.

  2. How long does it take to replace a keyboard on a laptop?

    While your job can take less than 1 hour, they still have to do other things, including replacing whole screens, logic boards, and more!The universe isn't all ready to serve you, right? It would help if you also lined up for stuff.

  3. What do you do when your laptop keyboard stops working?

    Open Device Manager on your Windows laptop, find the alternative Keyboards, extend the list, select Standard PS/2 Keyboard, then update the driver.Test to see if your keyboard works after the update are completed. If not, uninstall and reinstall the driver will take the next move.

  4. When should I replace my laptop?

    Most experts predict the life span of a laptop to be between three and five years.It can survive longer, but its usefulness is restricted as the components cannot run advanced applications.

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