Effective listening Multiple choice questions

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Chapter 4
Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions

This activity contains 15 questions.

According to research, about what percent of each day does the average person spend listening?


What is the last step in the listening process?


Which step in the listening process involves focusing on a particular sound or message?


Which step in the listening process involves assigning meaning to messages?


There is new evidence to suggest that _____________ listeners are more likely to be skeptical when listening to information.


The self-absorbed listener is primarily focused on ___________________.

waiting patiently for the speaker to finish
their own needs
connecting with the speaker
the ideas being communicated by others

Which listening barrier occurs when the coarse language of the speaker offends a listener?

emotional noise
criticizing the speaker
external noise
being self-absorbed

The fear of misunderstanding others is called __________.

physical noise
listener apprehension
information overload
emotional noise

The tendency of a self-absorbed listener to require the conversation to focus on them is called ______________.

conversational monopoly
conversational narcissism
emotional noise
communication domination

The average person speaks at what rate?

75 words per minute
150 words per minute
100 words per minute
125 words per minute

We have the ability to process approximately how many words of speech per minute?

200-400 words per minute
400-600 words per minute
800-1000 words per minute
600-800 words per minute

Which of the following is the best definition of empathy?

feeling that you want to help another
feeling sympathy for another
feeling what someone else is feeling
feeling sorry for another

Active listening involves responding in what three ways?

mentally, verbally, and non-verbally
emotionally, mentally, and verball
content, feelings, and thoughts
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually

A statement that causes someone to value him or herself less is called a _________.

clarifying response
disconfirming response
direct acknowledgement
confirming response

Which of the following is NOT a disconfirming response?

irrelevant response
impersonal response
tangential response
narcissistic response

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