Gaming PC vs gaming laptop power consumption

Energy efficiency and consumption are a key design element to laptop computers that make the devices much less power hungry than desktop PC counterparts. Desktop computers are permanently tethered to a massive power supply, making energy efficiency a bonus or a perk as opposed to a functional necessity. Even performance laptop computers may lack the sheer power found on desktop PCs, but the laptops will leave you with a much lower power bill at the end of the month.

Laptops are more Efficient

Laptop computers consume up to 80 percent less electricity than desktop computers and get by on between one-fifth and one-third as much energy. However, the energy-efficiency difference varies between models. Higher-energy consuming laptops may approach the lower-energy consuming desktops in similar energy usage, but laptops almost always use much less power. Laptop computers may peak at a maximum draw of only 60 watts, whereas common desktops may peak around 175 watts. Desktop computers often include power supplies with maximum capabilities far beyond its system needs at 300 watts or higher, whereas laptops contain smaller PSUs between 30 and 90 watts. As an added bonus, laptops are an additional 20 percent more power efficient when running on AC adapter power over battery power.

Measuring Energy Consumption

The watt-hour, abbreviated as Wh, is a useful form of measurement when comparing energy consumption over time, measuring the average wattage the device consumes over the course of an hour. An average energy usage measurement is important when comparing computers because the devices do not use a constant level of energy. For example, a computer that's idling on the desktop will use less energy than one that's using all its processing power to complete a task.

The Benefit of Battery Power

Laptops benefit in the energy efficiency and consumption areas even when plugged in to an electric socket because of battery-powered design. Manufacturers often tout how long laptop computers can run on battery power as a selling point -- a laptop wouldn't be very useful as a mobile computing solution if it requires being plugged in every 15 minutes. Extending battery life can be done in two ways: either add a larger, heavier and higher-capacity battery to the laptop or make the laptop's hardware consume less energy and use that energy more efficiently.

Less Potential Means Less Consumption

Laptops have a lower potential for maximum power consumption because they feature smaller PSUs. A performance desktop PC has the potential to chew through 400Wh at full load with a larger PSU, whereas a performance laptop may be limited to 90Wh because of its smaller PSU. Laptops often include substantially slower performing CPUs and components, compared to similarly named desktop parts, so processes may take longer to complete. In addition to more efficient CPUs, laptops may feature more energy efficient graphics processing units to reduce power consumption.

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