Favorably nghĩa là gì?

favourably nghĩa là gì, định nghĩa, các sử dụng và ví dụ trong Tiếng Anh. Cách phát âm favourably giọng bản ngữ. Từ đồng nghĩa, trái nghĩa của favourably.

Từ điển Anh Việt

  • favourably

    * phó từ

    thuận lợi, tốt đẹp

Từ điển Anh Anh - Wordnet

Syrian national who cut a bloody path through the ranks in Afghanistan for the past decade before settling back here. cứu, câu lày trong ngữ cảnh quân đội đang làm 1 nhiệm vụ và trước câu này là nhắc tới 1 người, họ còn nói là "người của chúng ta" mang quốc tịch syrian, đến đoạn who cut a bloody path through làm em ko hiểu gì, cứu =]]

The rich diversity and the production environment and methods are favorable for organic rice production.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

Despite these favorable results, mammography screening has not yet been included in the cancer screening program.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

It is important to note that both economies increase their long-run growth rate in response to the favorable technology shock.

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Flexible economies can better take advantage of favorable technology shocks, and hence experience a stronger acceleration of output growth in response to such shocks.

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One should therefore not incur a fallacy of composition and draw the conclusion that weak labor institutions are favorable to technical change.

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If an agent has a favorable balance of cooperation, it will be more inclined to give or receive assistance.

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As in previous studies, monomorphemes are the most favorable context for deletion, with semi-weak verbs intermediate, and regular past-tense forms exhibiting the lowest probability.

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They may lead to a substantial divergence between favorable and unfavorable contexts and even condition a long-standing functional dissociation between the variants.

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The assumption is that schooling facilitates learning which, in turn, is presumed to instill a favorable attitude towards the use of improved farm practices41.

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In this way, they acquired their status as groups that most benefited from the perpetuation of the system while negotiating increasingly favorable terms for themselves.

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This study is the first randomized trial that addresses the use of radiation therapy following lumpectomy in a favorable cohort of elderly women.

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A favorable net benefit can be achieved through either greater efficacy or a lower cost.

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Perceived support across relational contexts is highly predictive of favorable evaluations of attributes, high self-esteem, and true self-behavior within corresponding contexts.

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I see three components of this tradition that create the atmosphere favorable to accepting the emergence of healthcare as a right.

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Their most favorable comments were for the nutrition research that has focused on the health benefits of almonds.

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Xem tất cả các ví dụ của favorable

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They are favourably inclined towards "expressive rationality" and team motivation and call for new directions.

Từ Cambridge English Corpus

The book itself has been widely and favourably reviewed in various media, although some academic reviewers have been less generous.

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The scholar is compared favourably with that other notoriously frivolous and unproductive cultural figure, the poet.

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Many of them make use of improved agricultural methods and respond favourably to planned programmes of development.

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He favourably contrasts networked forms of governance to state hierarchies and markets.

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In an early attempt to allocate these areas to households, users found there was too little value in it for them to be favourably administered.

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At the time, this image was received favourably, often by those very people who were scandalized by the extent of the scandals uncovered after 1992.

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Various sections of this powerful innkeepers' confederation, especially those of the capital, responded favourably.

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These results correspond favourably with the current investigation for all the seasons investigated.

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The analytical results for the metastable dynamics compare very favourably over a very long time interval with results obtained from a full finite-difference calculation.

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It may be true psychologically that a philosopher accepts a theorem because he 'likes' it, or because he 'judges it favourably'.

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Two patients with loss of arterial pulse responded favourably to treatment with heparin and streptokinase.

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In other words, the volume does not compare favourably with field guides at large.

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These results are favourably compared to literature data on film thickness.

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Patients viewed the group education favourably, and assessment demonstrated improvement in knowledge about warfarin in the educational areas addressed.

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