What makes a strong organizational culture?

A strong corporate culture is something that is as important for a small business as it is for a multinational enterprise. If your business wants to attract leading talent in your industry and retain them for the long term, one of the best ways to do that is by creating a workplace where they can thrive. Having highly trained and experienced employees at your business can help you stand out from the sea of competitors. Learn the elements of a strong corporate culture so you can incorporate them into your business and create a competitive advantage.

Unified Mission and Vision

According to Jostle, sharing a common purpose among all employees leads to a strong corporate culture. It doesn’t matter if each department is working on something different, as long as they all understand how their actions are connected to a greater whole. It is the task of leadership to ensure employees feel united in their purpose, and this can be done by creating a clear mission and vision for the business. Make sure business goals directly tie back to the company’s mission and vision, and make it clear to employees how their work is connected.

Including the mission and vision in all onboarding material and training helps new employees to learn their purpose when they join the company. Discussing major business goals and how they relate to the mission and vision at company meetings ensures that employees always have their purpose top of mind.

Focus on Leadership

The corporate culture of a business starts from the top, according to Utah Business. The people in leadership positions within the company are in charge of establishing and embodying the corporate culture. When employees see that their managers live and breathe the company values, they will be more included to follow suit. If leadership doesn’t participate in the corporate culture, employees will notice. As a result, they will also not want to embody the culture because they will perceive it to be something that doesn’t matter.

Utah Business notes that leadership executives are not the only owners of the company culture, although they are important ones. It’s vital for leadership to pass down ownership of the culture to the rest of their employees so they are more invested in it. When all employees, from top to bottom, are involved in the company culture, it has more chances of success.

Emphasis on Wellness

The overall wellness of your employees is directly tied to their performance. If your team is constantly feeling burnt out, stressed or unwell, it’s likely their performance will begin to falter. However, if they come to work each day rejuvenated and excited to begin, it’s more likely they will provide better results. According to ​Forbes​, focusing on employee wellness is one of those corporate-culture elements a business should focus on. In addition to their physical health, it’s vital to emphasize mental and emotional health, too.

Comprehensive health care plans and time-off policies are some of the most effective ways to prioritize wellness in the workplace. This way, employees can get the care they need to heal and step away from work without feeling like their job is in jeopardy. A wellness focus also shows employees that businesses care about work-life balance and want employees to have a well-rounded life.

Hiring Based on Corporate Values

While it is critical to ensure your leading candidates have the education, experience and skills you require for the role, it’s equally important to prioritize hiring based on culture fit. Utah Business notes that hiring based on core value alignment is important to sustaining a strong corporate culture. If you bring in new employees who do not value certain aspects of your culture, it will be disruptive to the rest of your team.

Ensure you are transparent during the interview process about vital aspects of your company culture, and ask candidates about their own core values. This will provide both parties an opportunity to see whether they are a good fit for one another, and will reduce the chances of turnover.

Employee Recognition

Regardless of what your business’ mission is, making sure your employees feel appreciated should be a priority. Jostle notes that recognition is one of the most important elements of a corporate culture. Recognition can come in multiple forms, from raises and promotions to shout-outs and email announcements. The aspects of performance you choose to reward can come in multiple forms too, from hitting a target to helping out a fellow colleague with a difficult task.

Employees want to know that the company values their time and expertise. They want to feel like what they are doing at work matters. By recognizing their efforts, businesses can build loyalty with employees and turn them into company advocates. Not only that, a culture that is focused on recognition can build camaraderie amongst the team. They will be inclined to help each other do well when they see the business rewards different kinds of success.

Social Connections

In many workplaces, employees spend more time with their coworkers than they do with their families and friends. Creating a workplace where your employees can build social connections with their colleagues is one of the most important elements of business culture, according to ​Forbes​. It helps employees get to know one another as people, instead of as sales reps or product developers. They can learn about each others’ interests outside of work, the names of their kids and what they like to do in their spare time.

Opportunities for social interaction within the workplace do not need to be costly or time consuming. They can be as simple as a team lunch once a month or bringing in treats for each employees’ birthday. It can also include things like a book club or cooking club where employees with similar interests can gather after work to take part in activities they love.

Listening and Feedback

Is there anything more frustrating than feeling like you’re not being heard? According to ​Forbes​, businesses who actually listen to their employees have a stronger company culture, likely because employees feel valued and connected. Creating opportunities for your employees to offer feedback is a great way to show them that you care about what they think and you want to incorporate their suggestions into business operations.

Using online surveys or old-fashioned suggestion boxes are just some ways to listen to employees. Town hall meetings and one-on-one interviews also provide avenues for employees to talk about what is on their minds. Be sure you don’t stop at just listening, however. Have a process in place where the leadership team can evaluate feedback from employees and implement suggestions that will improve aspects of the workplace.

Opportunity for Growth and Development

Investing in employees is a true sign of a strong corporate culture. When your team has the resources, skills and tools they need to do their job well, they will perform better. This in turn will help the company more effectively reach its goals. Providing opportunities for learning, growth and development is an excellent way to create long-lasting relationships with your employees. They will be able to see their future at your company if you can help them visualize their path for growth.

Jostle notes that coaching and mentorship by senior employees for junior employees is one way to provide opportunities for growth. Other ways include lunch-and-learns, leadership courses and training for specific job aspects. When employees see the business wants to invest in them, they will feel a sense of loyalty and gratefulness.

What is an example of a strong organizational culture?

Adobe creates a strong company culture by offering highly competitive benefits to its employees, such as up to 16 weeks of paid parental leave, as well as paid time off and retirement benefits.

How can you prove that organizational culture is strong?

5 Tips to Guarantee a Strong Organizational Culture.
Mission, vision and values. Mission and vision are not mere statements composed just for formality. ... .
Transparency. ... .
Communication. ... .
Unity and collaboration. ... .

What are the characteristics of a good organizational culture?

7 Key Characteristics Of Organizational Culture.
Financial Stability (Level 1) ... .
Harmonious Relationships (Level 2) ... .
High Performance (Level 3) ... .
Continuous Renewal And Learning (Level 4) ... .
Building Internal Community (Level 5) ... .
Making A Difference: Strategic Partnerships And Alliances (Level 6).