A good many là gì

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1. If Airbus sells a large number of aircraft, that means good business for many upstream companies, which safeguards numerous jobs.

Wenn z.B. Airbus viele Flugzeuge verkauft, dann bedeutet das ein gutes Geschäft für viele nachgelagerte Firmen, und dann werden viele Arbeitsplätze gesichert.

2. [b] What proof have we that many have been like good soil during the 1969 service year?

[b] Was beweist, daß sich im Dienstjahr 1969 viele als guter Boden erwiesen haben?

3. 7 Those who have many good experiences in informal witnessing usually give some thought to it in advance.

7 Verkündiger, die viele gute Erfahrungen beim informellen Zeugnisgeben gesammelt haben, haben sich gewöhnlich im voraus einige Gedanken darüber gemacht.

4. A good scheme, Allan.

Ein guter Plan, Allan.

5. They did a good job.

Sie haben gute Arbeit geleistet.

6. It was a good instinct.

Guter Instinkt.

7. I have broken many a law and many a commandment, but never my word.

Ich brach viele Gesetze und Gebote, aber niemals mein Wort.

8. This information is stored in the Google index, a huge database stored in many, many [many!] computers.

Diese Informationen werden im Google-Index gespeichert, einer riesigen Datenbank, die aus unzähligen Computern besteht.

9. Plenty of time for a good...

Genug Zeit für eine Runde...

10. Phoebe' s good with a wrench

Phoebe kann mit Schraubenschlüsseln umgehen

11. I am a damned good salesman.

Ich bin ein verdammt guter Verkäufer.

12. Sincere questions need a good Scriptural answer, and often one would note quite a group around Indian brothers and sisters, who ably defended the truth and spoke enlightening facts to aid many.

Auf ehrliche Fragen muß eine gute, schriftgemäße Antwort gegeben werden, und oft konnte man sehen, wie sich eine stattliche Schar von Menschen um indische Brüder und Schwestern ansammelte, die die Wahrheit gut verteidigten und aufklärende Worte sprachen, um vielen zu helfen.

13. Emitting a good regular alpha wave pattern.

Er entwickelt ein gutes, regelmäßiges Alpha-Strömungsbild.

14. The solution series exhibits a good convergence.

Die Lösung durch Reihenentwicklung zeigt gute Konvergenz.

15. Actually, Ted, I'm a really good salesman.

Eigentlich, Ted, bin ich ein wirklich guter Verkäufer.

16. good location, near tude as well as a big supermaket. good facilities and comfort enough for traveller.

Das Hotel liegt sehr zentral, dadurch kann man Berlin Mitte sehr gut zu Fuß erkunden.

17. Plenty of time for a good night's sleep.

Genug Zeit für eine Runde Schlaf.

18. A good All Hallow's Eve to you, madam.

Ich wünsche Euch einen schönen Abend vor Allerheiligen, Madam.

19. Action 2 A Code of Good Administrative behaviour

Maßnahme 2 Kodex für gute Verwaltungspraxis

20. "Absquatulate" is a perfectly good word of English.

"Absquatulate" ist ein einwandfreies englisches Wort.

21. A membership with the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest offers many benefits, which allow you to emerge with prestige and good reputation in the German American business community.

Eine Mitgliedschaft bei der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer in Chicago bedeutet für Sie viele Vorteile, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ansehen in der deutsch-amerikanischen Geschäftswelt zu erlangen.

22. Because the tapeworm, like many other parasites, has a complicated life cycle involving many different hosts.

Weil der Bandwurm, wie viele andere Parasiten, einen kompexen Lebenszyklus hat, der viele verschiedene Wirte einschließt.

23. Good gibs

Gib's ihr, Gibs.

24. Very good position, clean rooms, aircondition good, breakfast standard.

Der Aufenthalt hat mir gut gefallen. Die Zimmer waren sauber, wenn auch zur Nationale hin etwas laut.

25. Good alliteration.

Gute Alliteration.

  • At present, there are a good many problems which we cannot solve without great effort.

  • A good many things have happened here since you left.

  • There are a good many references for the Second World War.

  • A good many today is better than yesterday and tomorrow, not good.

  • The earth, in its travelling around the sun, meets a good many fragments.

  • You've made a good many mistakes.

  • There are a good many English books in the library.

  • The information retrieving about eyewitness memory are influnced by a good many of factors.

  • She bought a good many clothes.

  • Istudy English, because i want go world, meet a good many friends, study language each other.

  • Since I've read quite a few English books, I know a good many words and phrases.

  • We have a good many things to do at school.

  • With a good many advantages, the light scattering technique of particles size measurement gains extensive applications.

  • Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted a good many years.

  • A good many of his books were bought from that bookstore.

  • I've had a good many disappointments in my time.

  • Mount Vesuvius hasn't erupted for a good many years.

  • They made a good many plans, but they left themselves also a good deal of latitude.

  • The sacred place of the revolution invites a good many visitors.

  • B: Since I've read a few English books, I know a good many words and phrases.

  • The little girl knows a good many folk songs by heart.

  • The clothes were torn and patched in a good many places.

  • There are a good many of them.

  • It'seems there are a good many people out of work.

  • He had a good many domestic troubles.

  • The research result indicates that ASTER satellite data embodies a good many advantages.

  • We know a good many kinds of energy that people make use of.

  • I have rather a large influence over a good many people.

  • We've both had a good many beers.

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisha good few/manya good few/manyLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa fairly large number of things or people  I’ve done this a good few times now.  A good many people were upset about the new tax. goodExamples from the Corpusa good few/manyIn time she came to know a good many faces, but none of them were people.She solved some problems, but she created a good few more-many of which Britain is still dealing with today.We shared this house all the years of my childhood, and a good many summers afterward.It was no accident that a good many towns were sited on the borderline between arable farming and pastoral regions.It is likely that a good many valuable stones were destroyed in this way because Pliny was muddling up hardness and toughness.There are a good many variables that may intervene in just this manner.Overall, it took a good many years for the primaries to wrest control from the bosses.It had been a good few years.

a good idea

a very good

a good way

a good time

a good job

a good place

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