Japan agency of industrial science and technology 1949 là gì năm 2024

May 1949 Govermental Industrial Research Insutitute, Osaka Branch office Shikoku was established. July 1967 Government Industrial Research Institute, Shikoku [SIRIC] was established. April 1971 Research Department was set up. July 1973 Chemistry Department and Machine & Metal Department were set up. April 1978 Technical Information Office was formed. July 1986 Material Science Department and System Thechnology Dapartment were set up. Technical Information Office was renamed Technical Consulting Section October 1993 SIRIC was renamed Shikoku National Industrial Research Institute [SNIRI]. Marine Resorce Division and Basic Technology Division was set up. July 1994 SNIRI moved to Kagawa Intelligent Park. April 2001 SNIRI has been reorganized into National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Shikoku [AIST Shikoku]. Institute for Marine Resorces and Environment was set up. October 2002 Single-molecule Bioanalysis Labolatory was established. April 2005 Health Technology Research Center was established. April 2010 Health Research Insutitute was established.

The Japan Science and Technology Agency [JST] is one of the core institutions responsible for the implementation of science and technology policy in Japan, including the government’s Science and Technology Basic Plan. From knowledge creation—the wellspring of innovation—to ensuring that the fruits of research are shared with society and Japan’s citizens, JST undertakes its mission in a comprehensive manner. JST also works to provide a sound infrastructure of science and technology information and raise awareness and understanding of science and technology-related issues in Japan. RISTEX •RISTEX is a part of Japan Science and Technology Agency [JST] that primarily functions as a funding agency with a think tank-like capacity. •While collaborating with a wide variety of stakeholders, RISTEX aims to bolster social systems and mechanisms which generate outcomes valuable to the public. •In doing so, RISTEX's research and development [R&D] produce and utilize "know-how" such as evidence-based,scientifically-grounded data, methods, theories, models, policy proposals and tools-that contribute to solving social problems.

JST [Japan Science and Technology Agency] is a national research and development Agency that plays a central role in the Science, Technology and Innovation Basic Plan* and aims to promote science and technology.

In order to promote science and technology and provide solutions to social issues, JST comprehensively implements diverse projects in collaboration with universities, research institutions, and industries in Japan and overseas, and makes contributions to the sustainable development of society and the creation of science, technology, and innovation.

※Under the Science and Technology Basic Law enacted in 1995, the government formulated the Science and Technology Basic Plan to implement systematic and consistent science and technology policies from a long-term perspective, and by formulating the first through the fifth basic plans, the government has been promoting science and technology policies. In June 2020, the Science and Technology Basic Law was revised as the Science, Technology and Innovation Basic Law, and the basic plan from FY2021 was formulated as the Science, Technology and Innovation Basic Plan.

Funding Programs

As a network-based research institute, JST promotes research and development leading to innovation and address economic & social issues throughout the implementation of research results and international joint researches.

  • Strategic Basic Research
  • International Collaborations
  • Industry-Academia Collaboration and Technology Transfer

Public Engagement

Promoting dialogue with various stakeholders toward co-creation of a future society. JST also fosters next generations talents in the fields of S&T as well as human resources who can contributes to S&T innovation.

  • Promotion of “Science in/for Society”
  • Fostering the Next Generation Human Resources
  • Miraikan

R&D Strategy Planning

Throughout dialogue with stakeholders and data analysis, JST formulate R&D strategies toward the future.

Information Platform and Database Services, etc.

JST provides information services supporting for R&D activities. JST collects and organizes information on research articles, literatures, researchers, patents etc., and develops the infrastructure for providing access to the information. JST is also involved with Open Science activities based on the international trend.

About JST mark

The ellipse surrounding the letters 'JST' and the red dot above it calls to mind an image of the earth and the solar system from a macro perspective, as well as an electron and its nucleus from a micro perspective. JST is located at the core here, symbolizing JST's ceaseless efforts to promote science and technology from every perspective from the micro to macro. Also, at the same time, just as the morning sun rises naturally, the red dot represents JST's stance of continued future-oriented growth, onward and upward.

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